Chapter Fourteen - Shadam Talk

"Hey Lance." Adam and Shiro said as they walked into the room and sat down

"Hello Adam and Shiro." Lance said without looking up from his phone.

"What's up with you and Keith?" Shiro asked getting straight to the point.

"He acting like he's my boyfriend or something and its annoying. He also told everyone the one thing I told him not to tell." Lance said with a bitterness in his voice.

"Have you talked to him about it?" Adam asked.

"No." Lance said.

"Maybe you should." Shiro said.

"I don't want to. He's... No."

"He's no?"Shiro asked.

Lance sighed and fell back on to the bed. "I... I can't... I don't... Its confusing."

Shiro and Adam looked at each other because they knew exactly what was happening.

"Lance..." Shiro started.

"Do you by any chance have... I dunno... Feelings for Keith?" Adam finished.

Lance sat up and looked at the two. "I... I don't know. There's... I don't know its confusing. There's Ryan and there's Keith and both are great I just... I don't know."

"Ok. We'll leave and you can figure this out. Just remember to talk to him okay?" Adam said as he and Shiro stood to leave.

"Ok." Lance said.

Meanwhile in Keith's room...

That good love triangle...

Thank yall for 663 reads and 73 votes it means alot.

Shout out time!!

1. Shout out to glance_at_klance for following me and voting on every chapter and adding my book to their reading list

2. Shout out to StarWispFlowervale for voting on every chapter

3. Shout out to leomcschizzlebadboii. For commenting on my book

4. Shout out to jolchbcamper for voting and adding my book to their reading list

Thank yall <3<2<1 As usual yall got the heart and the follow👍

Tell me if you guys enjoyed Adam because I enjoyed writing about him.

Comment, vote, follow love yall<3<2<1 Minnie out✌
