16 - Traces Of Trails

Now, how should I start my morning? Uh . . . Thinking about it is also troublesome.

But one thing for sure, we have to attend school, because it is Karasuno High School Sports Festival! It is already the summer break, but I still have to go to school just for this event. I don't really mind, though. This will be my very first time to celebrate a sports festival in Japan!

It has been a week since I came back to Miyagi. Attending a ball at Tokyo, it is sure stressing. I should not have attended it. If I will detail the things happened at the Grand Ball, it is a mess (at least for me). I never like parties and such.

Recalling the scenario, all I can do is to sigh.

. . .

. . .

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. . .

The Ball started at night, eight o'clock in the evening. Everything was sparkly and grandeur. The place was screaming in luxury and indulgence. Even if it was just a tiny details of decoration, I could tell that it costed a fortune.

I was keeping myself silent as I watched the well-known elites in this place.

Money. Fame. Pride. Expensive things.

That was I could tell about them as if I could read their minds.

I didn't know why I was here. Ah, right. It was because of my mother.

It had been a while since I wore some fancy clothes, shoes, and jewelries like this. I had a total make-over. Of course, my mother was a perfectionist, thus the daughter should be epitome of perfection. The bruise I got in my chin was concealed. Make-ups did its job well.

I hated something like this. I hated the reason why I had to act like someone that I was not.

It was suffocating. I was suffocated.

I closed my eyes as I let out deep sigh. Maybe I should go. I had nothing to do in this place. I was just a display.

I was about to take a step when I heard someone talked behind me.

"Oh? So the double-faced princess is back."

I glanced where the voice came from. A dark frown was already painted on my face. I even darkened my facial expression, trying to show her my dreaded irritation.

"Oh?" I replied, equally matching her sneering voice. "It's so nice to see the little damsel in vain again."

Her smirk resounded and she walked in front of me. "How I wonder if you show that different face of yours to others?"

"The hell won't care."

She was a cousin. Her name was Hanna Ashford. My mother and her father were siblings. But we were never in good terms. We were the exact opposite, living our lives with different perceptions and goals.

Just like what she had said, I was a double-faced princess. And she was the one who was in vain.

"How hypocritical." she said with wry look. "You should burn to ashes, Lorraine."

I smirked with a prideful scoff. Crossing my arms under my chest, I answered her, "You talk like a smartass for a dumbass like you. Isn't that a shame?"

I saw the offended look to her face. Her lips were shut tight and her eyes created a darker shade of glare.

And there was no point to continue this nonsense argue. It would be endless if I didn't leave right away.

Thus, I turned my heels to her and started walking. In my point of view, there was a waiter coming after me while holding a tray of glasses of wine with his only dominant hand. Hanna, being the impulsive type, did a foul to thing to return the distasteful words I had given her.

She tripped the waiter by sticking her one foot. The result was the waiter had gone offset and the glasses that contained wine got poured out all over my form. The glasses got shattered as they were dropped down. The wine spilled, creating a real messy art on the expensive tiles.

I felt like the blood all over my system went up to my head. My face etched a hostile expression towards Hanna Ashford. This was sure a nasty way of retaliation.

"Heh, take that." she gave me a wolfish smile. "You know, you're pretty with that make-up, Lorraine, but I suggest you to eat some make-ups so that you'll be pretty inside."

I matched her jeering look and kept my calm and cool expression. If I would show an infuriated move, then I would be a loser.

As the commotion happened, the waiter didn't know how to apologise to me, and I only dismissed him off. My clothes were now sullied with wine. Tch. It smelled so disgusting. The elite crowd turned their gazes to a disgrace like me. Darn it. If mother would be here, I would be damned.

"I should thank you, then." I told her with a calm voice, "Because you have just gave me a reason to exit this filthy place. And oh, by the way, this is a stupid way to repay your hatred towards me . . . thus I suggest you to eat some chicken brains and let us see if you'll be smarter, loser."

After spatting some indecent words to her, once again, I turned around opposite to Hanna Ashford.

Then I only got the biggest shock of my life when mother was standing few steps away from me. Her eyes looked so displeased with my actions in front of this elite crowd.

I had only just noticed that many eyes were looking at me as if I was the greatest shame of all time. I clenched my fists and secretly tightened my jaw.

Not this kind of scenario again . . . A part of my brain stated. Well, what was new, anyway? It had always been like this.

"I have always told you about this, Lorraine." My mother sternly said. Every words were heavy and I couldn't lift any of them. "Don't stain my name because of your reckless ways . . . but you have just done it again."

Her words gave me a satisfyingly heartache. All of my soul got crushed badly. I really didn't mean to, but just like what she had said, I had already done it again.

Am I the one who's to blame?

I didn't really do that wrong. I was just defending myself. Then why am I receiving this?

"I made a wrong decision," she said as cold manner as she could. "I shouldn't have taken you here. Now, leave."

All right . . . So, I left the hall.

I had the passive exterior and I never planned to show my inward emotions. Yes, I had feelings . . . And it felt so pathetic. I wouldn't let this happen again.

Once I was exited, the dark hallway greeted me.

Now, now . . . Where should I go? How could I change clothes? Or should I just go to the house, instead? I have cash in me, though.

My idles were taking me to nowhere. And they were just drifted apart when someone spoke behind me. This time, it was a male voice.

"What a pleasant moment you have there." he said.

I had already distinguished the voice. And those words, I had heard them before.

With a sharp gaze, I eyed him. I didn't bother to talk to him. It was Yuhei Kurosaki, the Student Council President of Karasuno High School.

Great. A new great thing to make my life fuzzed up.

"None of your business," I rasped.

Before I could start walking, he spoke again. "You're the daughter of the Glacel Ashford . . ." he was pertaining my mother. "Then you're the infamousβ€”"

"Didn't you hear me?" my voice created an ice as I stated. "It is none of your business."

Then I walked out. As I took each steps, I was leaving an ominous atmosphere, as if I was killing the lovely air and turning it into malice.

. . .

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. . .

At present day, I'm walking. I'm on my way to the race track. I heard that the traditional sports club relay is about to start.

As per usual, every time I walk, there will be a someone who will call me. That's the only thing I have noticed ever since.

"Yukizome-san." It is none other than Yuhei Kurosaki. I look behind and there he is; he has a welcoming vibes and is in all smiles. "You look different today. Not like last time that you wanted to murder someone in your gazes."

I sigh. Is he insulting me? And the fact that his face looks innocent is more irritating.

I faced him with a cold expression, then I say, "I honestly hate you, ever since the time we met. I was wondering what is the reason why I hate you. Then it turns out that you're one of those elites, so I hate you."

He chuckles warily. "That's too much honesty."

"Yeah, I know. For someone like me who's called hypocrite, I'm being honest."

"But you're an Ashford, aren't you? That makes you an elite."

I only purse my lips with a facepalm. "Forgive me if I tell you this, but you're an idiot." I smirk as I sight an offended look on his face. "I'm a Yukizome. And my name is Lorraine Yukizome, remember that."

Then I turn my body a hundred and eighty degrees on the left. "I'm living my life just like this, senpai. And I only show my hostile sides to those elites like you." I start walking again and raise an arm, "Sayonara, asshole. Piss off."

I don't know why my mother's surname is a big deal to these people. I have never been an Ashford. All my life, I'm a stray to the Ashford family. The only surname I carry is Yukizome. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, well . . . I don't really care.

In just few minutes, I will reach the race track. I heard that volleyball club will participate. I bet Kei will not partake the relay. I am sure of that.

Not just long, I'm almost near. And I immediately targeted Kei. He is sitting on the ground. His blonde hair is outstanding among the rest. Ah, even his tall built.

Without any second thoughts, "Kei!!" I call him while approaching him.

He looks behind to my direction. As usual, he has the resting-salt-face expression. And standing beside him is Tadashi Yamaguchi.

Once I reached the two, I greet them with full smile. "Heyo!" Then I sit beside Kei.

Watching them, it is obvious that something has changed to these two. Not only in their physiques, but there is a firm determination in their eyes, as if they have found a reason to continue what they are doing. I also noticed that there's a glint of pride in their aura, being confident enough with their discovered weapon.

Even in a short time, they managed to change.

"Yukizome-san, hello. It's been a while." It is Tadashi who replies with a smile.

"Yup. It's been a while." I answer back,
"And you're still a ball of soft fluff, Tadashi."

He gets surprised with my sudden compliment. "W-What do you mean, Yukizome-san?"

I can't help but to notice the blush resting on Tadashi's cheek and laugh at him. "That's what I meant. Your adorable tomato head!"

"Y-Yukizome-san!! T-That's not true!" He is squinting his eyes while waving his hands airily because of embarrassment.

"It's true!" I retort and face Kei with a wide smile. "Kei has changed, too."

He is still expressionless when he asked, "What kind of stupidity you'll speak now, huh?"

Now that burns, huh?

"Nothing much." I chuckle, hiding my offended look. "I just wanna say how much you've changed. From iodised salt to rock salt."

His expression is still on deadpanned mode. It only takes me by surprise when he clutches my lower face with his long and bony fingers!

"Let go, Tsukishitma!!" I squirm, not even sure if I pronounced his name right.

"Hah?" I hear his voice got even more annoyed and squeezes my face slightly harder. "What did you just call me?"

"A-Aw-Ow! N-Noshing! I shwear . . . Noshingrwsh." I'm tearing up, I swear.

"Tch." he clicks his tongue soon as he removes his grip on me. "You never changed. You're still annoying."

My face is now in crimson. I am ascertain of that. It feels so stingy. Then I look at him with puffy cheeks. "I'll make you pay for hurting me!"

With his signature smirk, he makes a mocking look, "Then I'll make you pay after you made me pay."

"Good grief," Kei and I both hear Tadashi speaks nearby. "You guys are so childish."

"Kei does!"

"No, it is this L!"

And I got stupefied for a moment. The nickname he gave me. I want to talk back, but the announcer spoke, saying: "Karasuno's Sports Festival is heating up!"

Then our attention goes to the starting line of the relay. And alas! Tobio, Shoyo, Yuu-senpai, and the guy with a shaved hair (I don't know his name yet).

And in three-two-one, the relay has started. Yuu Nishinoya is the starter of the relay. Yuu-senpai may be the shortest among the other three contenders, but he is accelerating fast. He's already head-to-head to the other club.

Whoah. He's amazing.

"Ryuu!!" He shouted soon as he's near to the shaved hair guy, reaching his baton to him.

So, Ryuu is his name?

Yuu-senpai is about to handle the baton, but the baseball team has messed up with their baton.

The baton is almost reaching the ground . . . but Yuu-senpai saves it!!!

"Pffft, BWAHAHAHA!" I can't help but to laugh this hard. He saves the falling baton! He must have thought that it is the same as the volleyball!

I only calmed down when Kei stared at me indifferently. This jerk is a killjoy.

Because of Nishinoya-san's coolness, the other teams passed the VB team. Once the Ryuu-guy got the baton, he run as fast as he can.

The team he only needs to catch is the tennis team. And what's more surprising is that the tennis team runner has a cheerleading team! Well, the guy has the looks, and I already hate his guts. That will be very disheartening as for Ryuu-senpai's part! Somebody should cheer for him!

So I gather my biggest gulp of air and prepare my vocal chords for a loud scream.

"Ryuu-senpai, GO!!" it is my shout.

I don't know if it's effective, but he manages to pass that egoistic tennis player. Not a normal pass, he surpasses him with a blunt, stolid expression.

Ha ha. He should take that.

"You don't know how to shut up, do you?" Kei commented in animated face.

"Eh, what's wrong with that? Tsukki should also cheer for your team."

He only lets out an annoyed sigh and then averts his attention to Ryuu-senpai on how he passes the baton to Tobio Kageyama.

"Wah, it's Tobio's turn!" I say aloud. I'm kinda amused to him. He may look so stoic in his facial expression, but he's an adorable dork.

"Oh? Someone's got a crush to the King." he says boringly.

I pout my lips a little. "I don't know why you called him 'King', but not really." Then I lock my gazes to Tobio who is now covered the gap between him and the soccer club runner.

Wah. He's fast approaching Shoyo Hinata. Shoyo will be the anchor of this relay. Gosh, I hope they will win! I know for sure that Shoyo's agility is beyond than the normal people.

Few seconds later, Tobio is almost reaching the baton to him. But seems like something is off. I felt something sharp and shivering sensation. Then after, Tobio doesn't pass the baton to Shoyo! Instead, they start competing to each other, running in a very fast pace reaching the finish line!

"What the hell?!" I say incredulously while another batch of ludicrous laughs came of out of my mouth! I am holding my tummy as tears of laughs start to build in my eyes. Wah, it's been a while since I laughed this hard.

Today onwards, Shoyo and Tobio becomes my source of happiness. They are still running, refusing to lose to each other.

"Oi, you're laughing too much," says by Salt beside me. "Calm down."

"But, but . . ." I can't complete a sentence when I laughed again, "Hahaha, those two are simpleton dummies that you don't want to mess with them. They're bad news!"

"I know, right?" Kei answers.

The VB team got disqualified. They should've won, though.

The show is now done as I compose myself. Ah, that was a great laugh. And I want to get a cold drink. The summer heat is harsh for me.

I'm about to walk when from my point of view, I saw someone knocked down unconscious on the rough ground! I saw how she hit her head first. And I think that's a horrible fall. In my alarm, I quickly responded, running towards her with blanched face.

Everyone who had seen her fell let out a loud gasp. Some surrounded her, but I try to push everyone aside to reach the poor girl who met an accident. "Make way! Don't get too snugged to her!" I shouted, squatting down soon as I reached her.

She is lying on her stomach, so I grab her by the shoulders and make her lie on her back.

What is more shocking is that there's blood covering the half of her face! Her eyebrows must have cut from the impact.

My face got paled and I'm caught off guard for a second. Good thing, my hand reacts on its own as I hurriedly get my handkerchief and press on her cut eyebrow with pressure to stop the bleeding. Quite bloody here. But I'm not afraid of blood. I actually love the sight of blood.

"Hey, hey," with my other hand, I shake her shoulder. "Can you hear me? Please answer."

She seems unresponsive, but I can see that she can breathe well. Her chest is making breathing movements. And based on what I can see, she's one of the athletes. Ah, it'll be women's relay in a few. Maybe she would join, but due to unseen circumstances, she couldn't join.

"Please tell some authorities about this!" I tell to the audience of this unscripted drama. One of the students obliges, leaving the area to call for help.

I revert my attention to this poor girl and gently shake her shoulders once again. And thank all the heavens because she responded!

She opens her eyes, but she's showing some nauseous and dizzy looks. "W-Where am I?" her voice crooks with confusion.

Her head injury is not really severe. She doesn't have bleeding on her nose or ears.

"Good that you gain your consciousness right away." I tell her, then I gaze at a certain guy near. I eyed him, giving the look to make her sit.

He gets my point and does what he had been told. He makes her sit, her back head resting on his shoulder area. Now, let us ship them!

Kidding aside. "Does anybody have some ice? I need it!" I say aloud. Because it's KHS Festival, there will be food stalls. They give me some and apply it to her.

Not that long when Umehara-senseiβ€”the school physicianβ€”came with her medicine kit. She goes parallel to me, then takes out her disinfecting stuff. The physician cleans the blood on her face and gets a sterile dressing for the wound. Once a bandage is applied on her, the she-doctor asks her some simple questions. The injured girl can answer well. She must just got a minor injury, something to be thankful.

The ambulance came shortly, and the paramedics guys assisted the injured girl inside. She needs to be examined to avoid some worse-case scenarios.

Oh, well. The show is done as everyone goes back to their own world. The phrase "Life must go on." is true.

And I need to clean my hands. It got stained with blood. I go to the nearest wash area and cleanse my hands.

Clean and clean, and that long when someone approaches me.

"Yukizome-san, right?" A polite voice calls me.

I look at the owner of the female voice. And she's someone that I don't know, not even one of the bullies.

"Yes," I reply.

"Yukizome-san, can you do us a favour?" In her voice, she sounds desperate.


"Yes," she says, "Our team is in need. You see, the one you help a while is a part of our teamβ€”the athletics club. But we're short on member for the relay."

"Eh . . ." I utter in wary tone. "You don't have another fella on your club?"

She sighs, gluing her gazes down. "Sadly, only us four came to this sports festival. Then Rika-chan fainted."

"Uhm, there's no other except me?" I mused, "There are a lot of students in here."

She laughs sheepishly as she rubs her hair, "The relay is about to start in a few. We don't have much time to find another one."

I have no complaints when the announcer called the participants. I guess I will be kind for this day.

"Okay, I accept." Out of sympathy, I tell her. "But expect the worst. I'm not a runner."

"Don't worry, Yukizome-san!" She encouraged, taking my hand and starts pulling me. "We're the athletics club, we've got your back."

"I-I see . . ." I trail, hiding my wry face. "Thanks to you all, then."

"No, no, Yukizome-san, we're the one who should thank you. Might as well we should apologies for bothering you "

"I-It's not a big thing. I'm glad that I helped." Smiling at her, we all both go the race track area.

The women's athletics assigned me to the second exchange zone. It means I'll be the second runner. And where the third exchange zone, it is where Kei and the rest of the VB club are staying.

And of course, they notice me. Especially Shoyo Hinata. He got this surprised expression on his face, and as soon as he regains his composure, he lifts his arms high and screams, "Raine-chan!! Good luck!"

My face automatically smiles upon hearing his cheer. I lift an arm as a sign of my reply.

I can clearly see Kei's frown and feel his perplexed thoughts from afar.

It's bit embarrassing in my part. How could a frail lady like me will join this relay?

There's no really a problem. If it is running, I think I'm good at it. And if I will be honest, all of my life, running is what I have only done.

The relay started. I'm actually nervous, yet excited. I'm watching the leadoff runner ofΒ  my team. And in just few meters, she will pass the baton in the exchange zone to me.

There's one thing I really love in running, is that I can relate the Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, because I can time travel.

I prepare myself for a high speed run.

So, it happened! The baton is now on my hands. I run, pounding my feet on the ground as fast as I can.

Faster. Faster.

I don't mind running faster, because the faster that I get, the slower the time will be. Even if in this little occasion, I can travel through time.

Running . . .Β  moving my feet in long strides. I only need a hundred meter to finish this.

Opening my eyes, I see some students cheering for their preferred team. I cannot actually hear anything, except the fast tapping sounds of my heartbeat against my ear.

My chest tightens, breathings begin to falter. My knees are getting wobblier. Beads of sweats are rolling on my skin, thick and salty.

A little more . . .

Running is the thing I don't get tired doing. Especially in facing some sort of troubles, I would run away, instead of overcoming it.

Putting in a precise way, I'm a loserβ€”a scared kind of loser.

At long last! My gruesome and grueling moment is done!

After passing the baton to my other teammate, I go out of the race track and head where the VB guysβ€”where Kei and Tadashi are.

I go there with a seriously difficult air hunger. I'm having a shortness of breath, rapid and shallow breathing. Heart palpitations and tightness in the chest.

"Y-Yukizome-san! A-Are you okay?" I hear Tadasahi with a troubled and worried tone.

"Raine-chan!! Don't die!" And that is Shoyo.

"Oi, stupid!" it is Kei. In his voice, I sensed his deep concern. Although, there is a mocking word. "Why did you run?"

I'm only looking down, hands resting on my lower legs. Still catching my breaths, my clothes and hair got slicked with perspiration, clinging to my skin.

Then I gaze at them with a forced smile. "It's only a dyspnea," I huff, "I won't die, don't worry."

As I say that, a bottle of water appears right from my eyes. "W-Water . . . desu."

I look at the person who gave me, it is Tobio. I gladly take the bottle water from his hand, and for my convenience, I take the lid off and drink the water with my needs content.

After drinking, I face everyoneβ€”the senpai and co-freshmen studentsβ€”and bow my head as an apology. "I'm sorry if I made you all worried."

They don't really know me, but their concern is a big deal to me.

"So, if you need something to me," I continue with a weak smile, "I'll be in the infirmary, uhm . . . with a massive headache," I draw a loud wheeze, because my chest still hurts. "And probably, I'm going to sleep. Then, goodbye."

I left them. I need to rest. This day is a pain for me. Yet unexpected memories. It is not bad all.


so, hi;
this is a long chapter. sorry about it.
hahaha. and btw, this is now a two-year old and seven days story. lol. i published this last two years ago, and i tried my best to finish a chapter, so here it is! i hope you liked it.πŸ’›

and btw, have you heard the good news? hahaha HQ s4 is confirmed!!!

i put a YT video on the multimedia section for a happy vibes! to those who haven't watched this, watch it and you'll feel blessed.

- handtheirend -
