Chapter Two - Avoiding

Real quick before we get to the fan fic I just want you guys to know that I love your feedback and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them <3
Now on to the fan fic. Enjoy<3

You know what? Who cares about POVs I don't have time for those

Once back at the Garrison, Keith did everything he could to avoid Auxa, but everywhere he went Auxa would soon follow. Keith was so confused and the next day he found himself back at his former home with Lance again.

"She's everywhere! I think she's stalking me." Keith exclaimed

"You need to chill dude." Lance soothed. "She's not stalking you."

"It feels like it. I bet she's gonna show up here." Keith said just as someone knocked on the door. "Ahhh!" Keith screamed.

"Oh my gosh." Lance said as he got up to answer the door. "Oh, see Keith its just Shiro."

"Oh thank God I thought she found me."

"You thought who found you?" Shiro asked as he walked in.

"Auxa. She's stalking me."

"She's not stalking him. He's being melodramatic." Lance said.

"Oh still haven't dealt with her?" Shiro smirked.

"No Shiro. I haven't." Keith said giving Shiro a dirty look.

"So I assume that's why you've been over here so much lately?" Shiro inquired.

"Yes that's why we've been over here a lot recently." Keith said.

"Welp I'll get going." Shiro said with a salute.

"Back to our conversation. Do you know how you feel?"Lance asked.

Keith paused then said."You know what? I do."

Keith stared at Lance's ocean blue eyes and with an earnest look slowly leaned towards him.

"Keith... What are you..."

Lance was cut off by Keith putting his arms around his neck.

"Thanks for helping me Lance. You're a really good friend. We should hang out more."

"Yeah man," Lance replied as he hesitantly  wrapped his arms around Keith's torso." Definitely."
Sorry this chapter was so short. I really had yall thinking that that was a Klance moment didn't I? I'm ruthless :)
