
It was already 8:00 AM when Gemma woke up. She looked next to expecting to see a sleeping Draco Malfoy but all she saw was an empty space. She was surprised, she never would have thought Draco would be a morning person.

She walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, Gemma then walked into the shower and turned on the hot water. She kept thinking of Draco looking at that photo. She has never seen Draco smiling as hard as he was in that photo.

After a few minutes she was out of the shower and now luggage trying to find an outfit. To her surprise, her clothes were not there. She went to look in the closet and her clothes were nicely organized on hangers and shelves. Gemma thought this was Louis' doing so she just brushed it off. She didn't know what they were doing today so she put on some jeans, a shirt and a cardigan that Luna gave her last year for her birthday.

Moonlight smiled at her mirror, looking content with her outfit. She decided to let her hair be natural and she just put on a bit of concealer and mascara.

Gemma walked downstairs, looking for Malfoy. She couldn't find him but she just brushed it off, he had to be around here somewhere.

Gemma didn't like eating breakfast so she just ate a banana and went to find Draco. She looked in the study but he was not there. She looked in the game room that she didn't know they had and he wasn't there. She couldn't find him anywhere so she just sat down on the couch waiting for him to come out of hiding. She did not check the one place nobody thought he would be at, the garden. He was in the garden admiring the roses and daisies.

He loved to smell the flowers and look at them. He always liked how delicate flowers look. When he was a death eater he would always stop to stare at the flowers, his father pushed him along everytime he stopped. Every house they went to with the dark lord the flowers would always die as soon as they stepped foot in there. Draco found that when the flowers died he was sadder than when people died.

He was in the garden for an hour, until he was getting hot. Gemma was surprised when he entered the back door. "Were you in the garden?" Gemma asked, finding it surprising that Draco would like nature.

"Oh yeah." He shrugged awkwardly "I like the flowers."

"That's nice." Gemma responded. Draco nodded and sat down on the other side of the couch.

"Hey Malfoy, I had a brilliant idea." Gemma spoke as he looked at her. "I know that when we were at Hogwarts we weren't exactly friends but I would like to be friends with Pansy, Blaise and you."

"They aren't the nicest people." Draco mentioned.

"I know but we live together and I assume you would want them to come over someday. We could throw a mini party, I invite my friends and you invite yours." Gemma smiled at her idea as she looked at Draco waiting for a response.

"I don't think our friend groups would mix but sure." Draco replied, he knew that their friends would hate eachother but he didn't want to disappoint Gemma. "Great, I will send the invitations. I thought it should be formal, what do you think?" Gemma chuckled as she jumped excitedly.

"Um, sure, whatever you want." Draco voiced not feeling excited but he would manage.

Gemma ran up the stairs and went to the study to write the invitations. To her surprise everybody had written back. She quickly opened the letters and started reading them.

Dear Gemma,

Malfoy?! Good luck with that. We miss you so much and we have this week free if you want to meet up at any of our houses. Gemma it is me Luna writing this, Neville is driving me crazy! It's Neville, and Luna is lying! We were going to send you a letter yesterday, when your owl lets you letter at our door. Luna has been getting into knitting again so expect a hat that she is making especially for you. I know your birthday is in a few weeks so she is making you a present that she refuses to let me see.

Love you, Neville and Luna.

Gemma's smile never left her face as she read the letter.

Dear Gemma,

You need to stop talking with my mother so much!! We are doing well. We wish you luck with the living with Malfoy situation. I heard on the news that you guys were getting married! Yes, Ronald is helping George at the shop, please stop by, we want to see you. It has been so long since we saw eachother, last time we were hunting horcruxes. That seems like so long ago but it was two years ago. In that new house of yours do you have a library, I need to read again.

Miss you, Hermione and Ron

Gemma didn't know if they had a library, the house was too big to remember what was in every room. Gemma didn't really want a mansion, she wanted a house or cottage in the woods.

Dear Gemma,

Her girlie! I hope you are well. Your parents are crazy if they think that Malfoy is going to be atleast friends with you. Voldemort is dead so we don't think that him being a death eater will matter much. We should meet up. I miss talking with you too. I gossiped with you more than Ginny at school! We miss you.

Love, Ginny and Harry.

Now there was only one letter left to open. Gemma was reading them quickly so that she could write the invitations.

Dear Gemma,

I miss you too! We have been waiting for someone to visit. Now that all of my children moved out it is rather boring here. I would love to make you pies. You can spend christmas here!

Kind regards, Molly Weasley

And with that, she finished reading her mail. It was time to make the invitations.

Hello, Draco Malfoy and Gemma Moonlight officially invite you for a meetup at the Malfoy-Moonlight Mansion. The attire is semi-formal. The mansion is in the magical forest at Sunflower street. When you get here please scan your invitation at the gate and it will let you in.

Please send us an owl with your confirmation.

Kind regards, Draco Malfoy and Gemma Moonlight

Gemma kept rereading the invitation to see if there were spelling mistakes but it had none. "Noen deliver this to Ginny and Harry, Hemione and Ron, Neville and Luna, Blaise and Pansy." The owl followed Gemma's command and flew out the window.

The rest of the day was uneventful, they just watched television. Gemma was looking forward for the party. She went to sleep with a smile on her face.

This is Gemma's outfit.

Hey i am going to attempt to post almost everyday so be ready!!! Remember to comment. I look at every comment so comment some funny stuff for me to laugh! πŸ™ˆβœ¨βœŒοΈπŸ
