
Izana and Kakucho walked into the room with horror written all over their faces, they noticed a bloodied body on the floor, the bed covers covered the body, in a panicked state, the two ran over to the person on the floor, Izana yanked the bed covers off and his heart dropped when he realized it wasn't you. It was the nurse that was with you, Kakucho bent down and noticed two heavy stab wound to her chest.

''F*ck...this is bad...where the hell is Y/n?'' Kakucho now asked as he quickly got up and started searching the room, as did Izana

''SHE ISN'T HERE! KAKU, CALL MIKEY NOW!'' Izana said frantically, Kakucho nodded as he stormed out the room. Izana covered his mouth as he looked at the state of the room


The door busted open revealing Mikey and the others, Rindou was here too which wasn't going to go well at all. Rindou stared at the bloodied body of the nurse on the floor, he then looked at Izana.

''Where is Y/n?'' Rindou growled as he glared at Izana, who now stared at at Rindou in shock

''Rin, this is not the time to blame anyone. Izana and Kakucho are not at fault here'' Mikey said calmly as he walked over to Rindou

''Mikey, Y/n can't just walk away can she?!'' Rindou almost yelled as he held his head in frustration, now the guys all stared at Rindou

''Rin, calm the hell down'' Ran said quietly as he placed his hand on Rindou's shoulder, but he just pushed Ran's hand off

''GET OFF ME!!'' Rindou yelled at Ran in frustration, causing Ran's eyes to widen in surprise at the sudden change in tone

''HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM AFTER THIS! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS SH*T! I AM SICK OF SEEING Y/N SUFFER!'' Rindou yelled further as he grabbed his hair in gritting his teeth

''I just want her safe...but that never happens....something is always happening...'' Rindou's voice quietened as he dropped his hand, a pained expression making its way onto his face now

''Please find her...I can't lose her again...'' Rindou pleaded as he walked out the door, leaving the guys staring at him in silence, Ran let out a sigh

''Get everyone searching the hospital and nearby facilities, check the CCTV footage. I'll go and have a word with Y/n's doctor. We have to find her, it's an order'' Was all Mikey said as he walked out, also frustrated.

''Poor baby...'' Sanzu mumbled as he walked out, soon the guys all walked out one by one, now out to search for you.








(Somewhere far away)

You had slowly fluttered your eyes open, you looked around and your heart dropped when you figured out where you were, the same enclosed space, no light, no windows, warm tears flowed out of your eyes as you hit your hand against the door, wanting to get out. Your chest tightened as your breathing was now getting badly affected, your head was hurting as the same horrible feeling was building up inside you.

''Rin...!!'' You yelled in frustration as you tried to find a way to get out, but when you got nothing, your heart ached further, your face was stained with tears

*Door opens*

The door then suddenly opened, revealing a familiar looking woman, when your eyes adjusted to the light, you could see who it was, your eyes consequently widening as your back hit the wall behind you. There stood Mrs Haitani with Kisaki by her side, you were frozen in sheer horror as you stared at the two individuals infront of you. You shook your head rapidly as your lips started shaking, more tears streamed down your face.

''Welcome back, Y/n'' Said Mrs Haitani as she bent down infront of you, you held your legs close to your body, clearly terrified of her

The next thing you knew was you were being dragged along the corridor, your silence screaming got your nowhere, you wanted Rindou, you pleaded that he could come like he always there for you, but when you saw no one coming to your rescue, you broke down in pain. Kisaki threw onto a chair and tied you up by pressing a button. Mr Haitani then brought over a briefcase, placing it down, she opened it and it revealed some red liquid and an injection with a massive needle.

She then created a tear in your dress, causing the tear drop mark to be visible to her, she gently rubbed some liquid onto the mark using a cotton ball, she then got the injection ready by filling it with the red liquid, she then pressed the needle into your skin, right on top of the mark. You let out a painful screech, your eyes widened in horror as you now struggled to get the cuffs off, a surge of pain flowed through your body, warm tears flooded your face as you struggled to fight off the pain, your face slowly becoming pale. Kisaki was watching the whole scene with a smirk on his face.

You were struggling for a good 5 minutes, whilst Mrs Haitani and Kisaki just watched with blank expressions on their faces. Not an ounce of pity or sadness in their eyes as they watched you struggle. You were calming down now, your eyes slowly getting heavier and heavier, Mrs Haitani looked at Kisaki and smiled. The pain seemed to subsiding now, but as always, blood was dripping down your nose. However, this time, it was dripping from the corner of your eyes. Mrs Haitani walked up to you and gently cupped your face, her thumbs gently wiping the blood form your eyes, your were exhausted as you looked at her.

"Bad.....you're....bad....." You said tiredly as your vision was blurry, Mrs Haitani let out a chuckle

"It's a privilege, Y/n" She grinned widely at you, but you just had one thing on your mind now

"I....need.....Rin...Rin ...." Your voice trailed off as you sunk into darkness. Mrs Haitani's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Kisaki then walked up to you, gently stroking your hair, a blank expression plastered on his face. He then bent down getting a better look at the tear drop mark on your stomach.

"It's a beautiful mark indeed..." Kisaki mumbled as he gently caressed that part of your bare skin with his thumb, being awfully careful

"Be careful Kisaki. That mark is not what you think it is" Mrs Haitani warned, causing Kisaki to look up at her, his eyebrows furrowed

"It's not like I care about her. Do whatever you want" Was the last thing Kisaki said before walking out ofย  the room, leaving Mrs Haitani, she stared down at you.

"You didn't think you could leave this place did you Y/n. You belong here in this lab. This is your home, it always has been."

"Don't forget. You're Experiment 1.0"
