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0:40 ──o───────── 3:37
⇄ β—ƒβ—ƒ β…‘ β–Ήβ–Ή ↻

and again, chanhee and areum went to the library together. chanhee was internally screaming, to him, everything about areum was perfect, from head to toe.

areum, on the other hand, found chanhee cute...just cute. and attractive, too. his hair looked like cotton candy and sometimes she just really wanna feel his hair.

after sitting down on the usual spot, areum took out her phone out from her pocket and put it on the table. while she wad preparing her stuffs, chanhee sneakily took her phone and added his number in it.

after two hours of studying, it was now 3 pm. areum had nothing else to do, so as chanhee.

"umm...should we go for some walk?" chanhee asked, looking straight into areum's eyes. areum was stucked by his beautiful eyes and stuttered, "s-sure why n-not," and got up, putting her bag on and walking ahead of chanhee so that he couldn't see her now red face.

"she's cute," chanhee smiled, whispering to himself.

the both of them walked along the street, meeting the faces of some random strangers who gave them a smile.

"why is everyone smiling like that to us?" areum confusedly asked, looking up at chanhee who keeps on returning their smiles. chanhee chuckled at areum's innocence.

"nah, don't worry, it's probably just that we-" chanhee's words were cut off.

"what a lovely young couple, you remind me of me and my husband when we were young," an old woman who passed by them said, making areum blush and turned to the woman.

"um g-grandma, we are not-"

"thank you, grandma," chanhee bowed to the woman, still keeping on that cute smile of him. areum froze for a second before bowing thank you to the woman.

when the woman was metres away from them, areum nudged chanhee. "yah, why did you lie to her?!"

"i mean why not? she said we reminded us of her husband," chanhee sheepishly said, making areum blush even more and stomped away from him.

"yah wait for me!"
