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The boys had all escaped from the building now, they were waiting for Rindou and you to come. Smoke was exiting from the windows, which they knew was bad before the fire had spread so far.

"Why aren't they here yet?!" Ran gritted his teeth, he was ready to run back inside, when Mikey grabbed his arm

"Don't. They'll come out, I know. Rin isn't going to leave her there. We need to wait here." Mikey said sternly, Ran frowned as he looked back at the entrance, waiting for you both

(Inside the building)

Rindou was now running all over the place trying to find you. The smoke was thick which affected his breathing a bit but the only thing on his mind was you, ever since Rumi told them that you were inside the room and needed help, Rindou's mind was racing.

"Please be okay, Y/n..." Rindou kept repeating to himself as he hurried over. Rindou kicked the door down but his eyes widened at the extent of fire in the room

"F*ck...." His voice trailed off as he stared at the room in horror. The bright orange/yellow/red flames was all he could see, his heart was pounding against his chest now. He ran inside and started looking around

''Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME? WHERE ARE YOU?!!'' Rindou yelled as he ran whilst avoiding all the massive flames,

''Y/N!!'' Rindou yelled further as he continued his search, he ran through, knocking down whatever he could knock down.

''Y/N!!! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!!'' Rindou desperately yelled to get your attention, Rin turned a corner, looking around, his eyes then caught onto something, his eyes consequently widening as he saw you lying unconscious on the floor

''Y/n...?'' Rindou's voice trailed off as he stared at you. He immediately ran over to you, carefully picking you up,

''Y/n...princess wake up...'' Rindou said softly as he patted your cheek gently, warm tears flowing down his face. He was about to pick you up when...



You jolted forwards, coughing heavily, warm tears flowing down your face, Rindou gently rubbed your back, feeling exhausted you fell back into his arms.

''W-what are y-you doing here.....?'' You asked shakily as you held onto his shirt for support, Rindou pulled you close to his body

''L-leave....'' You pleaded as you tried to move back, only for him to pull you back

''We're leaving together....are you able to run Y/n...?'' Rindou asked softly as he looked down at you, but your vision was blurry

''I-I think so.....'' You slowly nodded your head as you leaned against his chest, Rindou quickly wrapped a blanket around you, making sure to cover your head, he then helped you up, he took a hold of your hand.

''Let's go'' He said

So then Rindou ran out the room with you, his grip tight around you hand, you were sure you were gonna collapse any moment, but for some reason you still had some strength left in your legs, Rindou kept you close as he navigated his way towards the entrance, as you both turned the corner, Rindou's eyes widened in horror when he saw that the fire was blocking the entrance, he quickly pulled you close to his body, you both were coughing badly due to the smoke.

''Y/n...we have to jump straight through that fire....it's the only way now...'' Rindou said softly as he looked down at you, making sure you were okay, you were just about conscious

''O-Okay....'' You slowly nodded as you held onto him tight, making sure to keep your balance

Rindou huddled next to you, also wrapping the blanket around himself, he leaned closer and placed a gentle kiss on yourย  forehead, causing you to look up at him. His soft gaze was the only thing in your mind now.

''Let's get out of here...'' Rindou smiled slightly. You and Rindou then did a leap of faith through the fire, both your bodies collided with the doors

You both were now out of the building, just seconds later, a massive blast was heard behind you, causing you both to go flying away, crashing down on the ground, Rindou's grip was tight around you, as you both rolled on the ground, however due the impact of the fall, Rindou's grip loosened around your body and you ended up away from him, due to exhaustion, you had passed out.

Rindou slowly held his head in pain as he looked around, his eyes widened when he saw the guys running towards him, he frantically looked around for you, it was then he saw you on the ground, a few meters away from him.

''Y/n...!!'' Rindou quickly go up and ran over to you, he carefully picked you up, holding you close to his body, now breaking down

The guys ran over to you both, Ran wrapped his arms around you and Rindou, holding you close to his body. Rumi ran over to you all, warm tears flowing down her face as she looked down at you.

''Y/n-nee-chan....'' Rumi's lips started shaking as she held your warm hand in hers, Rindou gently stroked her hair

''Rin, come on bro, we need to get to the hospital. Y/n needs treatment and so do you'' Sanzu said softly as he bent down infront of him, his gaze then went onto you, a small frown on his face, he gently stroked your hair

''These burns aren't going to heal themselves...come on'' Sanzu gave his shoulder a reassuring pat, he picked Rumi up in his arms.

Rindou quickly wiped his tears and picked you up bridal style, Mikey had already called your doctor and she arrived with the ambulances. Rindou was with you inside the ambulance, as it whizzed over to the private hospital.









You were now admitted into hospital, your condition was far more worse than Rindou who had just a few burns here and there, whilst he was getting treated for his burn wounds, you were getting treated by the best team in the hospital. Your breathing was the most affected because the smoke had entered your lungs, so you were put on a ventilator. Just like that Rindou's burns were healing but you were still unconscious. Days passed and the guys were waiting for you to wake up.

In particular, Rindou and Rumi never left your side, of course with what happened to you was painful to see and hear, but the truth about Rumi was haunting them, Ran and Rindou were the most affected after hearing the truth about Rumi, but they didn't treat Rumi any different from how they had always treated her. She was still their little sister at the end of the day, in any case, hearing the truth just made them more over protective over Rumi. Now, of course, Rumi still doesn't know about her true origin and the guys had promised each other not to say anything to Rumi, she was already hurt and it was better if this matter stayed secret.

Rindou was currently told to go back home and rest up, as was Rumi and Ran, Mikey had specifically ordered for this to happen so of course they had to obey his orders. Mikey was currently sat in your room, watching over you. He was gently stroking your hair as he looked down at you, a small frown sat on his face.

''You've been through so much pain haven't you, Y/n. The way them b*stards hurt your body, used you mercilessly. You were probably thinking that dying was the only way....'' Mikey spoke up as he stared at the wall, whilst he continued to stroke your hair

''But you know....we don't care how you came into this world...I know Rin for sure doesn't. You're not a mistake at all...in fact we are glad we met you...and we want it to stay like this...'' Mikey's soft voice was all that was heard in the quiet room

''When you weren't yourself, you needed so much care...and I know Sanzu definitely loved taking care of you...we all do. So, you have to wake up, Y/n. You have to wake up for Rin, you have no idea how much that idiot loves you...'' Mikey added as a tear escaped his eye

''You and Rumi-chan are so precious to Rin and everyone knows that. That little bean is waiting for her Y/n-nee-chan to wake up, so please, you have to wake up alright'' Mikey added as he looked down at you,

''Rin is waiting for his baby. And we are all waiting for our sweet Y/n to wake up'' Mikey smiled as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. What Mikey didn't know was Sanzu was standing near the door, and had heard everything, a tear escaping his crystal blue eyes

*Two weeks later*

Rindou was on his way to the hospital after dropping Rumi back home, it was safe to say Rindou wasn't taking care of himself at all, it had been two weeks and you showed no sign of waking up, his eyes were drained of their life. Rindou was walking through the corridor now, when he bumped into someone.

''Doc? Any news?'' Rindou asked tiredly

''Y/n is awake now. However, I need to do a few checks, after that we'll move her into another room, then you can meet her'' Your doctor smiled at him, Rindou's eyes widened, a tear escaping his eye

So then after the doctor did a few checkups on you, she gave the green light for you to be moved into another room, but you had be under strict observation. Rindou's chest was aching but with aching with happiness in the sense that he couldn't wait to see you, hold you again, hear your voice. With shaky hands, Rindou slowly opened the door to your room, he slowly peak in and saw you sat on the bed, you still had cords attached to your body, however, your eyes showed no life, you were exhausted, Rindou frowned as he looked at you. Hearing the door open, you looked over and saw Rindou, your heart aching too now, a tear escaped your eye as you looked at him.

''Why did you save me, Rin.....?''
