zero | characters

Paper rings cast


Nevaeh Stolly

( 17 years old, cancer )


Zaiah Dolivo

( 17 years old, Gemini )


Their aesthetic

(2024 β€” until death do
us part )


The other characters


Emily Alyn Lind β€” Lilah Stolly

Chloe Bennet β€” Daisy Dolivo

Ben Barnes β€” Nick Dolivo

Dylan Sprayberry β€” Carl Dolivo

Keira Knightley β€” Sarah Stolly

Kat Graham β€” Tamara Walter


Author's note

Hi! First of all, I want to thank you for choosing to read this book. It meant a lot to me that you chose to waste your time reading my ideas.

Now let's move on to the more serious business.

1. I have no idea how school is going in America. I'm from Europe and it's totally different. I'm going to start researching to get an idea.

2. If you haven't figured it out so far my first language is not English. I'm writing with Google Translate and there's going to be a lot of grammatical mistakes.

3. My characters are going to make mistakes because no one is perfect. Not even the fictional characters. Unfortunately.

4. I like to read your comments so please leave your opinion.

5. I'm going to post slowly because I'm in high school and I have to make a good impression on teachers.

6. Nevaeh's character is an innocent one, who sees the good in all people, speaks too much, forgives too quickly and is very sensitive. So if you don't like characters like that, then you should stop reading my book.

And lastly, enjoy reading! <3

[ The first chapter appears these days or on weekend]
