Requested from @IvoryMathis3 thank you for your request!

(You guys are obviously older in this)

I felt something tapping my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes to see my 4 year old son. James. "What's wrong?" I asked "I'm hungry" he said. He normally does this. I picked him up and brought him down to the kitchen. I placed him in his seat and started getting him cereal. Me Jacob got married years ago and then had two kids. James who is 4 and Juliet who is 7. We are kinda young parents. Juliet and Jacob will come down in a few minutes James is always the first one up. James looks so much like Jacob. I gave him his cereal. Today I had a photoshoot with VOGUE so I had to get ready. Juliet came down the stairs. I already made her cereal so I just gave that to her. Juliet does acting as well. So I have to drop her off on set. Jacob then came downstairs. "Good morning" he said "good morning" he gave me a kiss. "Jake I have a photoshoot today so can you drop off Juliet on set?" I said as I gave him a coffee. "Yeah I will but I have an interview today so I will drop her off before then" he said then went to go sit At the table. "What about James? Does he come with me or you?"he asked "I can take him" this is how most of our days look. James also does acting but he's not in anything right now. He said he didn't want to do anything right now which I agree with because he should be able to be a normal 4 year old. I started acting when I was 4 and I never got to be a normal 4 year old. It was Juliet's decision to do acting as we respected that.

I went upstairs to change for my photoshoot and James followed me up. James is very attached to me. I got dressed then went to James room to get him dressed. I packed him a small backpack because the photoshoot is gonna be long. We both went downstairs to leave. "Bye Jake were going now!" "We're leaving soon too" he said and came over to give me a kiss. Juliet came to say goodbye too.

Me and James were on our way to the photoshoot and then we finally arrived there.

I left James with a friend as I got ready. I came back out and James was colouring in his colouring book keeping him entertained. (My kid ain't gonna be an iPad kid๐Ÿ™„) I smiled and the went in front of the camera.

We took a lot of the photos and it's been a few hours. I can tell James looked really tired. When we were done I got dress back into my clothes and the. Grabbed James and put him in the car. We went home so I can get him something to eat and put him to bed. I had to stop for gas. I haven't been feeling well for past few days so I went in the gas station to get something.

We finally made it home. I walked in and saw Juliet and Jacob on the couch watching Star Wars. Soon as I put James down he ran to the couch. "Hey How was your interview?" "Good how was your photoshoot?" "It went well" we then started making dinner.

We finished dinner and then had to put the kids to bed. Then we got ready for bed. While Jacob was in the shower I went to the downstairs bathroom with the bag from the gas station. I pulled it out of the bag and then waited a few minutes later. There on the small little test was 2 red lines. I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I slightly smiled at. I already have two kids and adding another one is great for me and Jacob. I'm very happy with this and I know Jacob will too!

A/n:Hey so that was it! Hope you liked it! I will be working on another soon! Bye

Words: 708 <3
