Chapter 3: Meeting a fury friend and settling in

A/N: Here's chapter 2! The picture above^ is the dining room table they're sitting at.

I hope you enjoy!

*A few days later*

Izuku and Momo had just pulled up to the hospital where Eri was staying in, checked in with the receptionist at the front desk, and after getting their visitor badges, made their way to Eri's private room that she'd been moved too. Izuku figured having complete strangers being moved in and out of her room would make staying in the hospital more stressful for her than it already was, so he'd requested she be put in a private room by herself for the remainder of her visit. It had worked out well, and she seemed a lot more comfortable by herself.

When Momo reached the door, she knocked on the door and heard a small voice say, "help." She opened the door and poked her head into the room. Eri was in the middle of eating, and was trying to pick up a piece of Chicken with the chopsticks she had, but she couldn't and looked upset. (It took me forever to know how to use chopsticks, and I still struggle with it sometimes.)

"Hi Eri, need some help." Momo said as she walked over to her and the little girl looked up at her, putting the pair of chopsticks in her outstretched hand. 

"Yes please!" Eri said, and Momo showed her how to use the chopsticks by getting the piece of chicken, and feeding it to her. Eri happily ate the chicken, then after a few tries on her own she was starting to get the hang of it and was happily eating her Chicken Katsudon. "Where's Mr. Deku?" She asked after swallowing the bite she had.

"He went to say hello to another patient here, then stopped at the gift store to get something for you." Momo said and Eri smiled a bit.

"What's he getting me?" She asked and Momo shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I guess it's a surprise for both of us." Momo said. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she looked the girl over.

"I'm fine." Eri said. "My hair keeps getting in my face though. It makes it hard to eat." She said, and Momo put her hand out which started glowing and 2 rubber bands came out of her hand. 

Eri looked at her hand in awe, and Momo couldn't help but noticed it looked like the same expression Izuku had on his face whenever he saw a new quirk he'd never seen before. 'How are they already so much alike?' She thought to herself. "Pretty cool, huh?" Momo said and Eri nodded her head.

"How did you do that?" Eri asked as Momo put Eri's hair into two cute ponytails, to get Eri's hair out of her face.

"It's my quirk. I can make basically anything I want, so long as I know how it's made." Momo explained.

"That's sounds so cool. I wish I had that quirk." Eri said.

"I think your quirk is pretty cool, actually. I mean, once you learn how to control it, you could do a lot of great things to help people." Momo said.

"Really?" Eri said unconvinced. "Both my Mom and Overhaul said my quirk was a curse, and that all it would do was hurt people." Eri said sadly.

'If she remembers what her mom said... does she remember being left?' Momo thought to herself, and felt a wave of sadness hit her. "Well, that's not true. I mean, if you hadn't used your quirk, Izuku's injuries would've been a lot more worse than they were." Momo said and Eri smiled a bit at that.

Before Momo could say something else, there was a knock on the door and Izuku poked his head into the room. "I come baring gifts and someone wanted to meet Eri." He said, and walked into the door holding a Yellow balloon with a smiley face on it, and two bouquets of different flowers. Behind him was Yagi Toshinori who was caring a stuffed bear dressed as All Might, and a small matching keychain to go with it that said 'I AM HERE,' on it. 

"Is that all for me?" Eri asked shocked as Izuku handed her the balloon and one of the bouquets of flowers, and Toshinori handed her the stuffed bear and keychain.

"You bet!" Toshinori said.

"I- I got some for you t-too." Izuku said as he handed her the other bouquet of flowers, and Momo gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

His face turned Red reassembling a bright Red tomato. You would think that after four or five months of dating, he would've gotten somewhat used to it, but he was not! He was sure he would be like this years down the road, but they'll have to wait and see for that. (To be honest, him being a stuttering and flustered mess years down the line in a relationship, no matter which person you ship him with, is very in character.)

"Thank you, Izuku. I'll try to keep them living as long as I can." She said happily and he smiled at her excitement. 

"Y-your welcome." He said and realized they were being watched closely by Eri and All Might.

"Well now, don't let us disturb you. But shouldn't we be getting her discharged from here soon?" All Might said.

"Yeah you're right." Momo said, then noticed that something seemed to catch Izuku's eye.

"Hold on a minute..." Izuku said and walked over to Eri, moving her arm a bit and his eyes widened. "Eri, when did you get this?" He asked, his eyebrows creased in worry. There was a black and red bruise on her arm, about the size of a silver dollar coin, that he was sure she didn't have the last time he had visited her in the hospital.

(Obviously this is an enlarged picture of the coin, definitely not to scale.)

"I- It was one of the other doctors. H-he t-took some of my blood. I think he said he was running a test on it." She said and her eyes filled up with tears, which she let fall as Izuku pulled her into a tight hug.

"Oh my god..." Momo said as she looked at the mark and covered her mouth in horror. How had she not seen that?

 Just then a doctor came into the room. Eri tensed up and Izuku picked her up in his arms, being careful of the IV's that were in her arm.

"Oh good, you two are here. I have some things I would like to discuss with you." He said and wheeled the computer monitor over to Eri's hospital bed.

"What did you need to discuss with us?" Momo asked as she stood next to Izuku, wiping away Eri's tears with a tissue.

"Well firstly, we got the results back from the blood sample I was able to get from her." He said.

"So, your the one that did this to her?" Toshinori said, and gestured to Eri's injured arm. The doctor looked at her and nodded his head.

"We should of insisted you get it done as soon as she was brought here, but that stupid mother of yours insisted we wait." He said and rolled his eyes. (HA HA HA HA... oh you are so dead!)

Izuku's eyes narrowed and he carefully handed Eri to Momo, who held her close and did her best to keep her calm. "She insisted on it, because Eri's already traumatized enough from sharp objects. Forcing a needle into her like that is not gonna help her!" He said and clenched his hand into a fist.

"You did what?!" A voice at the door said, and the doctor froze as he slowly turned to look behind him, and saw Inko standing there.

"Ma'am, I can explain." He said wide eyed, as he back up.

"I told you to wait until one of them were here for that!" Inko said loudly, then took a deep breath in and breathed out. "You go, I'll finish this up." She said, and the doctor quickly left. (That's right, you better run away!)

Izuku was a bit surprised, as he'd never really seen his mom get mad like that. 

"I am so sorry about that." Inko said and took another breath in and out to calm herself down. "While he went against orders that I specifically gave him, we were able to find out some vital information that will help you a lot down the road." She said.

"What did you find out?" Izuku asked as Momo put Eri back on the bed and stood next to her. 

"Well, she's low in basically all of the vitamins she needs to have in her body which can easily be fixed by giving her a lot of foods that have that in it, as well as medication. Momo stopped by for a visit and they did an allergy test on her, and it looks like she's allergic to Peanuts, so avoid anything that has peanuts in it. If your in the grocery store, always read the labels on packaging to see if theirs peanuts in it, and I'd even double check with a waitress if your at a restaurant for what has something with peanuts in it. She's fine with all the other nuts though." Inko said as her eyes scanned the computer screen, reading the information. 

"Is there anything else she's allergic to?" Izuku asked.

"Doesn't look like it." Inko said. "Is... she okay?" Inko asked, a look of guilt on her face as she looked over at Eri, who still looked pretty shaken up.

"Mom, it's not your fault." Izuku said, and walked over to give her a hug. "Now, let's go get Eri signed out." He said, and Inko pulled out 2 sheets of paper, then handed it to Izuku. 

"All you two need to do is sign these, then she's free to go." Inko said, and Izuku did as she said, putting his signature on the line where it said 'Parent/Guardian Signature.' Momo did the same thing on both pages and put the pen down.

"Done." Momo said, and Inko took both sheets of paper. 

"Great! Let me get all of those Iv's and stuff out of her, then we can get her out of here." Inko said and started unhooking the Iv's that were in her.

*After signing her out* 

Inko had to stay behind and finish her shift for the day, so that left the group of four to make their way back to UA. Luckily it didn't take them to long to get back there, as the hospital wasn't that far from UA.

"I have to go grade some papers, so I'll see you three later." Toshinori said and walked off to the teachers dorms.

"See you later." Izuku said and waved as Toshinori walked away.

Opening the front door to the dorms, Izuku opened the door and let both girls in first. "I have one more surprise for you, Eri. Stay right there, I'll be back in a minute." He said and walked off down the hall to his room.

A few minutes later, he came back and a dog was happily walking behind him. "Eri, this is Shadow. Shadow, this is Eri." He said and Shadow took a curious step forward, giving her hand a tentative sniff. Eri put her hand on top of his head and pet him.

"I love him already!" She said and hugged the dog around his neck. Shadow seemed a bit confused on what was happening, but he didn't push her away or try to escape, he happily accepted the hug.

"Hey Eri, why don't you two start looking around to get used to the place?" Izuku suggested, and Eri nodded as she walked off to explore and Shadow quickly went to her side as the two of them walked off.

"You got her a dog?" Momo said.

"I thought he might be able to help her be able to talk with people." He said and Momo had a thoughtful look on her face. "Plus there's this." Izuku said and handed her a piece of paper that had 'Service dog certification' written at the top. "He'll be able to help her with any panic attacks, anxiety attacks, or PTSD she might have." He explained.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try out. He'd even be able to go to school with her." Momo said and smiled. "Dang, maybe we should all get a service animal." Momo said and Izuku chuckled.

"Mr. Aizawa barely agreed with one dog, I can't imagine how he would agree to any other animals in the dorms." Izuku said.

"Unless they were all cats." Momo said.

"Your not wrong there." Izuku said.

As much as Aizawa tried to hide it, everyone knew he had a soft spot for Cats and Kittens.

*Later that night at dinner*

"Eri, wanna help me feed Shadow?" Izuku asked and Eri got up from the floor where she was coloring a picture in a coloring book, and walked over to Izuku. "All you do is take this scoop of food out of the dog food bag, and put it in the bowl. Like this." He said and demonstrated by scooping some kibble out of the dog food bag and pouring it into the dog bowl.

"I wanna try!" Eri said in an excited voice and Izuku handed her the scoop. She copied exactly what he did 2 more times so that he had three scoops of kibble in his bowl and walked over to the placemat.

"Hold on." Izuku said, pointed a finger at Shadow and did a downward motion, which meant for him to sit. Shadow sat down on the floor and kept eye contact with Izuku, who let Eri put the bowl of food on the placemat. "Okay go." Izuku said and Shadow eagerly started eating his food.

For dinner that night for the people, Momo and Izuku made some Fried rice, with either the choice of Chicken, Shrimp, or extra veggies. Eri chose chicken and hungrily, not to mention quickly, ate her food.

"Eri, did you eat anything today?" Momo asked concerned. 

"I had some breakfast this morning but that's about it." She said.

"That's weird." Izuku said. "Normally in the hospital you get three meals a day." (You would be the expert on that, wouldn't you?)

"Oh..." Eri said surprised as she finished off the last of her rice. Granted, they'd given her a smaller portion, as they weren't sure what her appetite was like, but that was still pretty impressive.

"You can get some more if you want. If your full though, you can go ahead and put your dishes in the sink." Momo said and Eri got out of her chair, walked over to the sink with her dishes, and stood on her tippy toes to put them in the sink. 

Eri yawned and rubbed her eyes tiredly as she fought the urge to fall asleep at the dinner table. Her head dipped down and she rested it on the table. "Aww, someone looks sleepy." Izuku said and she sat up as she opened her tired eyes and shook her head insistently.

"I am not." She said and fought back the tiredness again. 

"Eri, if you wanna go to bed, you can. We're not gonna force you to stay up if you can't." Momo said and Eri sighed as she gave in.

"M'kay." She said, slid off of the chair, and made her way down the hallway to Izuku's room. Shadow stood up and quickly jogged after her.

"They got close quicker than I thought they would." Momo said surprised.

"I guess he can just sense that she needs a little bit of extra help." Izuku said and Momo smiled to herself as she got up and put both of their empty dishes in the sink, gave them a quick rinse, and put the plates, forks and glasses they used to drink in the dishwasher. "I'm gonna go see how they're doing." He said and stood up, making his way to his room.

"Wait up!" Momo said and followed him to his room. When they got to his room, Izuku poked his head inside and his eyes softened at what he saw. "Awww." He said and Momo poked her head into his room as well to see what was so adorable.

Eri had fallen soundly asleep on her bed, on top of the sheets. Shadow was sleeping on the foot of the bed with his head on her leg.

"Awww that's so cute." Momo said as she tried not to squeal too much, not wanting to wake either of them up.

"It is." Izuku said as he quietly stepped into his room, and tip toed towards Eri. Shadow opened his eyes and lifted his head up slightly, watching as Izuku crouched down and carefully picked Eri up, moved the cover back, and lay her down on his bed, pulling the covers over her. Shadow repositioned himself next to her. "Good boy." Izuku said and patted him on the head. Shadow laid down next to Eri, putting his head on the crook of her neck and closed his eyes as he let out a sigh of content. "Sweet dreams you two." He said and quietly backed out of the room.

"Well your just a big softy, aren't ya." Momo said and chuckled.

"You just figured that out?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Nope." She said and walked away. He did one last peek into the room, closed the door behind him and followed after Momo like a eager puppy. (Walk him like a dog.)

Eijirou happened to be walking by at that moment and shook his head in amusement. Eijirou may have not been the brightest in the class at times, but he had definitely noticed how close Izuku and Momo had been for the passed 4 or 5 five months. Was he gonna up and say it out loud? No. Cause that would break the bro code, which was not manly at all.

So, he simply went back to his room. Maybe he'd talk to them about it tomorrow, but for now it was time to sleep.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! The next chapter is going to introduce another kid. Anna-Marie LeBeau, the girl who can take your quirk temporarily, or permanently on some occasions.

See you in the next one, and don't forget to comment and vote.
