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0:54 ───o──────── 3:01
⇄ β—ƒβ—ƒ β…‘ β–Ήβ–Ή ↻

areum woke up, feeling unfamiliar of the sight of the room. she suddenly remembered what happened last night and her face flushed red.

areum went out of the room and smelled the fresh scent of eggs and pancakes. she walked over to chanhee, who's back was facing her and gave a light tap on his shoulders.

"hey, good morning, areum!" chanhee cheerfully said, finishing off the scrambled eggs he was making.

"good morning. why do you look so happy today?" areum teasingly asked, making chanhee flustered at her question.

"whatever. you're not busy today, right?" chanhee asked, serving the foods on the table as they started taking a bite.

"no, why?" areum asked innocently, as if she didn't know what chanhee was about to ask.

"let's hang out," chanhee blurted out. areum slightly blushed at the thought of just the both of them going out.


it was now 2pm when the both of them arrived at the amusement park. areum simply wore waisted short jeans and a yellow cropped sweater and had her hair up to a ponytail. chanhee, coincidentally wore a pair of ripped jeans and a yellow shirt tucked in.

'she's pretty..' chanhee dreamily thought as he stared down at areum. areum noticed his stares and starts to get shy again.

"w-why are you looking at me like t-that?" areum looked down. "you're pretty," chanhee whispered yet it was audible enough for areum to hear.

they played lots of games together, and even got a matching mickey and minnie headbands. they were mistaken as a couple many timesγ…‘ but they didn't care anyways. they were having so much fun with each other.

their last ride was the ferris wheel. chanhee planned it all beforehandγ…‘ he knew areum likes the view from the ferris wheel during night time.

(this is clichΓ© and im sorry lMao JDJSJSHSH)

they sat across each other, with areum looking outside and chanhee who couldn't get his eyes off of areum. she's an angel.

"this is so beautiful," areum said to herself but can still be heard by chanhee. "right? but i think you're much more beautiful," chanhee said, making areum froze for a while before looking back at chanhee.

'is he gonna do what i'm thinking?'

"i know this might be too sudden to you, but i'll do it anyways," chanhee started, looking into areum's brown eyes.

"i like you. eversince i laid my eyes on you when we both first entered high-school. i don't know why, but no one else has ever took my attention like you did."

that's it. areum was screaming and going crazy inside. he just confessed.

"i don't wanna rush you, though. iγ…‘"

"i like you too, chanhee," areum smiled. "hwang areum, will you be my girlfriend?" chanhee said, looking into areum's eyes and he definitely saw it. sincerity. love.

"yes, i'd love to."

no other words. chanhee was happy, indeed. very very happy.

chanhee moved and sat next to areum, embracing areum into his arms. "i'll be with you no matter what," he whispered.
