Chapter Eleven

I stood outside the room Anxiety was in for a good 10 minutes. If he was as tired as he looked he should have been asleep by then. Slowly and stealthily  I opened the door to the room. I didn't know how heavy a sleeper Anxiety was. I slipped off my shoes and left the outside to make minimal noise. With the precautions in order I pushed open the door and walked inside, closing it behind me with a small 'click'.

Once inside I looked towards the bed. The world seemed to freeze. Sleeping on the bed wasn't the villainous man, but instead a small bunny. The bunny was black in color with patches of white littered across its body like patch work. It's ears were adorably long, flipping down the bunny's face. I watched in awe as its little nose twitched.

Poor thing looked exhausted as it slept on the bed, black nose twitching cutely in its sleep. "Speaking of sleep.." I voiced softly. I looked around the room. Anxiety was just...gone? "The heckity heck did he go?" I huffed angrily and sat on the bed next to the rabbit. Slowly I started playing with its's floppy ears. "I don't get that guy. He's evil, but according to him he protects the Dark Forest? Maybe, I just don't know anything at all." I sighed.

The bunny stirred when I finished my rant. Guilt hit me since I woke it up. The creature opened its eyes. They were big, dark orbs that made it look even cuter. Upon noticing my presence it froze.

"Heh, h-hi bunny." I greeted awkwardly. A pop sounded and purple smoke poofed in front of my. When the smoke cleared the bunny was gone and a Anxiety sat in its place. A very unhappy Anxiety. "Where'd the bunny go?!" I asked in alarm.

"I was the bunny Princey." Anxiety rolled his purple hued eyes. "Its called shape shifting."

"You can shape shift?" I blinked my eyes, trying and probably failing to hide my amazement. "Hold on, why a bunny then? Couldn't you have shape shifted into a wolf or something. A bunny is oddly cute for a villain." I sneered.

"When I'm exhausted the easiest way to regain energy is to rest. If I have a smaller body It takes less time for my exhaustion to subside. Being a bunny is my way  staying safe, but also being able to renew my energy. I could become a snail, but snails get stepped on." Anxiety snorted. "Happy now?"

"No." I huffed. "Who is Wicca? You mentioned them earlier." I asked, needing answers.

"Wicca is a Dragon Witch." Anxiety stated. "She lives in the mountains but she comes down if I ask."

"You really are a villain." I snorted. I missed when Anxiety raised his leg, and kicked me off the bed.

Anxiety snorted in laughter and gave me a lopsided smirk. "Stop calling me a Villain." He stated.

"They stop calling me Princey." I sneered back, hiding my own smirk.

"Not on your life." He snickered.

The two of us fell silent, not a tense or awkward silence. No, it was soft, calm even. I stared up at Anxiety, meeting his purple hued eyes. They were so deep and mysterious, as was the owner. For some reason, I deiced I wanted to unlock those mysteries, I didn't honestly care how far I'd have to go.

"So cute!" A squeal made me glance at the door. In the doorway was Patton, hands on his cheeks and a huge grin split across his face. Beside him stood Logan, a small smirk on his thin lips. My face heated and I scrambled to get off the floor. "V! I'm ready to go when you are!" Patton added, walking over to Virgil and pecking his cheek.

Jealousy swirled in the depths of my chest. "Uh are you two..." I cleared my throat. Honestly I was upset, why would Patton want to spend time with Logan if he were in a relationship.

Anxiety snorted. "No. Thats just how Patton greets family and close friends. If you're around long enough might happen to you too." He stared at Logan as he spoke. "Come on Pat, I'll walk you home."

"Bye Prince Roman, bye Logy!" Patton smiled, running after Anxiety and leaving Logan and me alone.

"Hey Logy." I smirked playfully.

"Silence." Logan's face twinged pink before he turned to leave.

"Wait! Logy wait for me!" I called after.

"Roman I swear..." Logan trailed off.

I sighed and shut up. Through the comforting silence my mind drifted to Anxiety. Maybe, just maybe, the whole Dark Forest Alliance thing would bare fruit and we could be...civil? That thought alone left me in a good mood.

Bunny Virgil:
