Chapter Eight - In Your Arms

                ~2:24 am Keith's room~

"Go." Keith said as he pointed to his bed.

Lance sat on Keith's bed while Keith locked the door.

"Lance..." Keith said as he sat by Lance.

"I know Keith. I'm really sorry." Lance said as he took Keith's hands in his.

"I know you are but... Why?" Keith asked as tears began to fall.

Lance hugged Keith. Keith buried his face in Lance's shirt.

"I'm sorry." Lance whispered as he stroked Keith's hair.

"No." Keith mumbled.


"No!" Keith yelled as he shoved Lance off of him.

"Woah Keith are you okay?"

"No Lance I'm not okay!" Keith said as he started to pace around his room.

"Keith buddy you gotta be quiet." Lance whispered.

"No Lance I'm not gonna be quiet! You just tried to ki-"

Lance looked into Keith's eyes as Keith struggled to remove Lance's hand from his mouth.

"Keith can this just be between us two?" Lance asked quietly.

Keith pulled Lance's hand off of his mouth and pinned him to the wall. Keith squinted at Lance for a few seconds before he resumed pacing the room.

"God I hate you." Keith said quietly. "I hate you! You are so... So inconsiderate. Did you even think about us? What about your family?! They thought you were dead for like 6 years! (Idk if that's how long they were gone) What about me Lance?" Keith whispered as he fell to the ground crying.

"I'm sorry Keith." Lance said as he cradled Keith in his arms.

"I would have died without you Lance. God Lance you're like my best friend."

"Wait I am? I thought that our best-friendship was totally one sided. Good to know. Proceed."Lance said.

"Lance. I love you man you can't do that." Keith mumbled half asleep. "Can we go to bed now?"

Lance blushed. "I love you too man. And sure I'm sleepy too." Lance said as he helped Keith up and into the bed.

I did it guys! Chapter Eight is out! Stuff has been busy lately because I just started school this week but I hope yall enjoyed it<3<2<1 (i think that 321 heart thing should become my new thing. What do yall think?) Please comment and vote if you liked with that being said I'm off<3<2<1
