Chapter Thirty

Warning: Violence, fighting, I'm Sorry, and Character Death.

It burned. My very existance burned. 'Why didn't I listen to him?' I often wondered. 'If I had listened to him, where would I be now?'

Sighing, I shook such useless questions out of my head, and stepped out of the shadows. Grinning maliciously at the duo before me. The prince foolishly stood and charged. Searing pain coarsed through my veins as my magic picked him up and threw him against the wall, causing him to pass out.

"Roman!" Virgil gasped, pushing himself up. His feathers fluffed in alarm before he growled at me. "This is between us!" He spat.

Smirking, I answered. "I couldn't agree less." I lied.

Vines spung from the walls. I pushed back my exhaustion with another smirk, and dodged. Knowing full well he was unhurt by flames, I threw a bright yellow ball of fire towards him, taking the destraction to jump out of the window and inti the garden.

His favorite place.

By the time I landed, Virgil was flying above before landing before me. His eyes flashed beautifully with determination, pain, and remorse.

I hid any exhaustion and grabbed two swords, throwing on at Virgil. "Lets finish this without magic." I growled, watching him pick it up.

"Fine." He growled, holding the sword up.

He rushed forward with his attack. I quickly blocked it and soon we fell into a rhythm. Every clash of our swords caused a new jolt of pain.

I winced as he swung his sword hard against my own, and Virgil took his chance. He shoved me into the grass, holding his sword over my heart.

Violet met yellow eyes, causing me to halt. Large warm tears dripped down his pale cheeks, landing on my cheek as he struggled.

"I can't..." He sobbed. "You suck! I hate you so much! B-But I can't kill you! Even...even after all you've done...." Virgil hiccuped.

A small tear fell from my own eyes. I looked up at him, giving a painful smile. "Do it. Please." I begged, drawing his attention. "From the moment I touched dark magic, I've lived a cursed life. To be honest, I'm exhausted."

"I-I can't..." he whispered.

"Please, my Angel. For me." I asked.

He choked on another sob, repositioning the sword at my heart. He clised his eyes shit and screamed, plunging the sword into my heart. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

Slowly, the pain started to fade, and darkness ate away the sides of my vision. I smiled up at him, shakily reaching to wipe his tears. Weakly, my arm fell. " an...gel...."


A/N You can now begin throwing the hate at me. I'm prepared.*sits in a trash can*
