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Your POV

I turned around to see a tall man with dark raven-hair and black eyes or known as my dad (not Rouge's dragon dad Weisslogia tho his biological dad) standing with two other men. "Who are you?" Natsu asked and with a sigh, I said: "This is the person known as our father and chief head of the Edolas police department." Rouge rolled his eyes while I was saying that. "Well, I thought you guys we're gonna be happy to see are you guys not happy? Or should I tarp someone else inside a small closet and throw away the key hmm?" He whispered the last part so only me and Rouge heard it.

"Why are you back?" asked Rouge with a cold tone in his voice "I just heard the news about your mom and their dad (Bixslow and Ella u guys arent rllly twins) and I thought 'since my son is old enough to take care of himself why don't I take my daughter to a safer place with her father of course' so I'm here to take (Y/N) with me to Edolas," he said with a smirk. No way in hell I'm going back with him. He already fooled us once and I'm not letting that happen again. I thought. "What do you mean she's fine living with me and mom proclamation was to leave her with me so I'm responsible for her no matter what," Rouge said.

"Not anymore, Let's go." He said getting a tight grip on my arm. "NO, LET ME GO! ROUGE HELP ME!" I said as he dragged me away from my friends and the one person I loved.

[5 months later]

I was sitting at the backseat of e-Lu's car (e-.... is edolas counterparts so e-Lu is edolas Lucy) while e-Natsu kept on blabbering about how if I ever come back to Edolas I should bring him tons of food and a new high-speed car. If you ask where am I going? Well it's simple I'm going to Magnolia again and no I didn't get permission for this I sneaked out and thanks to my e-family I get to go back to my real one.

~~~~timeskip to when you arrived at rouge's house~~~~~

I was about to knock when I heard loud laughter coming from the house did Rouge have some of the guys over to hang out with him. And without thinking I grabbed the house key that was on my key-chain and opened the door screaming "I'M BACK DID YOU MISS ME!?!?!?"

srry about the late update and short chapter but this was all that came to mind rn and ya hoped u enjoyed it. TAKE IT AWAY MIRA!!!

Mira: Zaara-chan doesn't own fairy tail except for Mia and Ella.

Me: thx Mira-san! plz leave a vote and comment down about what u thought about this chapter. <3 BAIII!!!

Edit: im fixing chapters lol n e wayss i realized i messed up the timeline a little bit so ignore me fixing tht.
