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I watched Chase as he was bench pressing with Pico beside me. He turned to look at us and maybe called us creeps but I was too busy to give attention to that comment.

My eyes were glued to the muscles that were straining under the pressure. He is ripped. Did I mention he's not wearing a shirt? It's on me, hehe.

How did I manage to pull this man? God knows, so thank you god, I guess.

Look away. My subconscious told me. I should, I did too. I moved my eyes to his hands. Is it wierd that I find them hot with gloves on? Goddamn. My neck is empty sir.

I didn't realise that he moved until Pico slapped me. He's being mean like his dad. "Why you slapping me bitch?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

He slapped me again, for calling him a bitch I guess? Good thing I cut his nails yesterday. He would've given me a natural blush on my face.

"You've got some drool there." Chase said, standing in front of me. I think maybe he's right. I wiped the corner of my mouth, there was nothing, let me make that clear. He shook his head before heading back to his room.

"Will you get ready?" I said loudly to Chase and Pico who were running around the room since last ten minutes. How has he not caught the little cat yet is beyond my imagination.

"He stole my shirt!" Chase said, running around in his pants. Not that I mind but we're getting late.

"Wear another one." I sighed. He has like hundreds of white shirts inside the closet.

"Good point." He said and stopped chasing Pico. Dork. "Don't ruin it." He narrowed his eyes at Pico and went back to the closet.

I turned to the little furball to see him yawning. He gets tired so easily. Everyday he struts around the house and we go on a morning walk, after eating he sleeps or sometimes tries to get Chase's attention by doing stupid things, like he stole his shirt today.

"Sleep." I tell him, kneeling down beside him. I pat his head as he keeps the shirt closer to him.

"Celeste." I heard Chase calling me.

"Yes?" I asked, entering the closet.

"This stupid thing is trying to mess with me." He groaned, tugging at the tie which was in a horrible knot. What was he trying to do with it?

"How many times have I taught you how to do it?" I asked, knowing the answer fully well.

"I almost tied it, it just got stuck." He said in his defence.

"Ofcourse." I opened it from its death knot and tied it like it deserved to be.

I was about to move away after tying his tie but he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Hi." He said.

"Hello." I replied, amused with his actions.

"Would you like to go out with me tonight?" He asked.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I haven't decided yet." He said. Liar, I know from his face that he decided everything.

"What am I going to wear?" I asked.

"Whatever you're comfortable in?" He said.


"Okay." He smiled and booped my nose this time.

"Do you know you have a-"

"I know." He cut me off. I was going to compliment his smile. Idiot. He doesn't deserve my compliments.

"Breakfast is getting cold." He called over his shoulder as he walked out.


Drinking lemonade is good, but it's better when you're listening to gossip. It's fascinating how people think about you or every other person without knowing them.

Savannah, the new assistant manager, who Logan called Sophia was talking to one of her colleagues I don't know the name of. She's a red head, so we're calling her red. Guess who's the topic?

Chase. Sip, sip.

"I heard he's single." Savannah said.

"Yeah, I haven't seen him with any woman in last three years I worked here." Red said. Yeah, totally. He was kissing my ghost in the lobby this morning.

"Does he ever makes rounds on other floors?" Savannah asked her.

"Very rarely. His assistant visits frequently though." She said. She's right. I do, like I'm doing right now.

"Lucky bitch." Savannah muttered. Damn right, I am.

"She's dating Logan, I've heard." Red said. Eww, What the fuck? That's like the stupidest rumour I've heard about myself. She could've said Caleb, at least I had a crush on him.


"Logan Summers." Red clarified, Savannah's expressions changed as if she recognised who she was talking about.

"Okay, enough about him. I'm going to the top floor today. I'm sure he won't be immune to my charms." She flicked her blonde hair back, smirking a little.

"He's even hotter in person-"

"I saw him a few weeks ago, the photos do no justice to him. His eyes-" Okay, I walked away from there. Annoying little bitches.

"You've got some admirers." I said as I took a final sip from his drink.

"Are you one of them?" He asked.

"Nah, I hate you." I told him.

"What a shame, I seem to have a thing for the hater." He said, not moving his eyes from the page he was reading and quickly signed the page. Wish I could multitask, I would've written what we were talking about instead of my own name.

"Where are we going?" I asked, hoping he would answer this time.

"Don't know." He replied.

"I'll tell you a big secret if you tell me." I said.

"How about no?" He said, finally closing the file and making his way to the front of the desk. I looked up at him, sometimes I don't realise how tall he really is.

"Fine. I'll be back in an hour or so, I have to be somewhere. You don't have any meetings or something in the next hour and Lydia is manning the calls and if you want, you can take Daniel's help. He would loooove to help you. His internship ends soon though but he's a bright kid, always finishing his work before anyone else. I don't remember his last name though but you can ask for that information right?-"

He cut me off by placing his lips on mine. Hmm, this is better than talking.

"Take a breath." He said, taking a step back. I was taking a breath while speaking, he just wanted an excuse to kiss me, greedy bitch.

"Okay bye." I stood up with my things.


"So..anything useful?" I asked.

"They have done some..sketchy things in the past, I've put everything on these files. I'm still looking for things though but read them. You'll find alot of information that'll help you." Zack said, the private investigator Rome told me about.

"There's more right?" I asked.

"Yeah alot more. I'll give you a call as soon as I get my hands on it. Don't worry, I won't let you down." He said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Thank you so much Zack. You don't know how much you're helping me with this." I said, keeping the files in my purse.

"Don't thank me, it's my job. I'm glad to help you." He replied.

"So I'll see you next..time?" I said, getting up.

"Sure. If you have any doubt about the information in the file, don't hesitate to give me a call." He said, getting up too. He gave me a nod and we shook hands before parting ways.

I just hope things go my way.

I was waiting for the elevator when I felt a presence beside me. I looked at Savannah standing with a hard expression on her face. Did she give him a 'visit' already?

We pressed the respective buttons of the floor while she was still taking angry breaths. I guess she was done with the visit.

"Who does he thinks he is? He threatened to fire me! Threatened me!" She exclaimed. The 'he' in question is Chase I presume.

I looked at her from the corner of my eye to see if she was talking to me or herself. By the way she is looking at me, I think I'm supposed to answer her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Have you met the CEO? He's an asshole." She said. No he isn't..sometimes.

"What did he do?" I asked again.

"I offered him a good deal, he rejected it and then he thought he can threaten me for suggesting something. He can't even remember names, he called me by the wrong name twice. What kind of CEO he is?" She spat. How do I politely tell her that he doesn't feel it important to learn the names of irrelevant people?

"What was the deal?" I can't help but ask.

"I offered we could please each other with no one knowing, for free! I didn't even ask for any money. Ungrateful-"

"Watch your mouth." I interrupted before she could curse him. Do it inside your head all you want to, I wouldn't care.

"Who are you?" She asked at the same time the doors opened. Get out bitch before my heel digs into your throat. She didn't make a move to get out, eventually the doors closed.

"Who are you?" She asked again.

"Who are you?"

"Savannah Wilson." She sneered. Calm yo tits woman.

"Well Savannah, If you really like your job, stop badmouthing your boss to every second person you meet, he was being nice when he just threatened to fire you. If HR got the wind of this 'deal' you're talking about, you would be out of the doors with your things in your hands without a notice. You got hired to do your job, not sell your body. Stop being a disgrace to women. Learn to respect yourself. And about who I am, Celeste Reed. It wasn't nice to meet you." I finished.

"Oh. You're her." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's your floor." She said as the door opened again.

Shit I have a date! I quickly went out, trying to forget about Sarah or Savannah whatever her name is.

Atleast someone's going on a date..๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅฒ
