
ᡉᡛᡉʳʸᡗⁱᡐᡉ β½αΆœΚ°α΅‰βΏ & α΅–α΅˜βΏαΆœΚ°βΎ
0:38 ──o───────── 3:08
⇄ β—ƒβ—ƒ β…‘ β–Ήβ–Ή ↻

it was already day 10 of them being friends. areum, well, you can say that she might have starting to develop feelings for chanhee.

chanhee had already noticed the little things areum does, like laughing everytime he jokes, constantly asking how his day was, and so on.

the both of them were now at the small practice room they had in the school. no one else was there except them.

they sat next to each other, having their backs on the wall, facing the mirror. chanhee took a guitar and started to play a melody.

oh every time i see you
when i see your eyes
my heart keeps fluttering
you're my destiny
the only person i want to protect
until the end of the world

areum stared at him through the big mirror infront of them as he focused on the guitar.

when you look at me
when you look at me and smile
it feels like my heart will stop
how about you?

her heart was beating like crazy.

it's really hard for me to handle
all day, i think of you
we went in circles for a long time
but even if it's now, i'm alright

'choi chanhee, what are you doing to my heart?!'

oh every time i see you
when i see your eyes
my heart keeps fluttering
you're my destiny
the only person i want to protect
until the end of the world

don't leave me
even if we can't see our futures
will you believe in me and wait for me?

areum enjoyed the music as she smiled to herself, her eyes glued on chanhee on the mirror.

'my heart flutters everytime i see you, hwang areum,' chanhee thought, thinking of the girl beside him as he continued.

my one and only
have i ever told you
that you are my everything?
you're my destiny
i want to protect you
until the end of the world

'you're making me fall in love with you even more, choi chanhee.'
