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Hey, guys, I'm sorry for not updating recently I have a cold and ya so anyway as u already read the title for this; this is going to be a 1k special and it is not going to be related to the main story so I hope u enjoy and thx for 1k!

Your POV

I woke up like any other day and left my dreamland thanks to my phone and Rouge screaming downstairs at the video game he always plays. I groaned and got up lazily and went downstairs "ROUGE WHY THE FLIPPING DUCK DO YOU HAVE TO SCREAM SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!!!IT'S SATURDAY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!" I yelled from the stairs. "I'm sorry {N/N} I didn't mean to and if I were you I would've gotten up extra early today." He said.

"Wait for what. What do you mean I would've woken up extra early today if you were me?" I asked getting curious "Huh I'll let you figure this out have fun." He said "UGH!!!" I screamed stomping back into my room then I picked up my phone and texted the one person who would tell me the exact date for anything.

(Phone conversation: Y=you L=levy)

๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“šLevy Redfox๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“š

Y: LEVY!!!!

L: what's up {N/N}??

Y: I need your help.

L: What is it??

Y: what day is it today

L: rlly ๐Ÿ˜‘

Y: yes rlly Rouge wouldn't tell me anything so I thought u might be able to help.

L: fine but honestly next time force it out of him and get help from Minerva and get a video so we can see

Y: ok... never thought u would be a mischievous person Levy and thank you

L: it's December the 20th ur birthday duh

Y: wait...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ITS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" (Sorry if December 20th isn't ur b-day I just thought of it.) I screamed jumping up and down on my bed "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH TO FIND OUT!!!" I heard my siblings yell.I laughed and went downstairs again for breakfast.

---after breakfast---

"Hey (Y/N) take this I found it on the porch this morning." Ella said handing me a pice of paper "what is it??" Bixslow asked, "I don't know." I said opening the folded paper.

Dear (Y/N),

I know ur probably thinking what's going on right now but I need u do something for me. Go to the first place where we met after a very long time.


ur truly, ice-boy

"Ice boy??" They all questioned and I facepalmed "Gray. Wow, you guys are stupid sometimes." I said and ran upstairs to get changed. (Outfit down below and makeup up too) And left for the school.

When I got there I saw Mira waiting for something or someone I think so I went up to her. "Hey, Mira!" I said "Oh hey right on time here it is." she said handing me another paper.

Nice job you remembered. I was hoping you did now for your next clue go to the place where we meet.

where we meet.....but isn't that..oh I thought "I got to go bye Mira!!" and with that, I ran to my car and drove off. Moonlight park I remember this place really well. It's the place where everything began for us. "{N/N}!" I heard a certain blonde say "Lucy! Hey, where is it?" I asked noticing she didn't have a paper on her hand "up there." she said pointing to the tree. "Oh," I said "Well I got to go see ya later (Y/N)" Lucy said "Ok bye Lu," I said still looking at the place where the letter was. I sighed and started climbing up the tree.

Lucy POV

As soon as I left the park I texted Gray to make sure the surprise was going to be great.

(Phone conversation: G=Gray L=lucy)

Gray Fullbuster

L: Hey Gray! Is everything set up yet it's almost evening?

G: Ya were just working on the lights where's (Y/N) rn??

L: She's at the park and tbh she looks rlly pretty with the outfit she has on.

G: Oh god Lucy! Don't try to turn me on rn I'm not ready yet...

L: Alright calm down ok. And tell Natsu I'll be over in a few minutes.

G: Ok.

and with that, I was headed off to Rouge's house.

Hey guys what do u think so far I wanna leave it an off as a part 1 and part 2. Should I? Tell me in the comments and thank you guys so much for 1k ilygsm and ya bai!!
