Game Night

When Gemma woke up she was confused as to why they were sleeping outside. Gemma looked to her side and remembered everything from last night. Her crying over Louis, Draco hugging her and comforting her. Draco still hadn't woken up, he didn't sleep much when Gemma was in a coma.

She didn't want to leave his arms just yet, so she cuddled into him even more. He subconsciously held her tighter. Gemma smiled up at Draco, she wondered what he dreamt about. Did he dream of her?

She wasn't going to tell him that she heard everything he said to her while she was in the coma, that felt like a secret he wouldn't want anyone to know. That softer side that he only kept for himself. She wished he was like that with everyone, maybe that way he wouldn't have so many enemies. She knew no one really hated Draco, they just weren't fond of him, which was fine. She wasn't going to tell anyone who they have to accept as a friend, but she hoped that everybody could get along.

Gemma knew they could get along if they tried hard enough. But she knew that Draco was a hard head and that her friends didn't like to admit when they were wrong. She didn't blame either of them, she knew that they have years of history, and not a good type of history. They would forgive them, some will take more convincing than others.

After 40 minutes of Gemma thinking of a plan to make all of them friends, Draco woke up.

Draco looked down to see a smiling Gemma snuggled up into him. He remembered why they were in a bench outside so he wasn't that confused.

"Good morning." He said to Gemma, he blushed when she looked at him.

"Good morning sleepy." Gemma chuckled. Draco groaned and stood up, leaving Gemma without the warmth that she felt a few moments ago.

Gemma stood up and walked to Louis' grave. "Good morning Louis." She waved at the grave, feeling like Louis waved back. She knew he waved back. She couldn't see it, she could feel it deep inside her.

"Come on." Draco looked at Gemma. "Let's go eat something."

"Okay." Gemma shrugged and gave an apologetic look at the grave.

They went inside, for the first time since yesterday afternoon. The place they once called home felt unsafe ever since the incident, none of them said anything because they didn't want to remember it.

Draco had told Neville and Luna that Gemma woke up, in hopes that they could lift her spirits. Apparently, they heard his call, because someone knocked on the door. Draco knew it was them. I mean, nobody really comes over to their house.

Draco went to get the door, in case it was some people he didn't want Gemma near. When he opened the door a smile appeared on his face, Gemma noticed this and was confused as to who was at the door.

"Oh hello Draco." She heard the sweet and dulcet voice of Luna Lovegood. Luna hugged Draco, she was always very forgiving.

"Hello Malfoy." Neville said with a serious tone. Neville was always one to keep a grudge.

"Gemma!" Luna exclaimed and ran to hug her. Gemma was equally as excited, the most excited she has been in a while. They hugged for about a minute, until Neville cleared his throat.

"I want to hug her too." He joked but he meant it.

Luna let go of Gemma so that Neville could hug her too. He gave her a bone crushing hug. They have been best friends since forever, never nothing romantic. They did go to the yule ball together, with a reasoning behind it. They didn't have dates so it was a last resort. Nonetheless, they had a lot of fun.

"Neville," Gemma muttered. "I can't breath."

"Oh, sorry." He let go of her and stood next to Luna, they were all staring at Draco, who was standing there awkwardly.

"Um, how much time are you staying?" Draco asked. "Because we could have a game night."

"Oh, that sounds amazing." Luna nodded. "We can stay as long as you would like."

"Okay then," Draco stated. "Game night it is."

He want upstairs to go look for some games, he didn't know if they had any. Draco hoped his mom put some in the game room, they never use that room.

After a few minutes of searching, he finally found some and called the others up here.

"Hey guys!" He screamed "Come into the game room, I found some here!"

The 3 friends went upstairs to the room and were surprised with how big it was.

They sat down at the huge table and started playing some cards. They were also drinking butterbeer that Draco had in the fridge. They had the most fun they have had in months. Maybe being friends with people that weren't purebloods wasn't that bad, they knew how to have fun.

When Luna and Neville left they were all disappointed that it was late. They were coming over next week so they didn't have to miss them that much.

Sorry I havent updated!!!! Ive had a bunch of school work but ill update more next week!!!
