
Zhang then stops over at a small fast food restaurant, parking his car a bit further ahead. Mikey then got out of the car.

"Uncle Mikey, Rumi wants chicken nuggets and milkshake" Rumi smiled widely as she looked at Mikey through the window. Mikey smiled as he ruffled her hair

"Of course, does Rumi-Chan want anything else?" Mikey asked softly as he bopped her nose

"Hmmm....some chips/fries, pretty please" Rumi pouted as she fiddled with Mikey's fingers, earning a chuckle from Mikey

"Alright you little bean. Uncle Mikey will be right back" Mikey smiled as he grabbed his phone and was ready to leave

"Does anyone else want anything?" Mikey asked, they all shook their heads, earning a nod from Mikey. He then popped in his shades and walked away

Mikey then walked into the fast food place, he scanned the inside and it just seemed like any other normal fast food place you'd find. He walked up to the counter.

"Ni hao. [Hello]" Said the cashier

"Ni hao" Mikey answered with a small smile

"Can I have some chicken nuggets, a small portion of fries and a small milkshake. Thank you" Mikey placed his order, the cashier nodded as he did some stuff in the screen in front of him

"That will be 100 Yuan please" Said the cashier, Mikey nodded as he handed some cash

"You can keep the change" Mikey said. The cashier was taken back but just composed themselves

Mikey then waited around 3-4 minutes for the order to be done. Whilst he was waiting, Mikey glanced around at the place. Nothing was suspicious as of yet. His order number got called and Mikey walked over. He thanked the cashier and headed outside back to the car. Mikey walked over to the car and handed the bag to Rumi.

"Your food is here princess. Eat up" Mikey said softly as he ruffled her hair. Rumi's eyes lit up as she took the bag from Mikey

"Thank you Uncle Mikey!" Rumi said in pure happiness. Mikey smiled. Mikey then got into the passenger seat, and then they were off.

A few minutes later, Mikey let out a sigh. Zhang looked over at Mikey.

"Is everything okay?" Zhang asked


"Look in the rear mirror." Was all Mikey said. Zhang glanced at rear mirror and saw a car following them. He shook his head

"These f*ckers...." Zhang scoffed quietly as he rolled his eyes

"Put Koko on speaker." Mikey ordered. Zhang placed the call on the screen in the car and seconds later Koko picked up

[On Call]

"Koko, there is a car following us. Split off okay"

"Oh? Okay, I can see the car too now. lol these idiots are really asking for it aren't they?"

"Good. We're gonna take over the car you, Kaku and Izana are in. After Zhang fired the signal, your car is gonna take the other route. If they follow you keep an eye on them."

"Sure thing."

[End of call]

Zhang then speed up the car a bit. He glanced over at the other car that had Koko, Kaku and Izana inside. Ran and Rindou were busy with Rumi whilst Sanzu Mikey and Zhang were keeping their eyes on the car that was following them. When the road was splitting into two separate road that was the cue. Zhang turned right and the Koko turned left.

The car that was tailing them went right, meaning they were following Mikey and guys. Sanzu clicked his tongue.

"I knew it.." Sanzu said as he rolled his eyes

"They probably were watching you Mikey." Ran announced. Mikey then looked back and put his hand out for Rumi, Rumi smiled widely as she got into Mikey's arms, sitting in his lap now. She snuggled into Mikey's chest.

"Cover your ears, princess. Don't take them off until I say so okay?" Mikey said softly. Rumi looked up and pouted

"Okay..." Rumi said. She placed her hands over her ears now. Zhang looked through the rear mirror and saw the three of them smiling widely.

Ran, Sanzu and Rindou got their guns ready. They opened the back windows and the sun roof on top. Sanzu stood up and looked out through the sun roof and pointed his gun at the car behind them. Ran and Rindou took the windows and pointed their guns at the car too.

"Sayonara~" Sanzu grinned widely as he pulled the trigger

*Multiple bangs*

Sanzu, Ran and Rindou fired multiple shots at the car, Mikey's gaze was focused on Rumi as he gentle rocked his side to side, with his eyes closed. Rumi couldn't hear anything so had no idea what was going on. Zhang focused on the road ahead. The car's wheels were busted, causing it to lose control and go off road, crashing into the bridge it fell into the sea underneath. Just as Sanzu and the brothers were about to enter back in the car, something caught their eyes. A helicopter was now following them.

"Let me handle this one. They getting annoying now" Sanzu said a serious tone. Ran and Rindou looked at each other

"Don't miss." They both said in unison, earning a gasp from Sanzu

"B*tch, who do you think you're talking to? Bonten's number 2" Sanzu scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Ran and Rindou chuckled

"I love annoying him" Ran smiled as he shook his head

Sanzu pointed the gun straight up at the helicopter. He kept his focus right at the target. He fired two shot and smoke was coming out of the helicopter, it was out of control now. Sanzu smiled as he waved at the helicopter.

"Sleep in peace" Sanzu yelled as he cupped his mouth. Seeing the helicopter get lower and spin out of control brought a satisfactory smile on his face


The helicopter crashed into the mountains close by. Sanzu, Ran and Rindou got back into the car. Mikey opened his eyes now and looked down at Rumi.

"Rumi-Chan...you can take your hands off now..." Mikey said softly as he gently ruffled her hair. Rumi looked up at Mikey and smiled

"Uncle Mikey....can Rumi sleep here?" Rumi asked as she looked at Mikey, he smiled at her, he then rested her head gently back on his chest

"Sleep well little one." Was all Mikey said as he gently stroked Rumi's hair

After an hour, the cars arrived at a building. It was an oriental styled building. To make it blend in with the rest of the houses in the neighbourhood. The guys all got out and looked at the building.

"I can get used to this" Sanzu smiled widely

"Took you guys long enough" Kakucho spoke up, causing the guys to look over, Izana, Kaku and Koko were waiting on the car bonnet.

"Can I hold Rumi-Chan?" Kakucho said as he put his arms out. Mikey placed Rumi gently in Kaku's arms

"They've been dealt with now. Come on. Let's get inside. We'll rest up first." Mikey said as he walked in, the rest following

"Zhang. Thanks for picking us up. But you should go and rest too. We'll talk tomorrow." Mikey smiled as he patted his shoulder. Zhang smiled

"Sure thing. Rest well people" Zhang chuckled as he waved at them before driving off.

They all walked inside. Kaku walked over to a room that seemed floor it was for Rumi. He walked in and placed her down on the bed and covered her body with the duvet. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Good night friends~" Sanzu grinned widely as he waved his hand at everyone before walking over to his room
