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"Can you go alone?" I ask Chase as he comes out after a shower.


"Okay, can you not go at all?" I change my question.

"This is the only event I attend." He replies.

"Liar, you attend the events your company hosts." I point out.

"That's different." He says.

"I don't want to get up." I groan and turn face first on the bed.

"I'll take someone else then." He says.

"Okay, bring me food on your way back." I reply.

"Okay. Call Beth and ask her to get ready." He says, rubbing his hair with the towel.

"Excuse me? Why would I do that?" I ask, sitting up.

"Because you're my assistant." He replies in a duh tone.

"Okay. I will, You just wait till she cuts you in pieces with her big big nails and eats you slowly." I tell him, narrowing my eyes.



"Keep that phone down and get your ass up." He says.

"No. You're going with Beth now." I reply.

"I was joking, I'd rather die than go anywhere with her. Now get up and wear your dress." He says.

"I'll have to do my hair and I didn't even paint my nails. Paint my nails." I tell him.

"Which color?" He asks.

"Whatever you like." I reply. He sighs before he walks to the vanity and picks up a bottle of nailpolish. It's white. "I want glittery nails. Bring a glittery one." I tell him.

"You said whatever I like." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Yes but I thought you'll bring glittery one." I say, looking at my nails. He picks up the glitter one and sits beside me and takes my hand, keeping it on his thigh. Did I mention he was in a towel?

"Stop moving your hand." He complains.

"Sorry." I say as he paints my nails. "They look nice." I say.

"Ofcourse they do, I'm doing them." He brags.

"Shut up and do your work." I say, making him shake his head.

"Done." He says, standing up. I lie down again. "Get up now." He says, getting annoyed.

"It's drying right now, do you want me to ruin the nails?" I ask.

"Fine." He huffs, entering the closet.

Fifteen minutes later he comes out all dressed. He kept his tuxedo jacket on the couch before turning to me with a disappointed look on his face. The next thing he did was pick me up and lock me inside the closet.

"You're not coming out until you're ready." I hear him say.

"Rude boy." I murmured, looking at my dress. Well that made me quickly strip out of my clothes and get into the dress.

Is there anything more good than dressing up? Food is but we're not counting that right now.

"Chase." I called him.

"Yes?" He asks, so he was standing outside only.

"I'm stuck!" I yell. I hear him opening the door and walking in. The dress was made up of satin material, while the dress fit my body like a dream, there was a high slit on the left thigh followed by a skirt train, what I failed to notice was the chain on the side to get in easily.

"Idiot." He mutters before helping me get into the dress fully.

"Thanks." I say to him as he steps back to take me in. "How am I looking?" I ask, twirling a little.

"You're beautiful." He says. I smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek I walk out to finish my makeup. Should've done that earlier.


We reached there a little late, I told him that the later we go the sooner we'll get the food served. He didn't think that way apparantly. That's why I call him stupid.

"Do you think her boobs are real?" I ask him, looking at a lady who was sipping champagne slowly while laughing with her companions.

"Why did I even bring you with me?" He asks more to himself than me.

"Because you loooove my company." I say, nudging him. "Oh, someone's coming your way. I'm not staying here." I say, walking away from him as I see a man approaching him, probably for some business talk or something. I try the appetizer in the mean time.

"Oi, Brett." I say, as I see a familiar face among all these unknown people.

"Celeste, fancy seeing you here." He says.

"Where's your wifey?" I ask, looking for his wife, Sophie.

"At home with Oliver, he was sick." He says.

"Oh yeah, he really was." I say, remembering the mess he made in my house.

"What?" He asks.

"Remembered something but anyways, you're keeping me company till that oldie leaves Chase." I joke, not really.

"I always knew you guys were into each other." He says.

"Yeah it's not like you didn't make your thoughts visible enough." I reply.

"So, are you free next weekend?" He asks.

"Never again." I raise my hands in surrender as we both laugh.

"Is that Blair Stone?" He says, looking over my shoulder.

"Like the actress?" I ask.

"Yep, I think she's trynna steal your boyfriend. Go get your man." He tells me as I turn around.

"Excuse me? Will you cover for me if I rip out her hair extensions?" I ask.

"Absolutely." He replies pushing me in the direction where Chase stands. The man was replaced by Blair. Why all these 'B' word name girls are stealing my boy?

Our eyes connect as I see him looking everywhere but at Blair. Before he could walk toward me, I already reached him.

"Hi." I say wrapping my arm around his, the same one Blair had her finger on. He's stiff as a log.

"And who you might be?" She moves her gaze to me. Your mama bitch. "Haven't seen you before." She continues.

"Can't say the same for you." I reply. I don't like her, she's always doing shady shit. Never read her name without a scandal following.

She looks back at Chase again, this time keeping her hand on his other arm, making him flinch. "We'll finish what we started later." She whispers in a husky voice before walking away.

And all of a sudden it clicks. More famous, more powerful than him. Twelve years back she was more famous and powerful than him. "Is that her?" I ask. He doesn't reply but his silence does. "I'm going to kill her." I say, leaving his arm to drag that bitch.

"No, it's not the right place or time. Leave it." He says, holding my arm and pulling me back.

"I heard what she said Chase and that's, that's sick of her to say something like that. You've suffered alot because of her. I won't let her do that again, I don't care if she's rich or famous. She deserves hell." I almost shout. He expects me to let her go?

"She's not worth it." He replied.

"You said the same for Beth." I huff out. Trying to calm myself down. "I'll just poke her eyes out with my glittery nails, please?" I try to bargain.

"I'm thankful that you care about me but I don't want you to get yourself stuck in the drama, I don't know why she approached me today but don't worry about it. I stopped getting bothered by her presence long ago." He explains.

"I still want to stab her." I reply slowly.

"Forget about her, hmm?"

"Can I spill wine on her though?" I ask. He sighs in return, leaving my arm. "I need to pee." I suddenly remember. "I'll be back." I tell him before walking towards the washrooms.

It was difficult to pee with that dress but I somehow did anyway. I was drying my hands when Blair appeared beside me. God, not that cliche bathroom fight please, I thought you would make my life cooler than that. I cry to myself.

"You think you have him figured out, don't you?" She says.

"Actually no, sometimes I can't figure out what's going inside his head y'know?" I reply.

"Stay away from him-"

"No, You stay away from him. If I ever see you laying a finger on him again, I'll make sure you don't have a single finger left. Just because he didn't do anything don't think I won't too. Keep your filthy hands away and your filthier gaze far away from him. You won't like what I'll do to you. Bitch." I spat before tangling my leg with hers, making her lose balance and fall as I walked out.

"I'm so hungry, why aren't they serving yet?" I ask as I reach Chase.

"We can leave if you want to." He says.

"Yes please, I'm sure the food here will be boring like the people and I'm starving." I say, patting my stomach.

"Let's go." He says, looking over my shoulder as Blair walks out limping, hah, take that bitch.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"I did nothing, didn't even see her inside." I tell him.

"Sure you didn't." He says keeping his hand on my back, walking towards the exit.

