10 - Talk

It such a lonely thing that the time I open my eyes, I felt all ready alone. I don't know when this started, all I know is I have to live like this.

I am now awake and it is Saturday. I stare to the plain ceiling blankly. I have no idea what is with the ceiling and my eyes are fixed above. Maybe because I can see myself to the ceiling. Plain and dull.

I sigh, where are my emotions? I feel so empty. I don't know how many minutes it takes gazing to it. Ugh, this is . . . boring, like my life. Then I close my eyes, pull my blanket up, and cover my face. I want to take a nap again.

After a long while . . .

"Drat, it's useless." I grumble to myself and jolt up with an irritated face.

Getting off of my bed, I start fixing it. As soon as I'm done, I head outside. Then suddenly, I feel like something is clinging onto me.

It is the invisible silence. Silence welcomes me as if it's hugging me like a teddy bear. It is so heavy.

I sigh as I roam my eyes around this house. This house is too big for me to live in. It's stressing me out. Ugh, what an ugly morning.

Going to the kitchen, picking something for my breakfast, and eat at the living room.

While eating, I'm thinking what should I do to survive this day. Hmm . . . I think, nothing. Yah, I can think of nothing.

Blaaah . . . can I cry?

Whatever. Maybe, I should stroll again on this town area. Eh, but it's summer and the heat might kill me.

I start munching again, still thinking of something to kill time. And when I'm done eating, I solely sit on the couch. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?

Then there is silence again. It is so silent that I can hear even the ticking of the clock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

I sigh. When did silence become so noisy?

Maybe I should design the backyard? Gardening sounds good. So I stand up and do some stretching. Wait, do we have gardening tools? I bet we don't have.

Guh. I sit on the couch again and sink myself. This is the very death of me. Well, I should clean the house and buy some gardening stuff later.

Then once again, I stand up and pick all the cleaning tools to the storage room. I'm going to start at the second floor, where my room is.

Come to think of it, I haven't really organized my stuff. There are still some of things that are left untouched inside my other luggage. So I open the luggage and see already a shoe-sized box inside.

I breathe out heavily as I decided to open it up. Once it is opened, a frame with happy smiles is the first thing welcomes me. It is a picture of a happy and perfect family. And that family used to be us.

If I'm going to tale my story, it should start as the: "Once upon a time, there was a king and queen who was happily living together with their only precious princess Lorraine."

Uh, like duh. Now I'm cringing. There's no such as thing as that. Fairy tales? Don't sum me up.

I close the box again and hide it where I could never see it. And even though it is just a fairy tale, I can't simply just discard it. Why? Because I don't know.

I smile ruefully. What a unforgettable memories.

So then, I start cleaning. This time, it is serious.

I dust all the dust in the whole roomβ€”not just the room, but also the whole houseβ€”sweeping all of it neatly and mopping the floor, leaving it sparkling.

And after two hours . . .

"Ugh, exhausted . . ." I murmur while lying on the couch completely wasted.

I glance at the wall clock, it says that it is 10 AM. Well, at least I bought some time.

And I need to take a bath, and after that, I'm gonna buy the stuff I need for gardening.

Okay, I go to my closet and pick some clothes best for summer, and make my way to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I fix myself just to look pretty decent.

Now it is time to go. I grab my umbrella before leaving and locked the door.

As I walk, I realize something.

Where is the shop where I can all the things I needs?

The answer? I don't know. Geh.

But before I lost my way, I head straight to the convenience store. As usual, the scent of the cigarette greets me. It means, the cashier guy is here.

"You're back," he says without looking at me.

"Yeah, hello again." I reply, walking towards the fridge. I want ice cream though. I'm gonna beat the heat. All right.

There are kinds of different flavors, but I pick the melon one. Soon as I'm done, I go to the cashier and he quickly punch it.

While paying the bill, I ask him, "Do you know where I can buy some gardening tools?"

He looks at me with a furrowed brows, "Do I look like a map?"

I chuckle immediately, "Well, aren't you the map?"

"Don't return the question." he says rasply. I raise a brow inside my mind. He returned it first, though.

"Haha," I say, smirking. "'Cuz for you to know, I'm the annoying little girl with a backpack that happens to be the Dora the Explorer."

He facepalm, "Shut it, kid."

I laugh again, "Just tell me already."

"Just go to the street beside this store and walk straight. You'll see the garden shop on your way."

"Okay~" I say with a smile. I turn around and take a few steps. As I open the door, I glance at him again, "Thank you, Mister Grumpy-guy-at-the-convenience-store! Bye." then I exit.

I follow his instructions and et voilΓ ! I found the garden store. I scan the store, grabbing all the stuff I need. Good thing, I have the cash to buy all this.

After a while, I'm on my way home. I'm carrying all the things, and it's quite heavy. Hah, thankfully, my house is not that far. As I reach the corner, I run into someone.

"Oh, good to see you here." She greets.

I smile, "Yes, just buying stuff." and answer to Mrs. Tsukishima. Kei's mom.

"I heard that you were hospitalized, why tiring yourself now?"

"Haha, not that too much, don't worry."

Since we both live in a same street, we walk together, while she's asking about my health.

"By the way, Yukizome-san, I would like you to invite for a lunch, do you want to?"

Her question leaves my mouth hanging for a second. "E-Eh . . . but I have my food in my place, so . . ."

"Just this once?" she urges with a hopeful smile.

I plaster a fake and forceful smile, "Am I welcome?"

"Of course, you sure are welcome in my place." And she chucklesΒ  casually, "That's why I bought extra groceries now, because I'm going to include you in our lunch."

Something melts inside of me, she's too kind. A mother like her, please.

I grin gratefully, "I'm always indebted to you."

"Please don't. It's a neighborhood thing to do."

Later that day, we reach her house.

As soon as I enter their home, Kei is there. He have this straight, blunt face and his aura screams the unwelcoming vibe. "Why is she here?" he says, arching a brow.

I vein pops on my cheek. Can't he just greet me properly?

"Now, now, Kei." His mom says, "Be nice to her."

"Whatever." Kei snaps and I watch him go upstairs.

"Feel at home, Yukizome-san," I look at Kei's mom while carrying all the groceries, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to start cooking."

"I can help you." I grin.

"You can cook?"

I nod my head, "It's my past time."

"Ah right, you gave Kei a cake. Did you bake it?"

"Yes," I answer and we make our way to the kitchen.

"Really, huh?"

"Does it taste good?"

"Yes," she replies, "Kei would not like it if it's not."

"Eh? Kei?"

Mrs. Tsukishima chuckles, "Kei likes eating sweets, strawberry shortcake, specifically."

I laugh to my mind. Kei likes sweets? Haha, a new discovery. It is just kinda . . . cute, because a salty French fry like him have a sweet tooth. Hoho.

After a minute, she starts cooking, and I'm just helping her. Like cutting and slicing the vegetables and meats.

Yeah, I know how to cook. Well, if I don't cook for myself, then who will? I need to survive.

"Yukizome-san, why don't you call Kei upstairs?" Kei's mom tells me after we are done cooking.

"Eh? Me?"

"Yes, you."


"You see, I have to prepare the plates and the other things."

I inhale, "O-Okay . . ." and say reluctantly. She instructs me his room. It is the second door on the right after climbing up the stairs.

I get her instruction fast, and I'm now in front of his room. What should I say to him after knocking his door? What face should I make as I face him? How can I act in front of that salty jerk?

Hah, whatever. What may happen, happens.

I'm about to knock when door involuntarily opens.

I curse silently under my breath. It's like he have that sensor in his system.

I never say a word, just only looking sideways. Screw this.

"I understand." he utters, "Time for lunch?"

"Y-Yah." I stammer.

"You mean, we're gonna eat the same food on the same table?"

"I guess, I'm sorry . . ?" I reply sarcastically.

I sense his annoyance, "Eat your sarcasm instead, stupid." He says plainly, flicking my forehead out of the blue!

"Aww!!!" I cry out, touching where he flicks me! I feel like I'm going to tear up because of the pain, "I hate you! Like eat your saltiness!"

"That's good to hear. I hate you, too." He shrugs, exiting of his room.

"Why can't you just be kind to me?"

"Because you're annoying."

"Seriously, there's no other reason?"

"None," he answers boringly while going downstairs, "because you're annoying."

"Can I push you on this staircase?" I say blankly.

Kei pauses on walking and pivoted behind where I am standing, "You sure that you are not a murderer?"

I scoff while rolling my eyes, "Oh, yeah? Right, I'm a murderer, because I have killed you many times in my dreams."

I see him smirk while putting a hand on his pocket. "So you're dreaming of me?"

My mouth draws open with a perfect small 'o' letter. I feel my face blushes in a deep shade of red and in any moment, I'll explode because of this embarrassment!

What have I just said?!

"I-I . . ." I stutter as I search for perfect words to reason out.

Kei only shakes his head a bit with a small grin, "Aren't you sweet, Your Highness Lorraine?"

"Ugh, I hate you." I only ignore him and make past of him, then go to dining area, leaving him behind.

And then, the food are already prepared. Thanks to his mother. We all gather up on the dining area and eat immediately.

While eating, I steal a fast glance to Kei. To be honest, I can't properly look at him because of the embarrassing thing I have said. How stupid can I really be? Saying words recklessly. Jeez.

"Kei," suddenly, Mrs. Tsukishima calls him, "You should eat more."

"I can't eat that much." answers the tall guy.

"You should. You have a training camp next week, so here." she says and places an extra rice on his plate.

I only watch him. He can't say no to his mother. I stifle a low laugh as I bite my lower lip. Not even noticing, he catches me preventing not to laugh and I quickly hide it with a facepalm.

"You too, Yukizome-san." I put my attention to Kei's mother as she spoke to me, "You're too thin for a lady."

"But . . . I'm already full." I reason out.

"I won't accept that reason," and before I can complain, she have already put a bowlful of rice on my plate.

Then I hear Kei scoffs mockingly as though he's saying, "serves you right."

Oh-ho. Like, yes. Serves me right.

"How's the review going?" Mrs. Tsukishima inquires, pertaining us.

"Fine." Kei answers while munching.

I chuckle wearily, "Not fine."

Seriously. I have forgotten about the midterms. Can I say "damn"? Oh, I have just said it.

"Why though?"

I heave a sigh, "Nothing~" and reply with a tune.

"Are you having a hard time, Yukizome-san? Kei can help you."

"No." And he says curtly.

"Haha, no, it's just I forgot about it. Completely." I reply while puffing my cheeks, "I'll start later." or not. I hate reviewing.

Then after a minutes of eating, we are now done. I go straight to the lanai of their house and sit on the floor. My stomach is full. I ate two plateful of rice and meal. I have never eaten like that.

"Guh . . ." I grumble in a low tone and rest my hands on the wooden floor that levels straight down on my shoulders. My back is angled for about 30Β° as my head is gazing above the sky.

It's a cloudless noon. The sun is in peak of the day and it's hot.

I sigh and just close my eyes. And it is also a good time to sleep. Then again, the silence is accompanying me. But the silence here is warm, gentle, and kind. This household is so light, a perfect definition of home.

And all of he sudden, I sense a cold something touches my forehead. I hurriedly open my eyes and see Kei standing upright near me.

"Take it," he says, referring the thing he places on my forehead.

I raise a hand and do what I have told. It is a cup of ice cream with a tiny spoon. Kei gave me an ice cream. "Thanks." I whisper. Exactly what I need.

Then, he sits beside me silently while eating a strawberry ice cream also.

Okay. I only open the lid of the ice cream cup and eat happily. Though I'm already full, I think, ice cream won't kill me.

"Anyway," I open the conversation, "you have a training camp?"


"What kind of training?"

"Volleyball training." he answers.

"Mm. . . " I hum while nodding. Heh, he's a volleyball player? His height tells me so. "Does it fun?"

"Not even close," he responds without a second thought.

"Heh, then why are you still playing?"

Kei eyed me, "Ah, what a nosy person we have here."

"Okay," I purse my lips, "Sorry, master."

"Not just nosy, but also an annoying one." he hisses and takes a bite of the ice cream. "How about you?"

"What about me?" I eyed him, meeting his looks.

"You don't play a sport?"

"With this kind of health?"

"Oh, why did I still ask."

"Like I am the jock type as you. I'll be sent to the hospital again if I tired myself too much." I grin, "And by the way, I thank you again for what you've done on the other day."

He raises an eyebrow. "For what?"

"For visiting me at the hospital."

"Actually, I didn't have a plan to visit you. Yamaguchi just insisted me to."

"Ah, I should thank Tadashi also." I mutter, eating.

"You haven't get over about that, huh? And you even paid what you owed me."

"Well, of course. You two were only the people who visited me." I tell him as I stare on the ice cream. "Even my mother didn't come to visit."

"Your mother?"


"Your father?"

"They . . ." I mumble and shove a half full spoon of ice cream in my mouth, "got separated."

He only nods his head, "Sorry for asking."

"Nah, it's fine."

"Okay," he shrugs. "What kind of work your mom does?"

"She's a lawyer. The same with dad."

"Whoah." He smirks, "The parents that are smart, but the child is not."

I give him a sharp look, but I can't argue enough. He's right. "Yah, I admit it. Can I say sorry?"

"Does it hard? I mean, having a broken family."

Does it hard? I secretly ask myself. "I don't know." and purse my lips, "I was still a kid when they separated, and I can't remember the rest."

"Didn't you grow resentful of them?"

I grimace slightly, "You're unusually inquisitive today."

"Then don't answer."

"Gee." I snarl, "I did . . . I guess, but mom told me that it was for our own good. Their relationship did not work rightly, but all I know, Dad was a great dad. He always had a time for me, but mom had not."


"So . . . I don't know."

"You're a nonsense talker."

"Wow, that's why I can't remember, stupid." I retorted, grumbling.

"Then, if your dad was a great dad, then why didn't you come with him?"

I sigh, "Okay, I tell you. That case, went to the court. (Haha, that was absurd). Like who have the rights to take care of me. But since mom was better than dad, she won the case. As for my surname, it was my dad's, actually. She was being sympathetic, because dad still had a rights for me. So, yeah."

"Oh, I see. I bet you're enjoying your mother's company."


"So you're not?"

"Who would be?" I only shrug my shoulders.

"But you also had the rights to choose whether it was your mom and dad, yeah?"

"Well yah, I had." I answer, "Ever since mom won the case, she was not really happy about it. No one would ever be happy about it. So having a young mind, I asked her what would make her happy. She said that if I study harder and topping at class, that alone would make her happy. But sorry for her, I'm not the child whom she expected."

He stays silent at first, "You're just lazy to study." and adds in the end.

"Haha, I think so too."

"So you're actually aware that you're just lazy?"

"Then I'm sorry." I rebut, "Who needs studying, anyway."

"You're a twisted one." he comments.

"Well then thank you." I snort while bowing my head sardonically. "But nah . . . I only hate studying. Meh."

"I guess I hate it as well."

"You hate it, but you're still doing it." I tell him while staring at the blue sky, "Like duh."

"If I won't do it, then what will I do? I don't wanna live a boring life."

"Oh, so you are doing all this out of boredom?" I ask incredulously, "Well, fair enough. But in my case, studying gets me bored, so naaww. Studying . . . more like, studying. Hahaha."

"Bury your lame-ass humor, Yukizome-san." Kei snaps with a flat mouth.

"You're way too harsh."

"Whatever," he mutters as he is done eating and he stands up. "Well then, I'll resume on studying." and Kei emphasizes the dying word.

A small smirk etches my lips, "Then die."

"Tch," he just whizzes and faces the doorway, "Go home, you stupid. Your annoying vibes has contaminated the house."

"Oh-ho, really?" That offended me. "Then I won't go home, you French fry. Feel my annoyingness."

"Damn," he curses in a low tone, "why can't I stand you?"

"Haha, right back at yah."

"Do what you want, ugly."

I only make face. That jerk. I wish he will stumble and cry right now. Call me evil, but I only hope the worse for him. Ah, I'm such a bad human being. But oh well, that is his natureβ€”being a salty little prick. I mean, a salty tall prick.
