
You and the group periodically had kept up this running out to get food for a while without suspicion for weeks. You knew it had to end at some point, you can't keep a group as big as yours hidden.

You sat down at the desk in your room, scribbling notes and thoughts down in your book, not noticing Shigaraki sliding behind you watching the pen glide across the page.

"What's this all for?" He asked as he leaned his arms against the back of the chair. "I don't really know, whatever comes to mind is what I write." You sighed.

"But I do need to talk to you," you perked up from your idle state, standing and walking over to the window. "I've been thinking about how long we can keep this up."

He slightly scrunched his face, "keep what up?" "This, running around getting food, staying hidden. Don't you think we can easily get caught?" You turned to him and sat on the window sill. "I noticed it I guess, what else can we do though?" He stared at your frame, examining you.

"Have you ever thought about leaving this place, I know you plan to kill all-might; But have you ever thought of taking the group elsewhere?"

"All-might," Shigaraki muttered to himself over the name.

"He isn't really my priority anymore..." You heard him lowly speak. "Why not?" You questioned him and moved closer to him, now laying on the bed.

"I uh... I haven't been focused on him as much." He was actively avoiding your gaze and seemed uncomfortable. "I won't push you, it's just odd. That has been your plan since you became a villain, has it not?"

Your words resonated with him for a while, it made him think. You were about to walk out the door before you heard him speak.

"I think my plans changed to... making sure your safe."
