Chapter 4: Anna-Marie LeBeau and a robotic dog

A/N: Here's the first sibling to be added. This chapter is to introduce Anna-Marie LeBeau. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and please leave a comment on your thoughts about the chapter!

Aizawa had asked Nezu during another mandatory meeting between the teachers of 1-A, if it was possible they could build a house separate from Class 1-A's dorms, for Eri. After thinking it over, Nezu had approved the idea, and construction had begun, around the time Shadow came into the mix. Izuku knew Ochaco's family needed the extra business, so to help them out, he suggested her families construction business, and her Father had eagerly agreed to help. Izuku was quite surprised, but with class 1-A helping him out, the project went by much faster then it normally would go, and so far Eri really liked her new home. It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, one of the rooms was for Eri and had things in it that Eri had specifically asked for. Each bedroom had a bed, dresser, and nightstand in the room, but weren't decorated as of yet. There was also three bathrooms, and it had an open floorplan so that when Shadow was running around the house, he could run without bumping into a random wall that happened to be there. (Open floor plan basically means that while there are walls for the rooms and bathrooms, stuff like that, areas like the Kitchen, Dining room, and Livingroom, are not separated by a wall. My Nana watches a lot of HGTV...)

Momo was in the process of making dinner, a big pot of Ramen for herself, her boyfriend, and for Eri, when the front door opened. The two of them walked in, along with her 6 month old service dog in training, Shadow, walking next to Eri. "Hey you two. How'd her check up go?" Momo asked, as Eri hugged her.

"It went good. Her doctor said that she's recovering nicely, and she's officially caught up with all of her shots." Izuku said, and helped Eri get onto a chair that was at the kitchen island.

"It was a bit scary at first, but Papa and Shadow helped me a lot." Eri said.

"Aww, that's great Eri. But Izuku... are you aware there was a girl following behind you?" Momo asked, and Izuku turned around to see a girl with messy Brown hair and Brown eyes that looked up at him wide eyed and a bit embarrassed that she'd been found out. "I was not aware of that." He admitted and crouched in front of the scared girl. 'How did she do that?' He thought to himself. "Hello there, I'm Izuku Midoriya. That's Eri, Shadow, and Momo Yaoyarozu." 

The girl took a small step back. "I-I'm Anna-Marie LeBeau. I guess you can just call me Anna." She said nervously and Izuku nodded, detecting a bit of an accent but couldn't quite place it. The  realization dawned on him and he realized it was a country accent. 

"Do you know someone that goes here?" Momo asked thinking that maybe something was wrong and she was getting help for someone at the school.

"No, not really." She said with a shake of her head. "I saw you guys walking away from the train station and... I kinda sorta followed you all the way back here." She said and averted her gaze away and to the floor.

"Do your parents know your not at home?" Momo asked and Anna shook her head.

"They probably don't even know I'm gone, and even if they did they probably don't care."  She said and felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here for the night if you want." Izuku said as Momo put everything in the pot and covered it with a lid.

"Really? I can!" She said, shocked that these people she just met were being so welcoming to her.

"You can stay in my room if you want." Eri said and slid off of the bar stool. "Come on!" She said and ran off to her room.

 "Will be in the kitchen the whole time if you need us." Izuku said and after taking a quick look at Anne-Marie she found herself climbing off of the chair.

"Okay!" She said. "I'll show you my room first." She said and the two girls ran off to Eri's room.

"Thank you!" Anna said over her shoulder as she ran after Eri and quickly caught up to her.

Shadow looked up at Izuku and Momo, begging to go with the two girls. "Alright, you can go. Come get us if something is wrong, okay?" Izuku said and with a happy bark he ran off after the girls, slipping a bit on the wood floors as he ran. "Crazy dog..." He muttered to himself.

"Ow.." Momo mumbled and he turned to look at her. His eyes widened when he saw a cut on her finger, and basically teleported to her side.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned, and gently took the knife out of her hand, setting it down on the counter away from Momo's reach. He then grabbed the first aid kit from under the kitchen sink and put it on the counter.

"I'm fine. It's just a small cut." She said and he opened the first aid kit, grabbing a Band-Aid along with some cream for cuts.

"Yeah, but if you don't bandage it up quickly, it'll get worse." He said as he put a small dot of the cream on the Band-Aid then wrapped the Band-Aid onto her finger, and tossed the trash into the trash can.

"You big worry wort." She said teasingly and went to grab the knife again to continue, but Izuku got it before she could.

"Oh no you don't. I think that's enough knives for now." He said and she pouted at him, her eyes that already seemed pretty cat like to him, seemed even more so with the pleading look in her eyes. "Don't look at me like that." He said and turned his head away. "W-why don't you sit down and I'll finish this up? You've been on your feet all day." He suggested and she sadly walked out of the kitchen, sitting down on a barstool.

*With the girls* 

"And this is my room." Eri said proudly and Anna looked around amazed.

"Wow! It's so cute. Definitely feels like you. W-what's this for?" Anna-Marie asked as she pointed to Shadow's harness.

(The little loop on top is a handle, that way if she has a panic attack and gets dizzy or starts to pass out, she has something to grab onto for support.)

"That's for Shadow. He wears it whenever I go out of the house." Eri said.

"Can I pet him?" Anna-Marie asked.

"Sure. He's taking a little break now anyway." Eri said, and Anna-Marie reached over, giving him a little pat on top of the head, then pulled her arm away. "Y-you can pet him more if you want." Eri said.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just... I'm scared that I'll hurt him with my quirk." Anna-Marie explained.

"You think your quirk is dangerous, right?" Eri guessed, having an idea on how she felt.

"If I touch someone on their arm, leg, or any other part of exposed skin, I can use their quirk." She said. "It makes any kind of skin contact with someone dangerous. It can weaken someone a lot or even kill him. My family hates me for it, and just seem to tolerate me living with them." Anna explained.

"Ohhh, I know how you feel." Eri said and her new friend seemed surprised. (Uh oh... trauma dump incoming!)

"You do?" She asked.

"Mhm. I was 3 when I first got my quirk and used it on someone. I think it was my father? I'm not sure though." Eri said and pointed to the horn on the side of her head. "This is where my quirk comes from, and I can rewind any living thing, person, animal, or plant, which can heal the person." She said, then her expression saddened. "In my case, I ended up rewinding my father too much." She said.

"Too much?" Anna asked confused, then realized what she meant and her eyes widened in shock. "Ohhh... Your Papa? Was it the guy out there? Is that why he looks so young?" She asked and Eri shook her head in the negative.

"No, someone else." Eri said and Anna was shocked. 

"You mean you got to choose your Papa?" Anna asked. 'I wish I could do that.'

"I guess I did in a way. And my Mama too." Eri said and smiled as she hugged two plushies she had of Creati and Deku. 

"What happened to you after that?" Anna asked. (Don't ask questions. You don't wanna know...)

Shadow nosed Eri's arm and she lifted it up so that he could put his head under her arm, and Eri ran her hands down his fur. "After that, my Mother left me with her Papa, my Grandfather, and I was there for 3 years before I was finally rescued." Eri said and Shadow licked her hand, as he could sense she was becoming anxious.

"I'm scared to ask... but what happened to you while you were there?" Anna asked, and Eri grimaced.

"E-everything you could imagine." She said, and Anna's eyes widened. "M-my Grandfather e-ended up getting really sick, so he put me under someone else's care. Th-that guys name was O-overhaul, of course he could have another name, I just always heard people call him by that name. A-anyway, he started doing Ex-experiments on me and would c-cut me with a really sh-sharp object to get blood from me." She said.

"B-blood? What could he possible need that for?" Anna asked appalled.

"H-he used my blood to make this drug that can take someone's quirk away." She said.

"Gosh, I'm sorry that happened to you. Here I am complaining about my parents and brother hating me, when you've gone through something a lot worse than that." Anna said.

"I wouldn't wish it on anyone." She said and stood up, grabbing Anna's sleeve. "Well, let's go back. I think dinners almost ready." She said and the two girls walked out of theroom that Anna had chose.

*With Izuku and Momo*

Anna-Marie and Eri had finished the house tour and were back in the kitchen. "M-Mama, why aren't you cooking anymore?" Eri asked confused.

"Your father banned me from going into the kitchen." Momo said with her arms crossed and looked over at Izuku, who uncovered the pot of ramen and gave it a quick stir.

"She cut herself with the knife." Izuku said and Eri looked at the finger that had a band-aid on it, then looked up at Momo with a concerned look on her face.

"Does it hurt, Mama?" She asked and Momo shook her head with a small smile on her face.

"No, it's a pretty small cut." Momo said and smoothed Eri's hair down. "I can still cook, it's not like I sliced my hand open or something." Momo said.

"I think Mr. Midoriya was just worried about you." Anna suggested and Eri nodded her head in agreement.

"I'm glad it was a small cut. If it was something worse, that would be really, really bad." Eri said.

"Well, looks like I'm outnumbered." Momo said in a defeated voice and her shoulders slumped down.

"Yup!" Izuku said with a victorious look on his face. "If you wanna help, you can grab the bowls we need for the Ramen." He said and her face lit up as she jumped out of her chair to grab four white bowls from the cabinet and brought them to the table putting them down on the placemats. "Girls, do you wanna grab the silverware and napkins? I'll get the glasses and cups we need for our drinks." He said and the two girls quickly completed their assigned tasks.

"Great job you two. It looks beautiful!" Momo said and both girls looked proud of themselves.

*After dinner*

Once the dishes were rinsed off and put in the dishwasher the girls started getting ready for bed. Momo had made a pair of Pajamas, as well as another pair of clothes for tomorrow for Anna, which she gratefully appreciated, along with a toothbrush and toothpaste that Izuku had gotten for her from the corner store close to the school. 

(Anna-Marie's PJ's)

(Eri's PJ's)

The girls had just finished brushing their teeth before bed and Shadow had taken his post outside of the house and was sitting on the porch. He heard some rustling from a bush that was on the side of the house. He stood up to his full 6 month old Great Dane dog height, and walked to the edge of the steps, looking into the darkness and sniffed at the air.

Something jumped out of a bush and Shadow started barking loudly at whatever it was. "What's going on?" Izuku asked Shadow as he walked outside to see what was going on and turned on the porch lights. Shadow barked again and pointed with his snout outside. There was a robotic dog standing there with sleek black metal covering his body, blue eyes, and ears that were constantly moving around. 

"Whoa!" Izuku exclaimed amazed and slowly made his way down the steps. The robotic dog looked him up and down then took a cautious step forward to see Izuku up closer. "Where did you come from?" Izuku asked and nervously gave him a pat on top of his head. The dog leaned into his hand and even seemed to be wagging his tail a little bit, a mechanical 'swish' sound going through the air.

Shadow still seemed to be on high alert and was keeping a sharp eye on the robotic dog. "Don't worry, Shadow. He's fine." Izuku said and Shadow stepped back as Izuku walked up the porch steps, then inside of the house, and both dogs followed inside after him. "Hey girls, come see this!" He called out and a few minutes later Momo, Eri, and Anna-Marie, walked into the living room to see Izuku standing with Shadow and the Robotic dog he met outside.

"Izuku, who or what is that?" Momo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you guys already know Shadow. This is a robotic dog I met outside." Izuku announced and Momo tentatively waved at the robotic dog.

"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you." Momo replied and the dog looked over at her and bowed his head. "My name is Momo Yaoyarozu, and this is Eri and Anna-Marie." She said, and the dog bowed his head again.

"Do you have a name?" Anna asked the dog and he looked around the room they were in and walked over to the wall. His eye scanned the wall, and then a camera popped up from his head and a screen was projected onto the wall with a video that started playing. 

"Hello." A female voice said from the video. "My name is Attack. Exploration. Logistics, or for short A.X.L. I was made by scientists and inventors as a security system, war dog, or protection dog. This tests the bonds of human and dog that stretches back a millennia. The A.X.L biometrically pairs with a designated person, making him as loyal as the real thing, while being decisively more lethal." 

"Whoa... cool!" Anna said excited. 

A video played of someone riding on a motorcycle, and a A.X.L running alongside said biker. "Specially engineered vehicles and accessories give the handler a A.X.L is paired with enhanced mobility and faster evasive opportunities. The A.X.L not only has the ability to source and direct maintenance, but also to self destruct in order to avoid enemy capture." 

'What does self destruct mean?' Eri thought to herself.

"I hope we won't be needing that feature." Izuku said, and something else popped up from his forehead. Izuku grabbed it and stared at the device he had in his hand in confusion. 

"Looks like it scans your fingerprint." Momo said, so Izuku put his thumb on the part that looked to be where you put your finger so it could scan. "Of course he touched it..." she mumbled and sighed.

'A.X.L pairing' was written across the screen and Izuku jumped and took his thumb away when it felt like something poked his finger. He looked at his thumb and there was a little Red dot in the middle of his finger. "What just happened?" Izuku asked and glanced at Momo, who was looking at his finger wide eyed.

"I think A.X.L just paired with you." Momo said and grabbed the device from him to look at it closer. Her thumb accidentally going to the finger print area, and she jumped when it poked her finger. "And me." She said and showed him her finger.

"Well, looks like we have a robotic dog now." Izuku said with a sigh and both girls smiled at each other.

Later that night, both girls had gone to their rooms to sleep, A.X.L followed Anna to her room and laid down next to her on the bed, and Shadow of course slept on the bed with Eri as well. After making sure both girls were settled in Momo and Izuku went to their room as well, and fell asleep not to long after their heads hit the pillow. 

Life as the four of them knew it, had just gotten a whole lot more interesting.
