Legend of Zelda Four Swords; Aftermath

Legend of Zelda Four Swords; Aftermath

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Category: Fanfiction
A wind sorcerer was defeated by a traitor while the king of darkness was defeated by four heroes and a princess. The king of darkness was sealed in the four sword, the traitorous Shadow was supposedly back in the dark world and the wind sorcerer was shrunk into nothingness.

Princess Zelda, Link and all of Hyrule has seemed to finally have their happy ending with the threat of three terrible villains be over. But over the course of a few months the princess notices Link acting different...She noticed he was sadder, lonelier and lied to hide it.

Maybe it wasn't happily ever after after all.

Zelda knew the reason why Link was acting like this and she was determined to fix it! Link missed being four instead of just being one. "But can't he just draw the four sword again?" You ask.

Not exactly. The last time Link drew the sword he released Vaati, the wind sorcerer that was sealed in the four sword. If Link were to draw the sword now he would release Ganon, the king of darkness upon Hyrule once more.

The answer to this problem was to seal Ganon in something else strong enough to bind him and Zelda set out to find it. As she searches for answers she runs into an old enemy that became a friend.

But even if Zelda finds the answer for Links happy ending could she uncover an even greater threat than three previous villains?

(This is fanfiction! All characters and setting are the property of Nintendo! Some characters such as the Althea family are mine. This story begins after a year when Zelda and Link are holding hands in the four swords manga.)
(Also yes there are ships with the adventure, suspense and excitement: Shadow x Vio, Red x Blue, and Zelda x Green.)

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