12 - Manager?

I yawn a long one as I make way to my classroom. I stepped in this hell school with my unusual arrival time. It's almost seven in the morning and I can say that it is still early.

I shrug. I don't have a choice. In order to escape from the curses of the witches, I have to arrive at school really early. Those witches surely made a lot of trouble to me, and I'm trying my best to avoid them to get in my way.

The bruise is still visible, but I don't need to wear a mouth mask anymore. I bought a band-aidβ€”a transparent one that matches my skin tone.

I yawn again. This is so troublesome. I should be sleeping at this time.

I'm walking slightly staggering on the hallway when I decided to buy a yogurt milk to the vending machine. It will help me to lessen my sleepiness. So I bought one. Going back to the way where my classroom is, I hear smashing of balls roughly on the ground and squeaking of shoes on the neatly polished floor.

What's that? A practice this early? What kind of practice?

As a curious person, I head towards the existing gym nearby.

I'm now in front of the gym. The windows are high and now I'm ashamed of my height, but there is a gap on the sliding door, signing that it is not closed fully. So I peek on the small gap.

My conclusions became right when I sighted that it is a volleyball practice.

Mm-hm . . . volleyball practice, huh?

Kei told me that he's on a volleyball club.

I search for the tall jerk and there he is. And aww . . . How touching that he is only one who have that 'why-am-I-here' question on his face. Well obviously, he's unmotivated. How come that he's unmotivated where from my perspective, everyone on the team are earnestly playing, then why is he not?

Ah, yes. He have to survive boredom. Heh. Can't blame him and I'm not the one to talk.

"Curious of what you see?"

"Eek! asdfghjklshit."

If I could die, maybe now is the time.

And if I would imagine my reaction when someone talked behind me, I could imagine a jumpy cat with its fur standing up.

Gahh. I pick up my composure and look behind to check the ghost who was unpredictably speaking to me.

But instead of a ghost, I sight a goddess. Yeah, a goddess. This lady is very pretty. Especially her eyesβ€”they are round and sparkly, and even her eyes are bored and cold, it gives her that kind of charisma. What an aloof beauty.

"P-Pardon?" I manage to crook.

"Are you curious?"

"N-No . . ?" I frown, "Just checking on someone."

"You," she says in a straight face. "Have you already joined a club?"

"Erm, no. I'm still searching for it."

Ahh, thanks heaven that I can still speak normally!

"Then why don't you have a trial?"

"A trial for being a volleyball player?"

"No. Being a manager."

"Manager?" I repeat with a raised brow.

"Yes, manager."

"Eh . . ." I utter as my confusion grows wider. "I don't know. Why, me?"

"Well, I actually recruited someone, but she's still hesitant about it." I nod to her response. "But I'm not forcing you. If you are curious, you can observe the whole team just for a day, after class of course."

"Oh . . . am I still welcome, if ever?"

She grins a little, "Yes."

"Then, okay. I'll give it a try."

"That's great." she answers as she tucks a loose-end hair to her ear. "I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, and you are?"

"I'm Yukizome." I smile, "Nice to meet you, Kiyoko-san."

"The same here." She says, "So, after class?"

"Sure do."

"What section are you, Yukizome-san?"

"Class 1-4." I answer simply.

"It's settled then. I'll stop by to your class, okay?"

"Thank you very much!"

Then after a short while, I return to my classroom without any harm. Thank goodness.

And about why I chose to accept her offer is because I want to know how Kei would react. He'll be annoyed, won't he? He'll be annoyed, yeah? Hoho. He'll be annoyed for sure.

I want to annoy him. So what? Specifically this whole week, (it's almost weekends, though), he kept on pestering my daily life.

Well, exams were through, and guess what? I failed all my exams. And I don't care.

But that won't be enough to make Kei Tsukishima to stop insulting me for being stupid. Like how did I end on this college prep class where I did not even deserve to be on this section. It's my mother's influence, that's why.

So as a payback, I accept the trial.

I laugh evilly to myself. Just wait for me, Kei. I'm just gonna annoy you for only a day, don't worry.

As I settled on my seat, I plant my face on the desk, letting out a yawn. How boring. I fold my arms and rest my head on it. Can I sleep a bit before class starts? I can, can't I? And it is not that long when I fall asleep.

The next time I open my eyes is when a teacher is trying to wake me up.

Ah, truly a shame.

And so, so, I'm awake. Feh.

"It must be nice to be an idiot, you can sleep anywhere."

I felt a sting on my ear when Kei said something stingy all of the sudden.

I grit my teeth silently and scoff, "Oh-ho, yes. Its nice to be an idiot, I tell you. Why don't try even just for once?" I answer without looking at him.

"I'll try when I already care."

Tch. What a brat.

I never responded and pay my attention to the teacher who boringly discusses in front.

Hah . . . when will this going to end?

The whole day goes mild. I don't understand why there's a class already. These teachers are also dedicated.

My teachers strictly told me that I have to study really hard. I still have a chance to pass all my failed test results. And if I don't, I'll be having a summer class. Worst, I'll be terminated to this prep section. Well, that would be nice, but having a summer class is a pain, so I have to pass it all.

Both are troublesome.

I sigh. I would like to survive.

And so, it is dismissal time. Kei and Tadashi already left for their practice. As for Kiyoko-san's words, she really came to my class. Then we head to the girls locker's room with a lady named Hitoka Yachi. She's the other lady that Kiyoko-san recruited.

Even though we had a proper greeting, Hitoka is seemed . . . awkward and fidgety. I also learn that she's from Class 1-5. I must say that she's smart, but lack of socialization.

Well, I can't say that I am well-sociable person, but I am not that flustered like her.

After few minutes, we go to the gym where the volleyball team practices. I wish that this will be fun. I also want to know how the team play. I heard from Kiyoko-san that Karasuno volleyball team was once a power school, but not that long, they were proclaimed as the Flightless Crows. I wonder why. Kiyoko-san also clarified to me that this team is rising again, having dependable and eccentric players. She have a very high hope for them.

As I enter the gym, I'm quite nervous, of course. But I have to remain quiet and reserved. I know some of the players here, so I'll be fine.

Everything will be fine, except from Kei Tsukishima.

Soon as I stepped inside, he is already there, standing near the entrance. He's holding a water bottle while taking a little break. His immediate response is to glare daggers to me.

I yelp a little, but my triumph is greater. I have just annoyed him, right? Success.

I grin wryly and say, "Surprise . . ?" with a lopsided shrug.

A dark shade paints his face, and it leaves me by surprise when he grabs my forehead and clutches it tightly.

"Aw, Stingyshima!" I cry out, "What's wrong with you?!"

"Why are you here?" he ask with annoyed frown.

Before I answer, I remove his hand on me, "What's that? You don't have to do that, you idiot." I pipe up while fixing my bangs.

I gape at him with a muffled face. Kei's brows are closely knitted. He must be really annoyed.

I breathe out and flash a sweet devilish smile. "Y'see, Tsukki, I have this kind of awakening just this morning, and β€”"

"What the hell you're mumbling about?" he cuts me off. "Are you stupid? You really are stupid, right?"

"Shut up! I'm not done saying my part yet!"

"The hell with that awakening crap of yours, huh?" he questions sourly.

I mimic his sour face and continue saying, "Yeah, I have this kind of awakening and realize my real purpose." Then I pause and watch his face as he eyed me idiotically. "That real purpose is to annoy you."

Kei doesn't react at first, not until he says, "Excuse me, can I throw a trash this instant?"

And in just no time, he takes my hand by the surprise and pushes me outside and shuts the door.

"Eh?" I utter obliviously. What's that for? Am I the trash he's referring to? Is he serious?

Everything goes fast when the door opens again and Kiyoko-san lets me in for the second time. "Don't be rude, Tsukishima-kun." she sighs, "And this is Yukizome," and introduces me to the whole team, "she is here because I ask her to be one of the managers of the team. But she's not sure of it that's why I let her observe this team first. Please be good to her."

I plaster a smile to my face as everyone's attentions are on me. Too many guys . . . I can't.


I am very glad of Shoyo's existence and help me to lessen my nervousness. His very bright smile relieves some anxiety to me, it means that I'm welcome here.

"Raine-chan!" he calls me again.


"I heard that you were from States, right?"

"W-Well, yes. Why?" I inquire.

"You see, I failed my English test! Teach me please!" and he bows at me.

I chuckle, not just because he's adorable, but because of disappointment also.

"Shoyo," I say, "haven't you also heard that I failed all of my exams?"

"Hah?!" his jaw drops wide open, "H-How is that . . . what? Why?"

"It can't be helped, right?" I shrug, lifting my hands airily. "I'm just a new-comer. I'm still not used to Japanese's customs."

"Y-Yeah . . ." He only bows his head in dismay.

Sorry, Shoyo.


I only squeal when a guy with a dark brown hair appears in front of me.


"What is your height?" He asks loudly with an innocent look.

"Ah, erm . . . I guess, around 173 centimeters."

"Gaahh! Damn it!!" out of the blue, he falls on his knees and dramatically slaps his head while he cries in distress, "Why does this lady is taller than me?"

Eh, that is his problem?

But he quickly regains his normal look, standing straight with a full smile. "I'm Yuu Nishinoya, second year! And you are?"

"I'm Lorraine Yukizome, first year." I grin to the guy. I'm quite surprised that he's older than me. I now understand his problem

"Ossu!" he chants, "I'm the team's libero! Pleased to meet you!"

"Yeah. I'm pleased to meet you too, Yuu-senpai!" It is my reply and as for my sudden surprise, he drops on his knees again.

"G-Gaahh!" he groans while covering his face with his hand. "Y-You . . . you called me 'senpai' . . ."

Is there something wrong with that?

He composes his stature again and faces me with his head bowed down. "Since I am your senpai . . ." then he quirks his head up with full-faced smile and eyes that sparkles in delight, "Yukizome-san, I'll treat you an ice cream later!"

I can't help but to chuckle in disbelief and amusement. He is as adorable as Shoyo Hinata. "Haha, but sure."

"Yosh! I'm now fired up!" Yuu-senpai runs enthusiastically around while handling a ball over his head. "Oi! Let's get started!"

After what had the guy Yuu Nishinoya said, everyone gathers on the court and continues their game. Kiyoko-san instructs me of the list I should do for this day. I obediently oblige and do what can I do.

"I'm going to prepare their drinks and Hitoka will help me," Kiyoko Shimizu prompts, "Yukizome-san, please support everyone by giving them the towels and picking the balls up."

"Yes, ma'am." And I grin as my answer.

"Also, be careful of a stray shot." She only says and leaves.

Stray shot? Oh, well.

As I watch the whole team with their cool and flashy tricks, I'm still amazed of the dual play of Tobio and Shoyo. The first time I witnessed in with my own eyes, I am fazed that how did they come up with that kind of skill? Tobio is the setter, he is responsible for keeping the ball straight to Shoyo's hand in an absolute accuracy. What a genius player. For Shoyo, he have this kind of agility that makes him incredibly athletic.

What a weird freaks. Freaks? Is this what Kei pertaining to?

"H-Hey . . ." I hear someone while picking up the balls and putting them inside a trolley. "I heard that you applied for the manager spot . . ."

"Yes," I reply and turn my back around as he stops in mid-sentence. The person had a shy face a couple of seconds ago and now replaced with a vacant look. In just no time, I smirk mockingly, "Oho, if it isn't Mr. Grumpy-guy-at-the-convenience-store."

"Why are you here?" he asks numbly.

"What a coincidence, I also want to ask you that." I smile.

"I'm the coach here, for your information."

My mouth forms into 'o' as my eyes widen when I heard his introduction, "R-Really?" and ask in disbelief. "Oi, oi, are you serious?"

"Why? Is there nothing to believe?"

"No . . . it's just, after all this time, I always thought that you're a slouch and did nothing but to crank the costumers out of your convenience store." Then I laugh full of slur, "I can't really believe that you can do such as coaching."

I peer at him and see a rage of vein appears on his cheek. He tightens his jaw and folds his arm, "What do you mean about that?"

"What do I mean?" I inquire, tilting my head in innocence, "I'm complimenting you, though."

"You call that compliment, you damn brat?!" it only surprises me when swears while gesturing his armsΒ that he wants to shred something into pieces. "Really? Why are you even here? This place is already full with these idiots and I don't need you to sum to my irritation every day!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, coach. If I decided to join, we just have to work together." Then I give my smile. His face softens and sighs as if he accepts me already without a second choice.

This may entertain me.

Later that day, they proceed on playing. I'm watching the team, standing beside Hitoka and the coach.

"You're amazing, Yukizome-san." Hitoka muses.

"Why do you say?"

"Haha, because you blend easily with the team." and she smiles shyly.

I chuckle, "Not really amazing, Yachi-san. And don't worry, you'll upend your social anxiety soon."

"I hope so, too."

Then after, the coach, which is Keishin Ukai, declares a short interval. Oh, time for water break. With the help of Hitoka, we give everyone an energy drink contained in a bottle.

Kei is the last person who is not still given a bottled drink and I gladly offer him one. He never said a thing but to take the bottle. Kei is sitting on the floor, leaning his back on the wall exhaustedly.

I want to ask something, but I think Kei is not on the mood to talk. Well, sorry for him because I'm a pester. So instead of leaving him, I sit back down and pull my legs together into a cross, keeping my eyes lock on him.

Kei haven't spoken a word and glued his eyes on the solid hardwood floor. He curls his legs, crossing his arms and rested them on his knees. As he repose his head on his folded arms, he returns the stares to me. I blink in redundancy, while his eyes are surprisingly soft this time.

"Do you want something?" he asks with a small sigh.

"Uhm . . . I want to ask something."

"Just don't ask something annoying."

I nod, "Okay." and inhale. "Well . . . is it annoying if I asked that why you slack in the middle of the game while the other were playing as if their lives depended on it?"

"Tch." Kei clicks his tongue, "I told you not to ask something annoying," he says in low sharp voice and pushes his index finger to my forehead, "stupid Yukizome."

"Oh, so that was annoying." I mutter to myself, "But still, why?"

Kei closes his eyes first and heaves a very deep sigh before he opens them again. "The last Inter-high prelims, we lose." he prompts that causes me to shut up. "I think you've heard the title, 'Flightless Crows', haven't you?"

"Yeah. Kiyoko-san told me."

He clips a nod, "The third years have this dream to bring back the name of Karasuno to the limelight again from the bottom of the dumpster. Everyone had a very high hope to win that up, but once we lose to the elite team Aoba Johsai, it left them completely devastated."

It picks some curiosity to me and lean a little forward to him, lacing my fingers to my chin.

"Still, they continue to cling onto that dream, and decided to play for the Spring High instead of graduating." Kei starts shortly after a pause. "And so, everyone have this kind of goal. That goal is to make the third years graduate without any regrets, because the choice they made was too high to pay."

I nod in redundancy, "That's . . . inspiring." and chuckle with my comment.

Kei snorts, shaking his head in objection.

"Aren't you inspired with that?" I inspect as I raise a brow.

"Not even a bit."

"Eh. I'm starting wonder why you're on the regular line-up?"

"Try to guess." he only says.

I close my one eye and snicker, "Well, your physique is useful, but your attitude is useless."

I sense his irritation and states, "I don't want to hear that from someone who's not even close enough from being useful."

Screw you, Tsukishima. I say inwardly and stab him with a knife how many times in my mind.

I'm about to reply back when as if on cue, someone blows a whistle, snatching everyone's attentions to the place where the sound is coming from. It is the coach, telling every body to resume the practice in a minute.

Then Kei stands up with a grunt. He stretches his arms and shoulders as I pull myself up and stand beside him. Then he hands me the bottle and towel as he prepares himself to play again.

"I guess, you better do your best, Kei." I cheer him up, giving him a brief pat on his shoulder.

"Whatever." and he says curtly, "Win or lose, it's both hell for me."

I just smile a bit. I guess, I know what he means.

The practice starts again in a while and I go back to the bench, standing beside Coach Ukai.

"You have a nice team," I speak to the coach.

"Right?" he replies proudly with a wide grin.

"Especially to Tobio Kageyama and Shoyo Hinata, they are both talented." I say truthfully as I keep my sights to their play, "Well, everyone got a special skills, and it will be rendered useless of they stay on this kind of level."

"What're you trying to say, huh?" The coach shots me a death glare.

I smirk, sneering at him. "I heard what happened to the Inter-high thingy. And how's the taste of defeat?"

Keishin Ukai gives me bitter look to his face.

"You don't have to tell me." I continue, "And you are the coach, right? So, what do you need to do? How can you hone the potentials they have? Oh, first thing's first, have you already thought a new counter-measures for this? Well, if you haven't, then you're useless."

"Oi, oi! You've been spouting offensive things!" he interjects as he points a finger on me. "What do you know, huh?"

"Nothing." I shrug, "I'm just your fellow useless person."

"I don't get you, dumbass."

"Thus, as a fellow useless person, I have an advice for you." I tell him with a placid face. "History will repeat if you let it."

He never said something back and grumbles silently. I turn around and start marching away from him. "So then, I'm leaving."

"Hey, where are you going?" He protests, "Practice is not done yet, oi!"

"I don't care," I whisper to myself and raise my arm in mid-air. "Good luck, Mr. Grumpy-guy-at-the-convenience-store!"

"Wait, I thought you would join here?"

"I said 'if'." I corrected, walking on a slow pace. "And I don't want to get involved in this circus of weirdos." As I reach the main door, I slide it opens then I go out.

I blow my bangs upwardly and shut the door. "Welcome back to the reality, me." I mumble under my breath, continue walking.

Ah . . . I still need to review. Screw life.



Thank you for reading~

I also don't know if this story is getting interesting, but I enjoy writing it. Haha.

kei's face seeing lorraine inside the gym

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