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(just imagine the pic being u and gray instead)

Your POV

As we finished I realized I had my arms around his neck and he had arms around my waist I blushed as quick as our eyes met.(as the pic above) Then he slowly started leaning in and before I realized what he was doing our lips met and my eyes went wide as the crowd cheered for what was going on and then I somehow melted into the kiss I've been longing for my entire life. Then right after we pulled away I glanced a peek at team fairy tail most of them had a happy face while Juvia seemed pissed. Oh boy, I thought as I turned around and started running away from everyone.


When I finally stopped running I realized I came to one of the Janitors closets. With a sigh of relief, I gently closed the door behind me so no one would know that I'm here. Then I heard a lock.

Third POV

"Wait!!" Gray called out as you ran off the stage while you closed the door you didn't realize that a certain bluenette was following you. "This is for kissing Gray~sama," Juvia said as she locked the door of the Janitors closet you were in. " Huh?! Who's there?" You said through the door "That's for me to know and you to never tell a soul. Got it?" she said "Juvia?" You questioned. " Wow guess you actually have a brain. This is what you get for stealing my Gray~sama." Juvia said as she started walking away "Wait! Juvia please I---Hey unlock the door Juvia! PLEASE!! LET ME OUT !!!!!" You started crying and curled up into a tight ball.

Meanwhile, all the teams were looking for you after the incident. All the teams decide each team should look for you at one section of the whole venue but fairy tail and sabertooth stayed together and were looking for you at every inch of the venue. " I'm back guys," Juvia said as she walked up to the group. "Where were you?" Asked Levy (A/N: right now team fairy tail and Sabertooth are walking up to the closet you're stuck in) in a suspicious voice "Uh uh I went to the washroom?!? Yeah, I went to the washroom." she said "Ok?" Levy questioned. "Wait, I have a feeling I know what's going on," Mia said as they stopped in front of the closet you're in.

"Ok, what is it M?" Ella said "Alright think about it, right after {N/N} ran away Juvia left to go to the washroom without telling us anything don't guys think it's weird, I mean she could've been doing anything but you should've at least told one of us about where you were." she said "Yeah but---" "GUYS HELP!!!" Juvia got cut off by your scream "{N/N} where are you?" Bixslow asked. "I'M IN HERE SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME OUT HERE QUICK I FEEL THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN!!!" (A/N: anyone now y you feel like that) you screamed through sobs.

"WAIT! Don't go in there she isn't in there trust me I went past this when I was going to the washroom she isn't in here." Juvia lied This is it! Rouge thought "Move it!" he yelled and unlocked the door with his nails. "{N/N} stand back I'm opening this door." Rouge said "Ok but hurry up." you said trying to calm down. As soon as the door opened you ran right towards Rouge ingulfing him into a tight sibling hug and started sobbing again."Shh come on don't embarrass yourself like this it's alright I'm right here your out of the closet now." he said in a calming voice.

Your POV

"How did you even get trapped there?" Mira asked worried about me "I was just standing there when I heard the door lock an- and t-then I found out it was J-Juvia who locked me inside the room." I said as I loosen my grip on Rouge. But before anyone had a chance to say something Rouge dashed towards Juvia and picked her up by the collar of her shirt and started yelling at her. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?!? DIDN'T YOU REALISE SHE WAS SCARED!!!!" I put a hand on Rouge's shoulder signaling him to put her down. Then I gave her a slap and no it was no ordinary slap it was a bitch slap right across her face. "HOW DARE YO----" "That's enough Ms. Locksar." A deep voice that I hoped to never hear said.
