Day 10. Friendship

10. Friendship: Write about being friends with someone.

He is my friend.

He is my friend.

I have to repeat that statement several times just to understand it. It's been so long since I have had friends. So long since someone wanted to spend time with me, sought me out, and sat with me. So long since someone smiled when they saw me, greeted me by name, and invited me to do stuff with them.

So long. So achingly, bitterly long.

He's my friend.

He makes me so comfortable. I can be myself with him, and show all sides of myself: silly, serious, daring, cautious.

He is my friend.

There's something so right about being with someone you know. So wonderfully, deliciously, intoxicatingly right about being with someone. I will never do anything less than the best for him, because I know what it's like to be without him.

People say I'm a good friend. It's because I'm so grateful to be some sort of friend to someone that I do whatever I can to keep that precious relationship.

He's my friend, and I am his.

What a beautiful world it is with a friend at your side.
