
(Flashback to a few hours before)

Rumi had just fluttered herself eyes open, gritting her teeth because of the pain, she carefully took the covers off and looked down at the bandage around her belly, she gently touched it.

"It still hurts..." Rumi pouted as she let out a sigh. She turned around and saw the time. It was 4 am in the morning.

Rumi held her head as she remembered the past events in her life, events that she had forgotten. Events that she now finally remembered but for what though.

"Why would I suddenly remember that place...? What happened to me when....?" Rumi questioned herself as she was in thought.


"Wait a minute....I remember seeing a person tied to a chair....if I remember correctly, is was a lady...."

"Who's that lady then....why am I remembering something I don't even remember....??

"Why am I feeling restless....??"


"Y/n-nee-chan...? What if this lady was Y/n-nee-chan....if so that means I have already seen her before....but why didn't I recognise her....Rumi is not smart for all of this..." She groaned as she ruffled her hair

"What if Y/n-nee-chan is being kept in this place...maybe this place is where she is....what if I can find this place and that can lead me to Y/n-nee-chan."

Just as Rumi was thinking about everything, a sudden voice appeared in her head which startled her.

"Rumi, if you can hear me....please come and find me...."

"I'll guide you to me, come to me"

Rumi's eyes widened in shock as she froze, Rumi
held her head as she closed her eyes

"Y/n-nee-chan....is that you speaking to me...?!" Rumi spoke up in panic as she slowly got up from
her bed


Rumi walks over to her wardrobe and got her backpack out, she filled it with essential things, she also grabbed placed the tracking device in her bag incase anything happens, the signal will reach the guys.

"Maybe I can find Y/n-nee-chan by myself now....kami-sama please help your little Rumi" Rumi put her hands together and prayed

Rumi opened the room door and tiptoed out, she walked to Rindou's room first, slowly opening it, she peeked through and saw Rindou fast asleep. She walked over quietly and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I'll go find Y/n-nee-chan, Rin-nii-chan, just please forgive Rumi for leaving on her own...." Rumi whispered before she walked out, closing the door on the way. She went to Ran's room too and also kissed him goodbye

Rumi then walked down to the basement garage. She grabbed her torch and looked for her old bike, when she found it, she moved it to the entrance. Slowly opening the latch, she opened the garage entrance. Walking out, a cold breeze hit her body. She mounted the bike.

"Goodbye Uncles, Nii-Chans, Rumi will be back soon" Was the last thing Rumi said before she whizzed off

(End of flashback)








Ran and Rindou had just entered Rumi's room, however they were met with shock when they were greeted by an empty room, which surprised them both.

"Rumi?!" Ran yelled as he started looking around, Rindou did the same


"She not here! Rin, search the house!" Ran ordered as they both stormed out of the room

Ran and Rindou were now frantically searching the house, the guys all found out about Rumi going missing, which shocked them all, so they all started looking around.

"Mikey, did you find her?!" Rin asked worriedly and hopefully, but for nothing

"Rindou!! Ran!! Look at this!!" Izana yelled as he came storming in, Rindou's eye widened

"I found this note in the basement garage. And the door is open" Izana announced, the guys's eyes widened in horror

๐Ÿ–Š Rin-nii-chan, Ran-nii-chan, uncles. I think I know where Y/n-nee-chan is, I am going to find her. I'm sorry for leaving off like this....I'll be back soon....

Rindou and Ran's eyes stared at the note in horror.

"Why Rumi....?" Rindou's voice trailed off









(With Rumi)

Rumi was currently riding her scooter, it was dark outside but she wasn't scared one bit, she had a weird feeling bubbling inside her. The cool breeze was blowing against Rumi's face as she whizzed through the streets. Her heart was racing, not from the fact that Rindou and Ran are going to scold her, she isn't worried about that, it's the fact that she might end up finding you. Rumi had been following the directions that the voice in her head was giving her.

Now yes, Rumi had her doubts about the whole situation, but she her instincts were telling her to follow the voice. Even if the voice told
Rumi that it was you that were conversing with her, Rumi wasn't fully sure.

Let's just hope that Rumi doesn't get into any trouble.

After what seemed like forever, Rumi made it to a secluded are near the forest. She came to a stop as she stared at the entrance of the forest. She looked carefully at it.

"Is this really the place....?" Rumi mumbled as she looked around. It was dead silent. Not a single soul in sight. Letting out a sigh, Rumi just decided to walk ahead now

Rumi was walking through the forest, being careful and quiet as possible. It was getting colder and colder, Rumi rubbed her hands together as she continued her walk. After like 10 minutes, Rumi came to an opening in the forest. There she came to a complete stop when she was met with an abandoned building. A massive building in the forest, however, it was in tact, just covered with bikes and greenery.

"What is a building doing in the forest?" Rumi mumbled as she stared at it. It gave of eerie vibes but at the same time, Rumi needed to find out what was going on

"I guess I have to go inside then....come on Rumi, you got this...." Rumi cheered herself on as she zipped her coat up and held her bag close to her body

Rumi then began walking closer, she was looking at the building at the whole time. There was something written on the front of the building, it read smudged but Rumi was able to read it. She looked carefully.

"Humabiologic X ...." Rumi mumbled as her eyes widened, soon coming to the realisation

"This really is the place...huh..." Rumi's voice trailed off. Then all of a sudden, Rumi felt a sharp pain in her head, causing her to clutch her head


"Why does it hurt....?" Rumi gritted her teeth in pain. She slowly made it to the entrance.

Rumi grabbed onto the handle and opening the door, she walked in. However the door slammed shut behind her, causing to yelp in surprise. Rumi started panicking as she tried to open the door, but to no avail. Sweat rolling down her face. She looked back and gulped.

Surprisingly, there was still light inside. Rumi started to walk slowly, random noises were heard here and there, starling Rumi.

"I ain't scared.....I ain't scared...." Rumi kept repeating to herself to help her keep going.

Rumi was walking and walking, until she came across a corridor, she walked ahead carefully, looking in both sides.


Rumi saw light coming from one of the rooms, so she quickly but quietly ran over to it, she looked though the glass barrier and her eyes widened in horror.

"Y/n-nee-chan...?" Rumi's voice trailed off as tears flowed down her face as she stared at you through the barrier

"Welcome back, Rumi." A voice echoed through the corridor, causing Rumi's heart to drop, she immediately turned around and saw an individual standing there

"W-who are you...?" Rumi's voice shook as she started to move back, sweat was rolling down Rumi's forehead


"Your friend. Don't you remember me?" The person cooed as they moved closer to her, Rumi's eyes widened

Rumi made a run for it until she felt a sharp pain on her head, Rumi's vision was getting blurry as she collapsed on the ground.








Rumi fluttered her eyes open, only to find herself tied up something. Her eyes widened in horror as she tied get out, but to no avail. Rumi then noticed something, there was a thin tube attached to her belly, a needle was inserted in the tear drop mark which was drawing some blood. Warm tears were flowing down her face

"Rin-nii-chan......" Rumi pleased quietly as she broke down. The door opened, revealing the individual, which was Kisaki and another.

"Hello Rumi." Said the women. She walked up to Rumi and wiped her tears

"Stop crying my child..." She said gently as she patted her head. She then slowly took the needle out of Rumi's tummy and gently wiped the blood off, soon applying a bandage over it

"All done." She smiled, Rumi looked at with blurry eyes.

Rumi's eyes were getting heavier and heavier, the woman had walked over to a desk and placed some blood on a glass slide. She then inserted the glass slide in a machine. After 30 seconds, the glass slide came out and the blood was clear. She then walked over to something. She inserted the glass slide into the small opening.



"Perfect." Said the woman.

"Wow, she looked exactly like her. I got to say Mrs Haitani, you really did it." Kisaki chuckled as she walked over to her

"Hard work pays off" Was all she said

"Now.....let the game begin...." She added as she walked out of the room, Kisaki also following behind her








(With the guys)

"Mikey....Rumi's location just dipped, I can't see where she is anymore..." Koko's voice trailed off, Ran and Rindou stared at the tablet

"Let's go to where she was last located then....we'll scope around from there." Mikey said

Ran and Rindou's POV

"Rumi, please be safe baby"
