

The screams echoed around the tent as people began to disappeared. Cedric grasped the back of Amora's arms as Sekani started wailing in her arms from the noice in the room.

Fire engulfed in the tent as the death eaters arrived in mists of black smoke, spells flying from their Wands. Cedric turned quickly to see both before his parent disappeared into nothingness, he grasped onto Amora's upper body making her tuck herself into his chest as they evaporate into thin air.

Amora huddled her son in her arms, protecting him at all cost as Cedric was doing the same to the both of them. The warm embrace made Amora feel safe but she didn't know if she was or wasn't. The wind blew across her face as her eyes slowly opened to revealing the black starry night above the little cottage.

Amora's breathing was unsteady as her forehead rested against Cedric bicep as silent sobs left her lips. Cedric guided Amora towards the front door of their home as she cried with her son in her arms crying also.

The warm interior hit them both in the face as they entered the sitting room, sekani whimpers as he nuzzled his nose into her chest while he kept looking up at her, noticing the tears streaming down her face.

Cedric continued to guide her towards the stairs before a loud sob left her lips as she went to take a step up the stairs. Cedric hushed her, "it's okay, we're okay."

"What if they're not," she cried in his grasp, "we left them. What if they've got them."

"They'll all be fine love," Cedric whispered softly into her ears as she leaned her forehead against his chest, his lips kissing her forehead as he whispered sweet nothings.

"We'd better get this little one to bed, it's way past his bedtime," Cedric chuckled as he looked down at his son that has drifted off in Amoras arms.

"Can he sleep with us today?" Amora whispered, as she looked up at her fiancée, "I can't let him out of my sigh, not again."

Cedric smiled at her as he noticed her protective nature come out, her protective side came out ever so often. The little baby's face was pressed up against her chest as he slept, little mumbles coming from his mouth.

He nodded as he took them both up stairway and walked her towards their room but stop to grab the blanket that was spread out in Sekani's crib. The midnight coloured cat was curled up on the white corner seat were he normally laid every night, watching over Sekani.

The furry creature followed behind Cedric as they both enter the room to see Amora laid in the cream overs with one of Cedric's hoodies a along with Sekani laying on her chest with only his little diaper on. Them both drifting in a out of sleep as they cuddled each other.

Cedric smiled at the sight while he stood at the bottom of the four poster bed with the knitted blanket in his right hand. He carefully slid into the covers and securely tucked the blanket around his son as he slept, Amora moved him onto the right side of the bed, giving him more space.

Cedric cuddled Amora from behind as a protective arm was placed over sekani lower body as he cuddled into his blanket and the sheets. As they began to drift off the feeling of soft paws pattered against Amora lower legs as Ace climbed over to her get to the boy he protect, which caused him to scoot himself to the bottom of the little boys figure and slump down against in legs to sleep near him. The soft purrs left the cats mouth as they both began to move in his sleep making the young boy cuddle into his beloved Felion.

Cedric smiled against Amora's skin as he kissed her cheek and forehead as he rested his chin on her shoulder as they cuddled close together, his arms around her waist was they drift off into the dream world.


The morning sun didn't awake the exhausted girl, Cedric made sure of that as when he woke up he blocked all the sun from coming through the windows and curtains, giving her more time to rest. Her golden hair was hidden under the hoodie that cover the top of her head as she was snuggled into the comforter, while her two baby's were snuggled into her.

Cedric quietly snuck out of their room as silently as humanly possible, making sure not to wake up anyone else. All three of them cuddled together as they slept, Amora cuddled Sekani close as Ace was curled up in a ball with his head resting on Sekani tiny leg.

Sekani grey eyes slowly open to see nothing but his own mother's face, the little boys giggled as he poked her cheek causing Amora to groan in her sleep. The lovable laughter coming from his little mouth awoke Amora from her slumber.

Amora eyes lit up as she saw her son sitting upward facing her as he giggled softly with his blanket in his grasp. His rather long curls were slightly messy as he wriggled ontop of the duvet, along with grey eyes looking around the room as he yawned slightly.

"You're look happy," Amora smiled As she turned onto her back looking up at the ceiling making Sekani crawl on-top of her and resting her head on her chest as he slumped down, cuddling her.

Amora ran her finger through his hair as he gently lifted his head up to look at her, his tongue sticking out at her.

"We'd better get up," Amora whispered gently as she picked him up effortlessly from her the bed as she jumped off the mattress. Balancing him on her hip as she lead them both down the stairwell, meeting a well sleepy Cedric sitting on the sofa with a red book in his hand along with a cup of coffee.

Amora grinned at his sleepy state as she examined his messy curls that his son had, along with a pair of plaid red pants paired with a white tank top.

At the sight of His dad Sekani jumped in Amoras arms in excitement, seeing his face light up at the sight was adorable. His little legs kicking as he babbled constantly.

Cedric looked up to see them both huddled together as they stood at the bottom of the stairs looking at him, making him placed down his book and coffee to come over to them.

"Morning sleepyhead," Cedric hushed while he picked him up from Amora grasp, making him snuggling into him, "you look all happy this morning."

"Believe me he has," Amora hummed, "cause you didn't wake us up on time." She pointed out. Cedric looked up at his fiancée and replied, "youse looked to cute, I couldn't wake youse. And after last night you need to have a good nights sleep."

"Well at least this ones happy," Amora giggled as She saw Cedric kissing his little mini-mes cheeks as boy grasped Cedric's hair slightly tugging on it.

The olive green eyes looked around the room as he was placed on the sofa near the window seat, his little hands grasping the pillow that sat on the corner of the piece of furniture. As Cedric and Amora watched over him they noticed how much he adored the littles things like holding something soft near him to make him feel secure and being around Animal. Which made Amora's insides burn as he giggled at the black cat that he was babbling too.

The Black cat gently layer against the boys leg as he was trying to talk making the little baby gently pat the cats head as he cuddled with each other.

"That kids is the cutest thing, you know." Cedric hummed as he watched from Afar.

