17. Dictionary Definition

17. Dictionary Definition: Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you.

My first word was actually "Installment plan" so I hope y'all understand if I cheated and went with the second word I landed on...


Irresistible. Meaning, you can't resist. Meaning, it's going to pull you in like an undeterred tide and you are helpless against it. Meaning that you want to resist it -- hence the "resisitible" -- but it is simply not going to happen. It cannot happen. That is the way it is.

I find many things irresistible. Food, for one. I am a glutton when it comes down to it. Take me into a buffet on any given day and I cannot resist three platefuls and dessert.

Also, animals. I see them and something about their wide dark eyes makes something inside me squeal. There are few actions so satisfying in life as hugging your cat.

Helping people. This is a terrible habit of mine: Every time someone requests a favor, and even if I cannot provide that favor, I volunteer myself. I don't do it for the doing of it. I do it more for the feeling that I'm doing it: for the self-worth I get from being nice. I find that feeling irresistible.

There is a certain someone I find irresistible. I think we all have that feeling for a person in our lives. The one I am referring to is not particularly spectacular, but he possesses a trait I find more irresistible than any other: Godliness.

I find books irresistible. When I pick up a good book, even if I've read it before, I have to finish it. That's why it's dangerous for me to read just one sentence of Harry Potter because I inevitably read the entire series.

I find writing irresistible, but I mentioned that yesterday.

The last thing I would say is irresistible to me is... people. I am in love with people. Although I can be quite a solitary soul, I thrive when I am surrounded by other human beings. It didn't matter if I knew them or not; I would get to know them. I was even happy to just sit back and people watch.

So that's what I find irresistible. What about you?
