The gang is back

Gemma Moonlight was in a deep slumber, when suddenly somebody was shaking her awake. She groaned and rolled over.

"Gemma, Gemma I'm sorry but we have to leave right now." Draco said desperately with a scared look on his face.

"What? Why?" Gemma moaned and stood up. She remembers sleeping on the couch but somehow she was on the bed.

"The death eaters are coming." Draco informed. holding her hand and leading her to the closet.

"What?" Gemma exclaimed. "How do you know?"

"I saw my aunt in the garden." He explained. "I don't know when they are coming but they are going to be here soon. I packed everything as soon as I put you on the bed, I knew this moment would come."

"Oh- Okay." Gemma was now terrified. Would their parents kill them? Even if they are their kids?

"We are going over to Pansy's house. She already knows." Draco gave her the giant bag that held all her stuff.

"Wait Draco, what about Louis?" She didn't want to leave her old companion behind.

"Gemma, I promise that as soon as they leave us alone we will come see him." Draco promised, and she knew that he would keep that promise. "But right now we have to leave before our parents come and do something nobody thought they would do to their own children. Trust me, our parents are capable of that."

Gemma nodded and said her last goodbyes to a house she now called home. But this wasn't her home, her home was Hogwarts and it killed her to see it under construction again. Some areas are working but some are too damaged to even take class there.

In one hand they had their bags and with the other they held hands. CRACK! They were at Pansy's cabin. It was made of wood and rustic looking, something Gemma didn't expect considering she always pegged Pansy as a girly-girl.

Pansy was standing on her porch with a worried expression. As soon as she saw them she ran over to where they were. She threw her arms around Draco and gave him a tight hug. She suddenly pulled away and gave him a smack on the arm. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, you had me worried sick. You told me you were coming earlier this night and you didn't appear till now. I thought they had taken you. I was about to go to Malfoy Manor to look for you."

She suddenly saw Gemma and wrapped her arms around her too. "Oh goodness! I am so glad you are both safe." Pansy muttered and let go. She led them inside and gave him some hot chocolate that she had prepared a little while ago. She motioned them to sit on her brown sofa that had a nice, fuzzy blanket.

Pansy sat down in an armchair in front of them and stared. She took a sip and asked "So... what is your plan?"

"Plan?" Gemma questioned.

"Well, you can't escape death eaters without a plan." Pansy explained. "You can't stay somewhere for more than a week. At least for now."

"Erm- what should we do Pansy?" Draco was now desperate for an answer.

"You can stay here as long as you want." Pansy offered. "But, you guys know that the Mr. Malfoy will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Especially now that they are convinced that Voldemort will reward them if they carry on his legacy."

"Oh my god!" Draco groaned. "He's dead! Voldemort is dead, there is no bringing him back!"

"Yes, we know." Gemma nodded. "Harry, Ron and Hermione destroy the horcruxes but, how are they trying to bring him back?"

If they bring him back or carry on his Legacy, chaos will break loose. Hogwarts won't be safe but Gemma wasn't going to let that happen. She would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat if that meant that the students at Hogwarts would be safe. She knew how stressful it is to know that a war is coming but not knowing when. Most of the students could see thestrals now, even the tiny ones. That hurt her heart to know because they were supposed to be innocent but they grew up before they had to.

"I heard that they are going to try to turn someone into Voldemort." Pansy was disgusted with the idea. "Like, make horcruxes. That person would speak to his ghost, which doesn't exist, and be the new leader."

Draco heard those words and turned pale. He knew his dad would be the one that would want to turn into the dark lord. He loved his dad still but he was more worried for his mom. He knew that seeing that process of his father turning into an evil wizard and losing all the life and happiness inside of him until he is just a shell of a man with a tiny piece of soul in it would kill her.

"Do you know who is trying to turn into No-nose?" Pansy chuckled at the way he called Voldemort.

"Um- I don't know." Pansy voiced. "I assume that one of his old followers. Maybe Wormtail, he was his most loyal servant after all."

"No." Draco insisted. "He might be the most faithful but he is bloody useless. He can't even be a rat right."

"Well, he was good at playing a rat if Ron had him for about 12 years and he never suspected anything." Gemma spoke. "I could really use a Sirius Black pep talk right now."

The air had tension all around it. They were trying to figure out what to do, but nothing came to their minds. They all thought that Lucius would be the one that turns into Voldemort but they didn't want to accept it.

CRACK! They all looked at each other as they knew someone apparated. Pansy had a happy look on her face. "Pansy, what are you playing at?" Draco growled.

"I knew you were coming, so I took the liberty of inviting some people that I knew would help us." Pansy said and walked to the door. When she opened it Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley were standing there with a weird look plastered on their face.

"Gemma!" Hermione exclaimed and walked over to her. "How could you not tell us anything! And you, you ass Draco Malfoy! You should have sent me something!"

Draco threw his arms up in defeat as Gemma stood up and went to greet them. She walked to Harry and kissed his cheek. She then went up to Ginny and hugged her. Finally she went to Ron and gave him a tight hug. She always had a massive soft spot for Ron.

"So, what's the plan?" Harry beamed.

The original gang was back, with some new additions.

Thank you so much for 4k!!!!!!!! What do yall think of them becoming friends and fighting the death eaters??
