this was requested by @Ellianawashere


Jacob was taking me out for a date because we haven't gone on a date in forever. we got a table ready and ordered our food. Jacob was kicking my feet under the table and i was taking photos of him. i don't get to see Jacob a lot because of covid. we don't live very close and it's hard to see each other like other couples. i wish we did live close.

a girls around are age came up to Jacob and asked for a picture. i'm always fine with people wanting to take photos with Jacob. He's famous everyone want's to take photos with him. they took a picture and then Jacob was being nice and he started talking to her. i don't get jealous very often but i started to feel upset when Jacob was talking to her. i guess it's because i haven't been able to have a date with him in months. our food got here and they were still talking. Jacob didn't even noticed when the food got here. i understand he is being nice but this is our date. the girl was being a bitch too. she kept glaring at me when Jacob wasn't looking. a lot of Jacob's fans like me but some don't. they only don't like me because i'm dating Jacob. i remember when we first started dating all his fans hated me but now a lot of them love me. it just took time. some people will never change though. Jacob tells me that the ones who still don't like me are just jealous.

i never like to admit when i'm jealous but i started to feel it. the girl kept twirling her hair and every time the conversation was about to end she would bring up something else to make it last longer. the conversation went on for what felt like forever. she was finally down getting the attention and then left. "when did the food get here?" he asked. i playfully rolled my eyes.."Sorry it took so long" he said as we ate. "it's fine" i said with a smile. the rest of the date went good but it wasn't for very long. his mom came to pick us up and drop me off at me house. "are you okay?" he asked me. i nodded. we got to my house and i said thank you for the ride and got our of the car. Jacob could tell something was bothering me. he got out of car and walked me to the front door. "can you tell me what wrong?" he asked. "nothing's wrong" i said lying. "i don't believe you" he said. "was it that girl?" "uh what girl" i said. "are you jealous?" he asked. i looked up at him. "well no...but i really wanted to spend the afternoon with you but you fans came and took that away" i said finally telling him the truth. "i'm sorry" "it's not your fault" he looked up at me. "yes it is i should've realized it" "it's fine Jake we can go on another date" i said "how about i take you on another date but we stay home and order food so no one can bother us" he asked. "i would love that" i said. he gave me a kiss goodbye and then i went inside.

i love Jacob Tremblay

A/n: I am so sorry i haven't posted on here in so long. i didn't forget about ya'll i just been really busy. i also have no idea what to post for my other book and i'm desperate for ideas on that story. i can't post anything about that story till i get ideas so i really hope some of you guys have ideas for me. i love ya'll bye!

Words: 640 <3
