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I woke up with Luke's legs on my stomach. Pushing off his legs, I kicked him.

"Wake up, you're not going to sleep all day." I tell him and squinted my eyes to see the time. Where the hell is the wall clock?

I looked around for a few minutes, thinking that maybe I just woke up that's why I can't find it but then I realised I wasn't in my room but Luke's.

"What did you kick me for?" He asked, groaning in pain. I kicked him like..2-3 minutes ago and he's feeling pain now?

"Wake up. It's 4 already! We've wasted all day." I tell him, going to kick him once again but he rolled away.

"Fine." He got up, threw the covers back on the bed, and went to the bathroom. After he took a shower, none of us wanted to make our late lunch or order takeout, so we took us out.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I ask him, looking up and down his clothes. I'm dressed in black leggings and one of his hoodies which is actually mine since he never got to wear it and him, being the diva he is, he actually got dressed. I look up from his jeans-clad legs to a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket.

"Am I not looking good?" He asked, running hands through his hair.

"No dumbass, we're just going to eat and then go shopping." I tell him as a matter of factly.

"Oh, I'm going out with Malea after dropping you. Wait a minute, when did we decide to go to shopping?" He asked, stopping halfway through sitting in the car.

"Ever since we woke up. I just didn't tell you." I tell him before sitting inside the car. "And we didn't go shopping for like in a month." I remind him.

We have a deal. Bestie-date. We'll always go shopping once a month till we both don't have a significant other at the same time. He doesn't like the deal anymore, since he has a girlfriend now and I don't. Have a boyfriend that is. The only girlfriend I'm accepting is Taylor Swift.

"Fine." He huffed.

We ate at his favorite restaurant then he drove us to the mall. He tried to convince me so many times to postpone the bestie-date but I denied it.

After spending an hour and buying nothing, I dragged him to men's section. That's where the best clothes are anyways.

We spent the next hour buying things for ourselves. I found cute sweats that actually fit me. They have little cars printed on them, they are adorable. I bought a jacket too, but that's not for me.

We were in the parking when my phone rang. It was Caden.


"Can you come here as soon as possible?" I heard Caden ask from the other side.

"What's wrong? Is he okay? Hello?" I asked but he already hung up.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"Can you drop me at Chase's place instead?" I ask. I tried calling Caden again but he didn't answer. Chase wasn't answering either. What is wrong with these guys.

"Is something wrong?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, he's not answering the call now." I tell him as he drove.

"Don't worry."

"Umhmm." I'm trying not to. I just met them 4-5 hours ago, I don't know what could have happened.

"We're here." He said and I realized that we stopped moving.

"Will you come home?" I ask him since he stays at Malea's place sometimes.

"Nope." He replied. "Is that okay with you?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's fine. Byee." I tell him and pick up my bags to leave. I don't want to leave them in the car and get them back tomorrow. I'm too impatient for that.

"Bye." He replied. He waited till I went inside the building before driving away. Before I could press the buzzer, the door opened with Caden standing there, all fine.

"Is he okay?" I ask him again.

"He's sleeping. You can go to his room. I'm actually getting late, I have a photoshoot. Marie went back home as she was feeling down and you can stay here with him, I know you left because of me." He said in a single breath.

"Are you kidding me? I was so worried. None of you picked up the call and you were so vague on the call. I'll kill you one day!" I exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot about the shoot and my assistant just called me before I called you and I got worried and I was in a hurry to get ready, I'm sorry for not answering the calls but I seriously need to leave." He said, glancing at his watch.

"Did you eat something?" I asked.

"Yeah, there was some leftover breakfast when I woke up. Tell him to not wait up for me, I'll be staying at my place. Bye Celly." He said with a kiss on my cheek and ran in a hurry.

I sighed, closing the door behind me. I removed my shoes by the door only, It feels good sliding on this marble floor. I left the bags on the sofa before walking upstairs to his room. Do I knock or just enter? He's sleeping anyways so I entered without knocking.

There he was, sleeping on his stomach uhm, without a shirt on. His muscular back is on full display. Didn't he sleep with a t-shirt on yesterday?

I sit beside him, brushing his hair back from his forehead. Peaceful. He sighed before keeping his head on my lap. "Hi." He murmured without opening his eyes.

When the hell did he wake up? I quickly removed my hand from his hair, which he put back there again.

"I missed you." He says.

"We met a few hours ago."

"Shh." He said before turning, now on his back now. Giving me a perfect view of that toned chest and abs now. There are six of them. Holy shit. I almost whistled.

He takes my hand that was in his hair in his hand and looked at it for a second then he covered his eyes with it. Idiot.

"Wake up idiot, you won't be able to sleep at night." I tell him, removing my hand from his eyes.

"You'll leave if I wake up." He says, still not opening his eyes. Damn dude, if 12-year-old me knew that this will be me with my crush, she would've died from a heartattack.

"I won't. You need to get up and..and wear a shirt or something. You'll catch a cold." I say, giving my best excuse to have him covered up. It's distracting.

"It's hot today." He tells me before sitting up. Hot? I'm wearing a hoodie!

He turns to me and in a blink, I'm pulled to his lap. He hugs me just like he did in the morning. "You're not sleep-" I stop short when I felt his lips on my forehead. Oh wait, I want to do that too.

I cup his face and kiss his forehead too, smiling at him. "You're an idiot." He says.

"You're idioter." I reply.

We were both silent for a few seconds which was getting awkward so I licked his cheek.

"I have something for you." I suddenly remembered the different candies I had in the pocket of my hoodie. I pull all of them out and lay them on the bed beside us. "I got them from the store, I and luke-"

"Luke and I." He corrects me.

"Shut up. I and Luke went shopping today, the cashier was so nice. He gave me candies with the bill." I tell him.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Yep, Luke didn't get any. He was so jealous. Do you want some?" I ask him.

"He was flirting with you." Chase said.

"Who? Luke? He would never-"

"The cashier, tubelight." He cut me off. Did he just..called me tubelight?

"He wasn't. And I'm not a tubelight." I tell him.

"You'll find his number on the bill." He said confidently.

"And if there's none? I'll get to call you loser for a week." I reply.

"And what will I get if I win?"

"I won't call you a loser." I shrugged.

"Nah, you'll stay with me for one week." He says.

"What? No. That's cheating." One week? With him? I see him all day in his office, he wants to make me do that at night too?

"I didn't even look at the bill." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, you're not going to win anyways. He was like..a teenager. Why would he flirt with someone so much older than him." I shake my head, pulling the bill out.

"You're 24." He said flatly.

"Shh. You don't say a woman's age out aloud." I shushed him. He rolled his eyes again and took the bill from my hands. He looked at it and a satisfied smirk formed on his face. He waved the bill in my face.

"See?" He showed it to me happily but then he frowned. "He flirted with you. I don't like it." He scrunched up his nose cutely. "Anyways, I get you closer for a week." He said, throwing the bill away and hugging me. His mood changes faster than I change my profession choices.

"I'm not staying here, that was a silly bet." I tried to wave it off.

"Loser." He said.

"I'm not a loser okay? And'll get tired of seeing my face everytime." I pointed out.

"Then I'll drop you back at your home." He says simply. I gasp in shock. "Don't you think you're talking too much?" He just chuckled in reply.

"Don't you think we're moving too fast?" I ask.

"2 years weren't slow enough for you?" He asks.

"Make it 1.5 years, I didn't even like you for atleast half a year." I tell him.

"Shut up." He pinched my waist.

"Did you like your previous assistant too?" I asked.

"I don't even remember my previous assistants." He says truthfully.

"Okay, that's good. What about anyone from the office? Did you like anyone?"

"Why are you asking idiotic questions?" He asks, scowling now.

"What if you get tired of me? I haven't been in a relationship before and I like you a little too much." I blurt out without thinking.

"I'll never get tired of you. I mean, I didn't fire you in two years when you annoyed the shit outta me, do you think I'll get tired of you?" He asks.

"I didn't annoy you!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh yeah? You didn't." He said sarcastically.

"I don't like you so much right now okay?" I tried to push him away.

"I'm hungry." He said.

"Me too." I kept a hand on my stomach realising I ate hours ago. "Do you want pasta?" I asked.

"You'll cook for me?" He asked with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Yeah, Caden told me Marie is on leave." I tell him.

"I would love to have pasta." He said. I clapped lightly. "Good, let's go."

10 minutes later, I found myself making pasta for both of us. He even helped me, by sitting on a stool and doing nothing. After feeding both of us, I decided we should watch a movie. I don't remember how or when I fell asleep but I woke up in his arms the next morning. This time, without an urge to leave before he wakes up.


It's been a week since we kissed. And no, I didn't stay with him for a week. He's not talking to me. I kind of expected that.

Yesterday after ignoring me for 6 days straight, he kissed my cheek and then told me to fuck off. Those were the kind words he spoke to me other than asking for a file or scheduling a meeting.

I told Melissa and Logan about it, Melissa sneakily gave Logan a 20. Apparently these assholes made a bet. Roman went out with Caden on Saturday. I think he got over her a little too quickly.

So anyways, here I am. Sitting in my office, bored out of my mind. Help me god. Chase went out for his meeting or whatever. Didn't even take me with him to take notes. Dick.

I had my head down when someone sat infront of me. There are only countable people who have the audacity to enter without knocking, it couldn't be Chase because his dramatic ass needs coaxing. Logan and Mel are cut out of the list as Linda, their manager keeps nagging all the time. It could be Caden. Instead of further guessing, I look up to see Alec looking amused.

"Hii." I said tiredly. It's only Monday. Godddd.

"Missed me darlin'?" He asks.

"Not at all." I keep my head down again.

"So..I heard something from someone." He starts. I know where this is going.

"How's your grandma?" I ask, trying to change the topic.

"She's fine, and you're not smart. What are your intentions with my guy?" He asks.

"Excuse me?" I look up, a little offended by his question.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't how I thought it'll come out, I'm just looking out for him you know? I don't want him to get hurt. He's been hurt multiple times and I don't think he deserves more." He says, playing with a pen on my desk.

"How many girls have you warned before me?" I can't help but ask.

"None." He shrugs.

"What do you mean none? You're offending me, okay?" I tell him, crossing my arms against my chest.

"No I meant that there wasn't someone I had to warn before you." He says, making me narrow my eyes. I'm so close to throwing a paper weight on his face right now. God knows how I'm controlling myself. He seems to notice me picking it up. "No I meant it as there was no one, he never dated before okay? Keep it down you violent women." He said, frowning at me.

"I knew it! He was into that shady Christian Grey shit!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.

"What in the heck is wrong with you?" He asks.

"Oh my god, I don't think it'll work. I'm not into that kinky shit." Shit, I'm starting to panic. I really liked him.

Alec throws the pen he was playing with at me. "He's not into those things. Idiot. You're the only woman he has ever looked at, I was just making sure you don't hurt him or leave him. I like to see my bestfriend happy." He says, keeping his feet up on my desk.

"Feet down boi." I point at his feet.

"So, this conversation never happened but happened. Okay?"


"Cool, now that's clear. I'm hungry, wanna go out?" He asks, rubbing his stomach.

"Your bestfriend is already ignoring me, he won't notice my absence either way so let's go." I tell him, packing up my stuff.

"What did you do now?" He asks.

"It's not always me okay?" I say. Who am I kidding? It's always me, but I'm not going to say it aloud.

He shakes his head before walking out. I followed him. As we were going out of the building, Chase was entering. Alec being the jackass he is, kept his hand on my waist, smirking at Chase with a nod. I didn't miss the finger Chase gave him.

Alec laughed.

"I'm going to kick you." I warn him.

"It's so funny to see him getting jealous." He continued laughing.

"He wasn't jealous. He's ignoring me because of a stupid bet." I roll my eyes.

"You still wanna come with me? Or do you want to join him?" He asks, looking back at Chase who's not there anymore.

It's a tough decision, food or my not-yet-boyfriend?

"I think I'll go with you. Then I can buy something for him and then I'll persuade him into eating the food and he'll talk to me. Aren't I a genius?" I finish with a grin.

"No." He deadpans.

"So where are we going?" I ask, ignoring his previous answer.

"The new restaurant down the road." He said, pointing at the said restaurant.

"Oh, cool."

We walked to the restaurant, it was cozy. Not too flashy, not too dull. The workers were nice too, the waitress wasn't throwing herself at my friend. The last time I went to a restaurant with him, he recieved two phone numbers and I had to see an unhealthy amount of cleavage.

"What if he already had his lunch?" I ask Alec as we walked out with packed food in my hands.

"Nope, he probably skipped." He assures me.

"Okay, we're going to that cafe now." I tell him.

"What? We had dessert." He whines.

"Shut up, you had dessert and it wasn't that nice. I'm getting cupcakes for him." I shush him, entering the cafe.

"Fine." He grumbles.

"Do I get one?" He asks as the cashier handles me the box containing cupcakes.

"You had dessert." I remind him.

"Get lost." He says. "Can we go back now?" He asks after wanting me to get lost.

"No, I want a sunflower." I tell him.

"What? Why the hell do you need a sunflower?" He asks in confusion.

"Less questions, more work. Get me a sunflower." I ordered.

"Where do I bring a sunflower from?" He asks, looking around.

"We're going to find a florist." I shrugged.

"I have to get back to my office, you know that right?" He says. I look at my watch to check the time.

"We left before the lunch started and it hasn't ended yet. Stop making excuses." I frown, We still have time.

He types fastly on his phone. "There's a florist near us." He says, still looking at his phone.

"Good, let's go. His lasagna is getting cold." I say, clapping my hands.

"Are you trying to woo your boyfriend?" He asks.

"Ofcourse I am, and he's not my boyfriend yet. I'll ask him soon though." I tell him. He hums in response.

The florist wasn't as near as I thought but we got the flower so it's fine. I got a single flower since it's easy to hide one than hide a bouquet. Alec walked me back to the building but left from outside since he was getting late. I asked him about meeting Chase, to that he said that he'll meet him later.

By the time I reached the office, lunch time was over and everyone was back at their desks which was good as no one will ask me stupid questions.

I opened the door to Chase's office with my bum as both my hands were filled. This is the first time this week I'm trying to initiate a conversation. I guess we're both stubborn, I was waiting for him to talk to me and he's probably mad at me.

He was looking out of the window, I know he knows that I'm in here. I kept the food on the table, took out the flower from the bag of food and walked to him.

"Chase." I call out. He doesn't acknowledge my presence. "You said you wouldn't ignore me." I say, that made him lower his eyes.

"This is for you." I forward the sunflower infront of him.

"What's this for?" He asks. I love when he talks to me. He doesn't talk too much, so I kinda feel good when he talks with me.

"No reason, I just wanted to get you a flower because you're my sunshine." I tell him as he takes the flower from me. I'm not lying, his smile alone is enough to brighten my day. It's contagious.

"I brought you food too." I say.



"C'mere." He says, pulling me infront of him. He keeps one hand around my waist and tucks the flower in my hair with the other.

"It's for you." I say, reaching for the flower.

"You were supposed to stay with me last week." He says, his fingers playing with my bangs. They're starting to grow.

"That was a stupid bet."

"Fuck the bet." He cursed.

"Would you like to come back to my place today?" I ask.


"Please? I'll cook for you too. And we can cuddle? You can be the little spoon." I offer.

"What the hell is little spoon?" He asks, his forehead creasing in confusion.

I touch the lines making them disappear. "I'll tell you that later. Now, you should have your lunch. I brought cupcakes for dessert. Alec ate my dessert too, it wasn't that nice." I tell him, massaging his shoulders.

"Okay." He says, but makes no move to leave me or walk back to his desk. "That feels good." He says, closing his eyes. I stop. "Food first." I say.

He sighs. I quickly peck his lips before he turns his head away. He leans back for another but I pull back.

"After food."

"Fine." He settles himself down on the couch. "Can you please bring it over here?" He asks.

"Sure." I pick up the boxes and walk over to the couch. Before I could sit beside him, he pulls me on his lap.

"I could've dropped the cupcakes dumbhead." I shake my head in disapproval before keeping the cupcakes on the couch and opening the container of lasagna.

Since I know he was not going to eat by himself, I fed him. "You'll not ignore me again." I tell him.

"Okay." He nods, looking at the cupcakes.

"Do I need to feed them too?" I ask. He nods in positive again. This man.

After finishing the cupcakes, which I got a couple of bites from, I wiped his mouth and tried to get up. He pulled me back.

"I'm sorry." He murmured before burying his head in my neck.

"It's okay. Now kiss me you idiot." I pulled his head back and pressed my lips to his.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask him.

"Let me think about it." He says, making a thinking face. "Hmm, I think I'm busy." He says.

"Shut up. You're going on a date with me. On Saturday. Wear like. Not a suit, okay? And I'll pick you up." I tell him.

"I'll pick you up." He argues.

"Who said you can speak?" I ask. He doesn't answer. "Yeah, that's like it. Now let me get back to work and you should work too. And don't forget you're coming back to my place. Okay?" I ask. The idiot doesn't answer.

"You can speak now. Okay?" I ask again.

"Okay!" He says.

"Good boy." He kissed my cheek before leaving me.

We have 1k+ reads. Who's dancing with joy? Me. Thankyou so much for the votes, and I really hope that you're liking the story till now.
