Chapter Twenty-Seven

Warning: Blood, death, and violence.

I lead the charge through the castle, keeping my sword drawn as we sneaked around. There were no knights, or any kind of protection lingering, which was appreciated, but suspicious. As we came up on a door, I motioned for Roman and Patton to stay quiet. We darted to the door, where I carefully parted the heavy oak sides, causing us to enter into a large room. Shiny metals, and skeletons scattered across the brick floor, paired with the dark color of dried blood. 

In the center of the room stood a shiny metal contraction. It smelled of oil, and blood, standing 7 feet tall with flashing a bright, unnatural red. In it's hand was a blood stained.

"Roman, Patton, go on ahead." I ordered, glancing back.


"Roman, it has been an honor serving you." I cut him off, turning to Patton. "Patton, I must admit this is not how I wanted to tell you, but I love you." 

"Logan..I love you too." Patton smiled. That beautiful smile, the one that filled me with encouragement. He pulled me close and forced our lips together. Closing my eyes I kissed back, basking in his warm touch. "Don't die." He whispered, slowly pulling away.

"I shall try." I nodded. "Now GO!" I ordered, following them as they darted towards the door. Once they got past the...thing, and the door shut I turned towards it. "Thank you for being patient."

"You're welcome." The thing answered.

"Tell me, what are you?" I asked, meeting it's cold red glare.

"I call myself a Robot." They answered. "I was a knight, but the King granted me electronic thinking, and parts. I think with upmost logic, like yourself. I can see it, you say you love them but you're emotionless."

I held back a finch. Everyone, or rather nearly everyone called me emotionless. "Let us continue this conversation with ours swords." I took my fighting stance, but it definitely had the advantage. They had metal parts, I did not even wear armor, not to mention the height difference. 

"Yes. Lets." They gave a metallic laugh before shooting towards me.

I blocked his sword, the metallic 'clink' echoing through the room. They tried to kick my legs, but I jumped back. They moment I landed they barreled into me, sending me flying. I heard a break and cried out in pain for my ribs. I saw his shadow and held up my sword, blocking another attack. I pushed myself up, running to the side for his next attack to hit the wall. He turned around, running towards me. Clash after clash of out swords hit against each-other before my sword was kicked to the side. 

"Emotions are so know." The 'robot' laughed mechanically. "Where are those emotions for you now? Nowhere!"


"Logan look at the Pixies!" Patton giggled, smiling at me, his pale blue eyes sparkling.


"Logan! Lets go explore the town! You're my best friend, I want you by my side always." A 10 year Roman grinned.


"They're just like bird wings, just bigger. Here, see?" Virgil scoffed, placing my had on his black feathers.


"Logan. I love you too." 


His smile. That beautiful smile that Patton wears. I have to live, I need to see him smile again!


I gritted my teeth. Determination and adrenaline spiraled together, replacing my blood, in a metaphorical sense. I dodged to the side in the last second, grabbing a sword from a skewered skeleton. Rearing the sword back I flung the sword behind the robot's head. It shook and sparked before the lights in the eyes went out, and it fell to the ground, dead. 

Redrawing my sword, I fixed my skewed glasses. "I won because I have emotions, imbecile." I spat, weakly laying down on the ground. "Be safe Patton, Roman..." I muttered before closing my eyes.


A/N You're still getting Friday's chapter, but I don't want this story going into June so here.
