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2:30 ───────o──── 3:35
⇄ β—ƒβ—ƒ β…‘ β–Ήβ–Ή ↻

areum woke up as she felt a pair of arms around her waist. she turned around and saw chanhee, staring at her lovingly.

"w-what are y-you doing?" areum stuttered, avoiding eye contact with chanhee. chanhee chuckled, "how can you wake up and still look pretty?"

"stop talking nonsense. now let me wash up," areum said, trying to remove his arms that were still around her waist.

"how about no? let's stay like this for a while," chanhee whispered, holding areum closer. their bodies were pressing against each other.

areum stayed silent. "do you remember what day it is today?" chanhee asked. areum slightly furrowed her brows, "what is it?"

"silly. it's your birthday today," chanhee giggled. "really? i forgot," areum said, smiling. "let me wash up now, will you, choi chanhee?"

chanhee whined. "fine," and removed his arms from the girl.


"i'm inviting my friends over tonight. are you okay with that?" chanhee looked over at areum who just went out of the room.

"of course," areum said, sitting next to chanhee while tying her long hair into a ponytail. chanhee couldn't help but stare at her.

"the guys are going to get jealous of me," chanhee said, eyes fixed on areum. areum turned to meet his eyes, "why would they be?"

"i have a beautiful girlfriend, and all of them are still single," chanhee said, making areum giggle and snuggle closer to chanhee.

"let's bake some cookies today," areum suggested. "sure, i can cook while you bake," chanhee smiled, planting a kiss on top of areum's head.

while areum is busy preparing and measuring the ingredients, chanhee on the other hand was boiling water to cook ramen.

while waiting, chanhee just had to stare at areum's back. she looks cute with that apron on her, he thought.

after a few minutes, the doorbell rang a few times and chanhee assumed his friends had arrived. chanhee welcomed them in while areum was so busy putting the batter on the tray, that she didn't realise his bunch of friends had filled the living room.

areum looked up and was shocked when their eyes were staring at her.

"woah...are you kidding me, chanhee?" a guy with a canadian accent spoke with a tint of unbelief in his tone.

"she's too pretty to date you, chanhee," another guy said, with a teasing smile as he nudge chanhee.

"hi, my name is hwang areum, chanhee's girlfriend," areum bowed and introduced with her quiet voice, feeling shy and overwhelmed.

"wOA, did you hear that, hyung? her voice is sweet!" the guy who had the corner of his lips upwards said, a little too dramatically.

she had to admit, they are all very good looking.

areum snapped back on her thoughts and quickly put the tray of raw cookies in the oven, setting it on 500 degrees celcius and put the timer on for 25 minutes.

they sat down in the living room, some had to sit on the floor since there weren't enough space on the couch.

"we'll introduce ourselves now," the one who looked like the oldest said.

(skip the intro cause i'm too lazy to do all that)

"so, how is chanhee? have you guys kissed? is he a good kisser? is he a softie? does he-" the one areum recognize as eric asked non-stopping questions making sunwoo shushed him.

"his lips are soft, don't they?" changmin teased, making chanhee flushed red and smacking changmin on the arms.

areum, also blushed as she hid her face in her hands. she could feel that they were very close friends to chanhee.


the boys unexpectedly surprised areum with a cake. she knew it was chanhee's ideas. "you didn't have to, chanhee. thank you so much, though," areum said to the boys.

that night, areum, chanhee and the boys spent the night with movies, ramen, areum's baked cookies and some ordered chicken with coke.

for the very first time in areum's life, she gained 11 new friends thanks to chanhee.
