Chapter Nine

Light streamed in through the window, forcing me to wake. I stretched out my shoulder, and twisted a bit to pop my back. Finally I grabbed my glasses and set them on my nose. Unlike Roman's extravagant bedroom, mine was smaller and tactful. There was a large window with my dark sheeted bed beside it. Beside the bed was a bedside table with a lamp, and on the other side my wardrobe. Across the room was a desk, and a large shelving unit holding a large about of books.

I heaved myself up and walked to my wardrobe. I changed quickly into dark slacks, a white long sleeved shirt with a black vest, and blue tie. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my planner. A hum left my throat as I read today's plan. My blue eyes landed on one plan in particular.

"Virgil will be coming with this decision today." I said to myself. "I wonder if Patton will be accompanying him today as well." The thought left my lips before I could register it.

Honestly, the two of us were as different as night and day. He was cheerful, emotional, and happy. While I on the other hand am sullen, seemingly emotionless, and while I'm not unhappy, I am rather quiet with my emotions. Yet somehow, the man had worked his way into my life, and it seemed I couldn't go a day without him playing in my mind. His cheerful personality often made even myself smile, and his, as Roman called them, 'dad jokes' were humorous, even if I masked my enjoyment with a groan.

"Logan are you up yet?!" Roman screamed from the other side of my door, making me regain  touch with the real world.

"Yes I am awake Roman." I sighed, pushing up my glasses. I pulled on my shoes and walked towards the door. "Do you require something of me?" I question once my door was pulled open, by myself.

"Well, Anxiety should be here in the next hour and Father want's you in the room when we get our  answer." Roman informed, stepping away from the door.

"I see." I exit my room and shut the door. "Very well." 

"Until then, Shall we practice our sword play?" Roman's face twisted into that of a playful smirk.

"Very well. it has been a while." I sighed out, heading to the training area with Roman doing, whatever Roman does ahead of me.

"It's sure been a while Logan." Roman hummed as he pulled out his sword of choice.

"That it has." I nod, pulling out my own sword. While I am more of a scientist assistant type, I was still a guard. Of course I knew how to fight.

We took ours stances. I held up three fingers and counted down. 3.2.1. Roman rushed forward, raising his sword for a quick shot. I swung up, using my sword as a shield. I pushed forward, pushing Roman away with my strength.

After half an hour of back and forth sword play a maid interrupted. "Excuse me. The king requests Prince Roman, and Private Guard Logan in the throne room. Lord Anxiety is here." She said, delivering a curtsy bow.

"Thank you." I said simply, putting my sword in it's sheath. I ran a hand through my hair , smoothing my dark locks, and fixed my glasses.

"Already?" Roman groaned loudly, moving to walk beside me.  "I'm not looking forward to this."

"Tell me Roman, why do you dislike Anxiety so much?" I asked as we walked.

"He's a villan! Look at his clothes! And he has spooky black wings!" Roman shrieked loudly beside me.

"Wings that you called beautiful." I reminded. 

"Not the point!" The Prince hissed.

"Well, this project is important. I don't want your rude words to cause Anxiety to change his mind if he lets us study the Dark forest." I gave him a hard look before opening the Throne room. "Excuse us your highness." I announce, walking into the room. Roman walked up to his throne, while I stood at the side.  

Anxiety and Patton were already in the room. Patton waved happily at me. My heart skipped a beat, and my face flushed. I simply nodded, but Patton seemed pleased.

"I have made my decision."  Anxiety cut in, causing everyone's attention to fall on him.
