'Unexpected illness or wonderful news'


"Amora!" Cedric called cheerfully into the house as he stepped through the door. He was automatically confused when he didn't hear a reply, "baby?"

Cedric walked around their the silent house, eventually making his way up the white-wooded stairs, hear the slight barfing noice coming from their on-suite bathroom. Eventually running towards their bedroom and bursting threw the bathroom door, seeing Amora clutching on the toilet seat with her head directly over the toilet.

He automatically holding her hair out of her face as it was nearly covering her mouth, he gently rubbed her back as she coughed the sick out.

"God baby!" He panicked, as he held his fingers under his chin, examining her facial features, her tired eyes were dim.

"I'll be fi-" Amora admitted before she was interrupted by her self. She vomited again, Cedric taking action quickly as he grasped her hair quickly.

"What happened love?" He spoke softly, gently stroking her golden hair.

"I don't know, I was just putting the some of our cloths away and I suddenly felt sick. It's probably nothing, it could be a stomach bug or food poisoning," Amora croaked, as Cedric looked into her loveable green eyes.

"Are you sure?" Cedric worried, helping her up from the cold bathroom floor.

"I'll be ok, your worrying for no reason," Amora lightheartedly laughed as she held his cheeks.

"Your still sick, so you need to rest," he smiled, as he leaded her out of the compact bathroom. Her eyes were heavy as Cedric gently lifted her into their bed.

Cedric lifted the light coloured comforter to tuck Amora in securely, Amora automatically melted into the duvet as her body hit the mattress.

Cedric kneeled down beside her, stroking her cheek as she drifting into a deep sleep. Her emerald green eyes shut slowly as Cedric whispers sweet words to her.

Cedric pushed her hair out of her face so he could see her heavenly facial features, the flushed cheek pressed up against the snug pillow. He lightly traced her cheek bone as she drifted in and out of her sleep.

"You'll be alright," Cedric whispers, "I'm always gonna be here."


Days after Amora unexpected illness, her sickness had gonna worst which made Cedric so worried he had to make time of work to make sure she would be ok.

Amora sat at the end of her bed her thoughts, her sickness had only been in the morning and she realised the date, she's missed her period.

Amora eye widened, she can't be pregnant.

She sat still in shock, her hand moving onto her clothed stomach feeling her belly, her heart felt fuzzy at the thought of her having a baby.

Cedric walked into his and Amora's bedroom and was confused to see her sitting crossed legged on the bed, looking down at her stomach, unmoved. He looked down at her shaking frame.

"Mores? What's wrong?"

Amora lifted her head, looking up at him, "I think..."

"I think I'm pregnant..." Amora whispered.

Cedric froze, and looking into her eyes, "have you? Have you done the spell?"

Amora just shook her head, placing her tiny hand on her stomach, "I was waiting for you."

Amora noticed Cedric's wand on the dresser across the room, he walked over to it and picked it up, "then let's do it."

"It's all gonna be okay," he reassured.

Amora smiled, her eyes welling up with tears. Cedric lifted up Amora's baggy t-shirt placing the tip of his wand on her belly.

"If it's blue I'm not pregnant," Amora explained, "and if it's red, I am."

Cedric hesitated a little, eventually muttering the spelling, Amora stared at the tip of the wand for a few seconds, her wand immediately turning a dark shade of red.

Cedric grinned as soon as he realised, his large hands reached for Amora's stomach, holding it with both hands.

A single tear released from amora's eyes as she laughed, Cedric was gleaming.

Cedric pecked Amora on the lips multiple times, and cutely kissed her non-exciting baby bump.

"Our little baby," Amora cried.

"Our baby," Cedric repeated, looking up at Amora's glossy eyes.

Amora giggled at the thought of Her and Cedric's unborn child.
