07 .

You walked up to your room, mentally cursing yourself for yelling and using your quirk. creeping into your room and closing the door. Leaning against your door once you were in and sliding down to the floor, tucking in your knees to your chest. 'fuck' You whispered, continuously reprimanding yourself in your head.

You sigh and get up, 'Nothing I can do about that.' You thought as you walked over to your closet, taking off your clothes. now in sweatpants and a tank top, You hear a small knock at your door and a muffled female voice. "Y/n? Are you okay? Can I come in?"

You walked over to the door opening it and allowing room for Toga to walk in. As you closed the door Toga hugged you very tight, "Are you okay?" she asked into your shoulder. "Yeah. I'm alright Toga," You smiled and pried her off of you cause she was crushing you. She smiled, "I'm glad, Oh! And Handy Man wanted to see you in his room just so you know." The girl looked around your room before saying her words and leaving.

Slumping into your bed, you sigh. 'the hell does he want now?' You begrudgingly get up and walk to his room, standing outside for a minute before knocking. You here stomping before the door slowly opens and you walk in, head tilted down.

'What if he's kicking me out?' You think but quickly disregard the thought. "Sit. Over there" He grunts scratching his neck per usual, you ignore it and sit in the chair at his desk as he asked. He spun the chair aggressively making him face you, making you push your back against the chair and avert his gaze. "Give me your arm," He said in a harsh tone. You silently sighed and lifted your arm that was poorly bandaged minutes earlier.

He took your arm in his hand and examined the now falling off bandage. He mumbled something before walking over to his drawers, pulling out bandages and alcohol, then walking back toward you. You lacked attention to what he was doing until he pulled the bandages off your arm completely and examined it. "Why are you doing this?" You asked, narrowing your eyes, trying to figure out the deadpan expression on his face.
