Chapter Thirteen - I'm Coming Over

                  ~Sir Earth Daddy chat~

Earth Daddy: Hey Lance☺

Sir Lancelot: Hey Adam..☺

Earth Daddy: So you and Keith hu?? ;)

Sir Lancelot: Ugh *Insert eye roll*

Earth Daddy: What?? What happened? You gays go from holding hands and sharing beds to completely ignoring eachother. Whats ur deal??

Sir Lancelot: 1 im not gay. Im bi
Sir Lancelot:  2 People grow apart

Earth Daddy: don't give me that half @$#/$ answer. People don't grow apart in a day

Sir Lancelot: well i guess we r an exception.

Earth Daddy: Fine since you won't answer to me you'll have to answer to Shiro

~Space Daddy joined chat~

Space Daddy: so you were just telling Adam about you and Keith right??

Sir Lancelot: thats so not fair you can't bring Shiro into this!!

Earth Daddy: i can and i will isn't that right sweetie😘😘

Space Daddy: 😘😘

Sir Lancelot: gross

       ~Space Daddy and Earth Daddy were blocked by Sir Lancelot~

Space Daddy: i can just come to ur room u know

~Space Daddy and Earth Daddy were unblocked by Sir Lancelot~

Sir Lancelot: go ahead. Im in Ryan's room anyways

Space Daddy: im on my way😂👍

Sir Lancelot: crap

"Ugh Ryan, Shiro and Adam are coming to talk to me about Keith."

" Speaking of Keith I've gotta go talk to him about... Stuff." Ryan said as he stood up.

"Ryan," Lance said.

"Yeah Lance?"

"Please don't hurt him or be too harsh okay?"

"Fine Lance." Ryan said with a smirk.
