'Beauxbaton common rooms'


Amora and Cedric were sitting in the Beauxbaton common room, on one of the navy velvet sofas. The two new lovers had decided to skip dinner to spend time together before lessons start, sitting on the navy plush sofa with multiple book sleeves of books around them.

Amora's head was placed delicately on Cedric large shoulder. While she had a yellow enchant look book in her lap, Cedric lacing his fingers threw slightly curled hair.

"Amora," Cedric moaned, trying to grab amora's attention, but failed.

"Hmm," Amora hummed, that was the only response Amora offered.

"Mores," he tried again.

"What is it Ced?!" Amora sighed, placing her book mark in the book and placing it on the dark wooden side table near the arm of the chair.

"I'm bored."

Amora slightly laughed and rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, and reached for her book again.

"Oh no you don't," Cedric chucked, before he grabbed her hips, gently flipping her onto her back and hovering over the top of her, Cedric hand placed above Amora head.

Amora tried to say something but was cut of with Cedric lips, Amora's wrists were still in Cedric's hands, letting go of her left hand gave her access to move more, Immediately tangling her hand threw his curls pull him closer towards her granting him to kiss her deeper. She then got her other hand free from his grasp slowly sliding her hands up this t-shirt tracing his toned chest.

Amora broke the kiss, pulling away slightly and leaned her head against his forehead, and giggled slightly.

"Wow..." Cedric whispered, placing his hand on her cheek gently.

"Hmm," Amora hummed, whipping the red stained lipstick of Cedric's upper lip.

"Can I have one more kiss," Cedric smiled cheekily, making Amora giggle.

Cedric leaned in to Amora's lips lightly kissing them a couple of times, pulling away from his rosy red lips that Amora was so addicted too.

After their multiple sneaky kisses Amora rested her head on Cedric toned chest listening to his upbeat heart beat while he continued to play with her hair once again. Sitting in silence, just enjoying each other company until they where both interrupted by multiple voice coming toward them.

"What is she!?"

"What do you need her anyway?"

"She my younger sister, you won't understand unless you have a younger sibling!"

"Oh god," Amora whispered, knowing exactly who was going to come threw them walls.

"What's wrong-" Cedric asked, but was cut out my the door opening.

"Amora!" Fleur yelled, "Où étais-tu?" She was concerned about where Amora has been threw the time they where eating.

"Fleur for god sake," Amora replied, "I'm 17, I've got my own life, I don't need you monitoring every single thing I do!"

Cedric sat their looking at his girlfriend, wondering what was actually going on.

"I was checking up on you!" She said, rolling her eyes at her.

Natalia and Fleur must of only noticed the golden haired boy at that moment, when their facial expression changed when they layer eyes on him.

"Is this him?" Natalia asked.

"Yes, this is Cedric," Amora blushed.

Both girl stepped toward him extending their hand out for him to shake, which he did with a smile.

"I'm fleur, amora's sister."

"Natalia, her best friend."

"Nice to meet you," he said politely.

"Amora just letting you know, I told mother about your new boyfriend and she invited him to our annual Christmas party," Fleur said smiling at the boy, making him grin awkwardly.

"Oh and! She said his family can come too if he wishes," she exclaimed from the doorway out of the common room before pulling Natalia along with her and exiting the room.

"Well your sister is, interesting," Cedric chucked, draping his hand over Amora shoulder and kiss her temple.

"I'll send my parent a letter later to see if we can come," he whispered, making Amora smile and kiss his cheek leaving a stain of red lip stick on his cheek.

They cuddled close to each other until the end of dinner and had to separate to their own class.
