Chapter 1: Meeting Class 1-A

A/N: First chapter of my new story! For this chapter, Eri and Izuku are out of the hospital, along with the other work study students. Izuku is bringing Eri to meet his classmates, and Momo has already met Eri and the two of them get along great. To past the time, Momo is making everyone lunch, and eagerly waiting for the two to show up.

Also, the school has built a house where Eri would live on campus, just in case she gets overwhelmed by the amount of people in the dorms, and needs some space.

Finally, Izuku and Momo have been dating for the past 4 months, but nobody in their class has figured it out yet. Inko knows and Momo's parents know too of course.

I hope you enjoy the book, and please leave your comments and vote.

Momo Yaoyarozu was making lunch for everyone in the class, and decided to make different kinds of sliders from recipes she saw on Tik Tok, when her phone started ringing. She looked at her hands that were covered in raw ground chicken and quickly washed them. After drying her hands off, she picked her phone up and saw that it was a call from Izuku. She quickly hit the green button and accepted the phone call, putting it on speaker.

"Hey Momo, I'm on my way back with Eri!" He said, and she could hear his motorcycle come to a stop.

"That's good. How's she doing on the Motorcycle?" She asked, knowing the first time she had gone for a ride with Izuku, she'd been terrified that she was gonna fly off and die.

"She was a bit nervous at first, but I think she's doing okay right now." He said. "I was wondering what your plans for lunch were. I was gonna pick something up for Eri while we were out, but if you're making something already I'll just head straight to the dorms." He said.

"I'm in the middle of making something for lunch right now. I won't tell you what it is, cause it's a surprise." She said and grabbed a few Green peppers and onion from the fridge, setting them on the counter.

"Okay sounds good! I'll head straight to the dorms then. See you when I get back!" He said and she smiled.

"Okay, see ya! I love you!" She said, and could hear him choking on air, and a small squeak come from Eri.

"I- I love you too!" He said, and quickly hung up.

She smiled to herself and continued making lunch. "Hey Ponytail, what are you doing?" Bakugo Katsuki asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Making lunch. How does this taste?" She asked, and shoved one of the sliders she made into his mouth. He took a bite and his eyes widened. "Well?" She asked nervously, hoping that it tasted good.

"You made this?!" He asked shocked and she nodded her head. 

"Yes." She said. "The buns are store bought, not homemade, but I-"

"That doesn't matter." He said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It's actually really good!" Katsuki said and she stared at him shocked.

"You think so?" She wondered and he gave her a thumbs up as he took another bite. "Thank god! I want these to be perfect for when Izuku gets back." She said, then realized what she did and froze.

"Since when did you-" Katsuki stopped and stared at her. "OH CRAP!" He said and she smiled nervously. "You two are dating!" He whisper yelled.

"I don't know what your talking about." She said and managed to maintain her calm façade on the outside, but was freaking out on the inside.

"Oh come on! I won't tell anyone else." He said and she sighed in defeat as her shoulders slumped and she took a look around to make sure nobody was listening.

"Okay, were dating." She relented and he smirked triumphantly. 

"Does anybody else know?" He asked and she nodded.

"My parents of course, and Ms. Midoriya knows as well. All Might may suspect were dating." She said and Katsuki looked surprised by that information.

He immediately pulled his phone out and went to his phone app, dialing Inko's phone number and put his phone to his ear, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently as he waited for her to pick up the phone, switching to speakerphone. "Auntie Inko, why didn't you tell me?!" He said when she picked up her phone.

"Well, hello to you too, Katsuki." Inko said. "Wh-what didn't I tell you?" She asked, a bit of nervousness in her voice.

"About Deku dating someone." He said matter of factly.

"Oh that! Phew." Inko said with a chuckle, and he raised an eyebrow. "They wanted to see how long it would take a girl in their class by the name of Mina to notice. It seems she's the resident "shipper" in your class." She said.

"You have no idea..." Momo said, remembering when Mina showed her the book that had her ships in it. She was shocked at some of the pairings she saw, but had to admit a lot of them, in another universe, were ones she could see happening.

"Is that you Momo?" Inko said.

"Hi Ms. Midoriya. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing good, dear. Now, how many times have I said to call me Inko." She said.

"I don't know, five times now?" Momo guessed.

"That's correct." Inko said, then there was a voice in the background. "Oh, I have to go." Inko said.

"Okay." Katsuki said, then smirked to himself. "Tell All Might I said hello." He said, and heard a small squeak come from her.

"How did- Okay smarty pants, two can play at that game." She said. "How's that Red head you like doing?" She said teasingly, and Katsuki's face turned bright red as Momo snapped her head to his with a shocked look on her face. (Ooops... commas are important!)

"Auntie?!" He said and she laughed.

"Gotta go, talk to you later!" She said, then hung up the phone. 

"I- I assume you didn't want anyone else to know that part yet, right?" She asked, and he nodded quickly. "Okay then, your secrets safe with me." She said and put her arm up, her hand curled into a fist. He fist bumped her and shook his head.

"Same to you. At least until it gets out on it's own." He said. "Hey, where's Deku at anyway?"

"Coming back from the hospital with a little girl who he more than likely already adopted in his mind." She said.

"Oh okay." He said, then they both looked at each other as if they realized how weird that would sound to anyone who wasn't familiar with Midoriya Izuku.

*Time skip to when Izuku and Eri get to the Dorms*

Momo's phone buzzed and when she looked at it there was a text from Izuku.

Izuku🥦: Hey, I'm at the gate of the school. Making my way to the dorms now.

Momo🍵: I'm glad you got here safe! I'll see you when you get here.

She put her phone back on the table and when she looked up the whole class was there, eagerly waiting to get served lunch. "Not yet. I'm still making fries," she said and pointed to the air fryer on the counter. "Plus, Midoriya's not here yet. He just texted me and said that he's making his way here." She said, and the front door opened.

Izuku walked into the dorms and waved at everyone that was near the kitchen. Eri was hiding behind him, clutching 2 plushies that Momo made for her when she had last visited. One was a plushie of Izuku in his hero outfit, and the other one was All Might. Aizawa was with him too, and gave a nod of acknowledgement to everyone.

"Oh good, Midoriya's here!" Kaminari Denki said, as a timer on the stove went off.

"Wh-what's that?" She asked in a nervous voice, and a bunch of heads whipped around in her direction, making her hide behind Izuku more. 

"That's a timer for our lunch. It means it's ready." Momo explained and Eri had an 'Ohh' expression on her face. 

"Wait, who's kid is that?!" Ojiro asked.

"What lovely clothes! Kero." Tsuyu said.

"S-s-so cute!" Ochaco said cheerfully.

"Midoriya, is she out of the hospital yet, or not?" Eijirou asked.

"No, not yet." Izuku said.

"Midoriya, the principal has given his permission." Aizawa said.

"Permission for what?" Momo asked curiously, and walked over to greet the scared girl.

"In order to keep her from being surprised and panicking, we wanted to let her visit the class and school once to get used to you guys." Aizawa said.

"Eri... I see, you're from the work study!" Iida said. "I'm Iida! Nice t meet you!"

"I'm Mineta! I can't wait to see you in ten years!" The resident grape of the class said, and if it was even possible, Eri looked more scared and hid completely behind Izuku and Momo.

The smile on Izuku's face dropped and Momo grabbed his arm, shaking her head. "Izuku, no." Momo muttered, and motioned to Eri.

He took a few deep breath to calm himself down. She was already traumatized enough, and seeing him beat up one of classmates would probably traumatize her even more.

Eventually, the French fries were done cooking so everyone was sitting down at the dining room table, and started eating the food, happily chatting away. 

Eri took a tentative bite from her slider, then stopped and stared at the slider. "This... is really good." She said amazed. "What is it?" She asked.

"The slider you just ate is a cheeseburger slider, the one next to it is a meatball slider, and the last one is Philly Cheese Steak. And those long sticks are French fries." Momo explained.

"Th- thank you for making it." Eri said.

"Your welcome." Momo said and smiled warmly at her.

Eri went back to happily munching on her lunch, trying her best not to focus on the eyes that were on her.

*After eating*

Eri started getting tired after finishing her lunch, and all of the social interaction she managed to do, so Izuku carried her to the couch and tried to put her on the couch for a nap, but the hold she had on him was surprisingly very tight. So, he simply remained standing and let her sleep on him, humming a lullaby to help her sleep faster.

"Hey Deku, who's the kid?" Katsuki asked.

"Her name is Eri. I met her during the work study, and saved her from a really bad villain." Izuku explained. "Tsuyu, Uraraka, Mirio, Tamaki, and Kirishima helped out too." 

"How bad was the villain?" Kaminari Denki asked curiously.

"Bad enough that Deku almost died. Kero." Asui Tsuyu said, and Izuku tensed up, stealing a quick glance at Momo, who's face seemed to say 'We will be talking about this later.' 

"It was a small stab in my leg." He said, which did nothing to dissolve Momo's worry. Sure he was in pretty bad shape when she visited him in the hospital, but he never told her about getting stabbed. "Besides, she helped a lot with a lot of my major injuries." He said, gesturing to the sleeping girl in his arms.

"So is that her quirk? Being able to heal people." Todoroki Shoto asked.

"Kind of. She can rewind any living object, which does fix any injuries a person might have. However, she can't really control it that well." He said.

"That goes with any quirk you'd have, though." Uraraka said. "I can't tell you how many things I've probably floated into space while I was learning to use my quirk."

"Yeah, but with Eri's quirk, if she can't control it, she could basically rewind someone to a point before they existed." He explained. "Aizawa was able to stop her quirk before it got to that point, so it all worked out in the end."

"Why was she even with the Yakuza in the first place?" Hakagure Toru asked. 

"It's definitely not an appropriate place for a child." Iida Tenya agreed.

"That I'm not totally certain on. But If I have to guess, one of her parents probably had something to do with it." Izuku said.

"What is with parents nowadays?" Mina Ashido said, genuinely confused.

"I have no idea..." Izuku said.

"Hopefully, she's the worst parent we meet." Momo said.

"I hope so." Izuku said.

"Deku, somehow I feel like you jinxed yourself with that comment." Katsuki said.

"We'll have to wait and see, I guess." Izuku said.


Another thing I should mention about this story, is regarding Momo's hero suit. In canon, I know there's no real reason as to why her suit is the way it is, other than to show off her body, but I've seen a couple of different versions of her hero suit and they all look a lot better. Modifying the suit would make it to where if she's making something from her stomach and breaks the fabric, her chest isn't showing. Same thing with her back, as I can imagine how frustrating it is for her to have to repair her hero costume every time it gets ripped.

Here's the first one I was thinking of using:

It's kind of giving Wonder Woman vibes, with the gold colored armor on her knees and arms, but I like it. The visor tells her how to make what she needs to, that ways if she's in a situation where she can't think of it right then, she's still able to make what she needs to.

Here's the second one I was thinking of using:

The pockets somewhat resemble the one Shoto has around his waist.

Which one looks better to you guys?
