
They unlikely group were now going to stay in the house of Black. They weren't exactly friends so sometimes it was awkward, but they managed.

That day a letter appeared inside the house. Nobody knew how it got there because, as far to muggles, that house didn't exist.

"Who is going to open it?" Pansy Parkinson asked. Nobody did anything, just stare at each other. They didn't want to open it because there is no way it got inside without someone actually entering.

"I'll- I will do it." Draco muttered and grabbed it from Pansy's hands.

They were all in the dining room sitting on the big table. As soon as Draco opened it, his breath hitched. "What's wrong?" Ron questioned. He looked at Harry, who shrugged.

"Read it out loud." Hermione ordered and he nodded.

"You can't hide for long. We might not know how to get inside but we will figure it out. Remember we can apparate, keep an eye out." Draco read. They all look startled, except Luna, who was still thinking what they could do.

"We need protection spells." Gemma informed. "That is the only way we can be truly safe."

"We could go somewhere else." Neville requested. The problem was that this is the safest place they have. Fleur and Bill still lived at the beach house and there weren't enough rooms there. The only other option is staying at the mansion.

"I think this is the safest place for now." Harry uttered his words. He had fear in his voice. "If the death eaters get inside we will apparate to Godric's Hollow. We will figure out what to do from there."

In the hall, another letter appeared. How were they getting inside? Gemma grabbed it and brought it over to the group. She opened it and started reading. "I don't know if you are staying at 12 Grimmauld Place but this is for Gemma Moonlight and Harry Potter. Death eaters have been sending threats to Hogwarts. We do not want to send the kids home. The staff is afraid that another war might happen. We have not informed the kids but if the threats keep coming they will have to be warned." Gemma's face was pale "This is from Professor Mcgonagall."

"We should write back." Said Luna in her soft voice.

"What should we say?" Ginny asked.

"I'll tell you what to write." Hermione offered and Gemma nodded. She picked up a piece of loose parchment and a quill she has found inside an old desk. "Hello Professor, all of us are staying at 12 Grimmauld Place. Everytime the death eaters send you a threat please notify us. If a war breaks out the children need to be safe. Might we suggest the room of requirements. No matter that, a war will not break out in the hands of us. We will try our best to take them out before they even have time to touch the school."

"Brilliant." Harry exclaimed.

"That was great." Pansy celebrated. "We need to look up something to help us have an idea of how to make a horcrux. We need to know how they are going to turn into Voldemort."

"I have a book in my bag..." Hermione informed as Ron face planted. She looked through her bag. "Here it is. It is about dark magic. Um- okay. This is the section. You have to kill your victim, splitting your soul. Then, you should perform the horcrux making spell and take the item you want to put your soul in. With your wand, drag the piece of your soul into it and it should be made."

"What's the spell?" Neville asked, looking curious.

"It doesn't say." Hermione shrugged and put the book on the table.

"Why doesn't it?" Questioned Ron.

"Because they don't want the people that are reading to make horcruxes." Pansy scoffed.

The only thing that was stopping them from beating the death eaters was that they didn't know who was turning into Voldemort. They all assumed that it would be Lucius but nobody dared to say that in front of Draco.

"Do we know who is turning into Voldemort?" Asked Luna and everyone turned to watch Draco.

"Erm- probably my father." He answered.

"Or mine." Gemma replied as well. "Well, I mean, if he was the one in charge with the dark lord maybe it will be him."

Nobody really knew what they were plotting. But if what Pansy was saying was true, they were in for a real treat. Suddenly somebody knocked at the door."

They all sat there quietly, nobody wanted to open it. BANG! BANG! BANG! That person wasn't giving up.

Who could have seen the house. The only people that knew this was here were people from the order.

Hey guys so tell me which plot yall would like the next fanfic.

1.Bellatrix's daughter goes to hogwarts and ends up with ron

2. A fred fanfic about a shy girl that ends up venturing into the joke shop.

