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We're standing outside Chase's parents' house. I don't know how I landed myself in this position. I didn't even agree, yet here I am. After we agreed on why I need to accompany him yesterday, he told me that I owe him. I don't know for what but I tend to forget things alot, he made a fool of me.


The said brat is standing beside me, dressed in a black button-up with black slacks, looking hot whereas I'm wearing an olive-colored wrap dress that stops mid-thigh. I decided to leave my hair open.

He holds my pinky with his hand to pull me inside but I stay glued to my place. "I don't think I can do this." I tell him, pulling my hand back.

"What? What's wrong now?" He asks, frowning.

"Your father hates me! Is that not wrong enough?" I exhale through my mouth. "Why am I even here in the first place?!" I run a hand through my hair.

"Because you-"

"Chase I swear to god, If you say I owe you one more time, I'll stab you with my non-existent heel." I warn him, he shuts up. So he was going to say I owe him.

"Let's go in." He says instead.

"Nope. I broke your father's nose, remember? He'll throw me out and I'm saving myself from the embarrassment." I tell him. Still glued to my place.

He looks at me and then at the entrance. "Get your ass moving before I drag you in." He says, I know he's not kidding from his tone.

He holds my wrist this time but I hold his hand. "Hey dude, I think I need a hug." I tell him honestly. I don't have to look down at my hands that are shivering due to stress. I'm not scared of his father, I'm just not ready to hear the things he has to say about me. I can act like I don't care about what he says but the harsh words people say in anger keep me awake at night, overthinking. Luke always gives me bear hugs to calm me down when I have to meet my mother.

He looks like he doesn't know what a hug is. Just my luck.

"Okay." He says after a good couple of minutes, but makes no move to give me that hug. I think I need to do all the work.

I turn towards him, looking at his neck. I'm not going to look into his eyes, he's probably glaring at me. Where do I wrap my hands? Around the neck or torso? He'll get mad on either option. God, it's a bad idea. I could've asked for a hug from a stranger and didn't have to think about it so much, but it's Chase. He hates people's touch.

I slowly raise my hands around his waist, not touching him. I'm scared. Do it. My subconscious yells. I take a step forward, breathing in his expensive scent. God, he smells so nice.

As soon as my hands touched him, he stiffened. I keep my head on his chest and count to 5 before releasing him as he made no move to reciprocate the hug.

As I was taking a step back, he tugged at my wrist and hugged me, breathing in my hair. His heartbeat is so fast right now, I don't think mine is any different.

I don't know for how long we stand there but the sound of a car startled me, making me stumble back. I don't look at Chase but at the car. It looks fascinating right now.

Caden stepped out of the car, smirking at us. "So you finally manned up huh?" He asks no one in particular.

Chase grumbles some words under his breath before holding my little finger again and pulling me inside. He rings the bell and my nerves are a mess again.

A maid opens the door, welcoming the three of us in. "You lookin' nice Cel." Caden says, stepping beside me.

His mother comes into the view, she smiles warmly at Caden but her smile falters when her eyes fall on me. "Why is she here?" She asks, her tone hard.

"She's my guest." Chase says in the same tone as his mother. He's still holding on to my finger.

His mother doesn't speak for a while and his father also comes there. Good lord, have mercy on my innocent soul.

"Why the fuck is she in my house?" He asks angrily.

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you." Chase said as he glared at his father.

Caden notices the tension between both, "I'm hungry mom, let's sit." He says, ushering them both inside. Thank god, for now.

His father is still glaring at me though, I take a seat beside Chase. No one served the dinner, I guess they were waiting for someone. As if on cue, the doorbell rings again. This time his father stands up to open the door instead of the maid.

The door opens revealing, the one and only Beth Wallace. I immediately turn to Chase who's busy throwing wine down his throat. "Are you kidding me?" I ask, and he ignores me.

I look back at Beth, who by the way has pink hair. Fucking pink hair, not highlights, all of them are pink. I share a look with Caden who's amused. She's strutting towards us and her heel slips. I almost laugh, covering it with a cough. Caden although doesn't hold back, he stops when he receives a glare from his mother.

Beth and his father are finally at the table and I'm sitting in her place. How do I manage to land myself in these positions? I think I should shift a seat or two.

"Hi Mom. Hi baby." She says in a baby voice. Before I can stand, he holds my hand and asks for a third refill of his wine.

"Hi Bitch." Chase says, taking wine like a shot. Caden chokes on his wine while his father clears his throat.

"It's Beth you idiot." I whisper-yell to him.

"Same thing." He says cutely. Is he a lightweight? He brings my hand up, examining my fingers.

Beth sits beside his mom, they're talking animatedly with each other. Chase has moved on from wine to whiskey. I feel a heel digging on my foot, I jerk my leg back before looking up at the bitch, she's smiling sweetly at Chase, who is still looking at my fingers as if his life depends on it. I regret not wearing heels now.

"Who are you?" She finally asks. What the fuck am I supposed to say? Do I make him my sugar daddy again?

"Celeste, and you are?" I say, going with the safer option.

"Beth Wallace, his fiancee." She tells me, waving a ringless hand. The idiot beside me snorts. "I'd rather marry a fucking rock, it'll be useful." He says and then gets into deep thinking, I'm sure about how a rock would be useful to him.

"What do you do for a living?" She asks me. You see what she's trying to do? First she asked me who I am to rub it later in my face that she's the fiancee, which she isn't yet. Now, she'll ask me about my occupation and insult it.

"A job." I answer vaguely.

"What kind of job?" She asks, narrowing her eyes. "Probably a prostitute." His dad says slowly but everyone heard it. "Dad-" Caden starts.

Chase cut him off, the smile he had now vanished, his eyes darkening. "What did you say?" He asked.

Before the asshole could repeat, Caden cut in. "Hey Cel, take him outside please, the weather is good tonight."

"Right." I stood up.

Chase was still glaring at his father. I nudged his hand but he didn't notice. I whispered 'please' in his ear and he decided to stand up.

He took me to the balcony.

"Shut up." He said before I even uttered a word and hugged me. What?

One of his hands was playing with my hair while the other one was wrapped tightly around me. I heard voices inside but a few minutes later they stopped. Someone cleared their throat but he didn't move.

"Go away." Chase said, burying his face in my neck. My stomach is doing back flips but we'll talk about it later.

Caden walked away but I heard Beth asking him if he saw me. What does she need from me? Oh her fiance.

"Yeah, She was kissing my brother." He tells her. Chase chuckles in my neck.

"Chase.." I whispered.


"I think you're drunk and you'll probably hate me tomorrow, I think I should just leave." I tell him.

"I like you." He tells me, backing up a little. His nose is scrunched up. God, he's adorable when he's drunk.


"Do you not like me?" He asks.


"You didn't say you like me when I said it before too." He says, referring to the time he said he liked me in the park.

"I do like you." I say quickly.

"Good." He says. "Your hair is good too. And your hands." He continues. "I want to go home. I don't like Bitch and Pete and Marissa. I like you and Caden." He pauses. "And Alec. Don't tell them."



"Home." He says, handing me his car keys. Holy mother of Jesus. He gave me the keys of his mercedes.

That was..something else. This isn't the Chase I know. He jumps on the other side of the railing, asking me to follow him. It's not that close to the ground. It actually has some distance. "I can't." I tell him, looking at the ground. It's almost a couple metres.

"I won't let you fall." He says.

"I..I'll fall!"

"Do you not trust me?

Goddamnit. I close my eyes and jump. I actually didn't fall. "I told you." He says.

We make it to his car, he sits inside but denies wearing the seatbelt. God, this child. "If you removed it one more time, I'll crash your car." I tell him and he stops playing with the belt. I click it in its place before I start driving. He keeps on rambling random things as I drive. Most of them are old songs or sometimes he's bitching about how lazy his workers are.

I don't even want to tell him to stop, I like this version. He's so carefree and adorable. He's talking to me, without being rude and I like that, alot.


I drove us to the McDonald's drive-through before going to his house. We never made it to dinner and I was hungry, plus he needs to eat something too. I ordered two cheeseburgers and fries for us.

Currently, I am trying to get him to eat. "I'm sleeping." He tells me before closing his eyes and faking a snore. I narrow my eyes at him before finishing my burger. He can sleep with his tantrums.

"Are you going to eat or not?" I ask him, I will eat it if he doesn't want it.

"Feed me. My hands are tired." He sighs exaggeratedly, then he lifts up his hand and drops it dramatically. Who is he? And what did he do to Chase?

"Your hand are not tired." I roll my eyes.

He looks at his hands then at me and finally looks out of the window. "Oh come on, dramatic ass."

He's not being adorable right now, he's intolerable.

I picked up his burger and unwrapped it. He opened his mouth to say something but I shoved the fries in his mouth before he could. He frowns at me while chewing. After finishing, like the child he is, he opens his mouth waiting for another bite.

As much as I want to shove the entire burger in his mouth, I wait for him to take a bite, which causes some sauce to drop on my hand. The dumbass licks it, giving me a cheeky smile.

He takes his time in finishing the burger. Idiot didn't move his hands for once. I wipe the sauce from the corner of his mouth and now he decides to use his tired hands. He holds my wrist and takes the thumb that I used to wipe the sauce in his mouth. Sucking on it. Well, holy cow.

I withdrew my hand when it was getting intimate when it was not supposed to. His fries are still left. "Eat them." I say to him.

He blinks slowly, not making a move to touch them. I pick up lots of fries at once and shove them in his mouth again. He makes a sound of disapproval. I ignore him and finish the rest of his fries by myself.

Apparantly he didn't like that, he turned to the window and didn't speak for the rest of the ride.

"We are here." I tell to a half-asleep Chase. He has closed his eyes but he's still humming silently to himself. "Hm?"

"We reached your house. Now get up." I say as I get out of the car and open his side of the door. I help him stand up before locking the car.

Thankfully he does not makes a fuss while going up. "What's the code?" I ask him as we stand in front of the door.

"I don't remember!" He exclaims then his expression suddenly turns from shock to sadness. Gosh, his mood swings are worse than mine on my periods.

"Okay, I'll leave you outside then." I tell him before taking out my phone and asking Caden the code.

Chase is into deep thinking about what the code is when I receive a reply from Caden, telling me the code. I open the door, and he quickly lies down on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask him.

He looks up at me and frowns. "Language."

"LaNgUaGe." I mock him. "Get your ass up."

"I like it here." He tells me, closing his eyes. He really is feeling up the floor. "I need water." He says.

"Ofcourse your highness." I say before heading towards the kitchen. I quickly fill up a glass and make my way back outside. When I came back, he was sitting on the floor, looking at it with a frown.

"What now?"

"Last time you were here, I said horrible things." He says, still looking at the floor.

"It's okay, I forgot them, you should too." I tell him as I joined him on the floor. It's fucking cold.

"I'm not a good person." He says, still frowning.

"Yes you are. We all say bad things in anger, it doesn't make us bad people, now drink up." I say lifting the glass up to his lips.

He takes small sips. He's a fucking man-child. Help me god.

Ofcourse god doesn't help me.

"Let's get you to bed." I tell him before standing up. My ass is frozen. He doesn't stand up.

"Stand up or I'll have to touch you." I warn him.

"I like it when you touch me." He says, smiling again.

"Okay, get up now. You drank too much." I say before rolling my eyes.

"I'm not drank." He tells me. Ofcourse he's not, but he did stand up. "Go to your room, I'll leave now." I tell him, picking up my purse and keeping his keys on the table.

"Where are you going?" He says, scowling.

"Home." I reply.

"No." He says before holding my wrist. Seriously?

He starts dragging me upstairs, almost falling twice in the process, he finally stops in front of a room which I'm guessing is his. "I'm not going in there." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks, his mouth forming an 'O.'

"Because it's your room? And hello? Privacy?" I wave my free hand in the air.

"Why are you waving?" He asks incredulously.

"Nothing." I say. It's better than explaining to him, which he probably won't get.

He opens the door and drags me in. He's so going to hate me tomorrow and he will fire me.

His room is beautiful, it's so big. One side is a full glass wall which has a balcony connected to it. The walls are a dark shade of gray. His bed is black with black sheets covering them. There's a big TV on the wall infront of the bed, along with some wall shelves. The only colorful thing in his room is the small knitted colorful teddy bear I gave him on his last birthday, that is lying in the nightstand. I thought he never touched the gifts.

He removed his shoes and threw his belt somewhere before throwing himself on the bed. He patted the space beside him. "Sleep." He said before passing out.

I turned the air conditioner on and covered him with a duvet and left.

