
After a silent 30 minutes, you reached the outskirts of the city, where you and Shigaraki would be going the rest of the way on foot.

"Keep up!" You snickered before leaping through multiple windows, doors, over furniture, and more. Shigaraki hastily caught up to you, now running beside you towards the heart of the city.You both huffed to a stop in an alleyway, you could no longer run through buildings because they were all occupied now. You casually strutted your way down the sidewalk, not bothering to hide at all.

Shigaraki looked at you like you were crazy and grabbed you while walking. "What. are you doing??" Protesting your actions. "What? I'm just a natural citizen, right?" You gave him a cheeky grin.

"Bastard.. You're gonna get killed." He muttered before letting go of you and continued walking. There wasn't any patrol surprisingly around the old hideout, just some police tape and barriers.You both disappeared behind two dumpsters and took backways to the back of the old and practically crumbling bar. "Let's go, we shouldn't be here long." Waving the man closer to you as you crept in through a broken window.

"Why are we here anyway?" He questioned, crushing glass shards under his shoes. "I need to get some things, stay away from the windows." He nodded and looked around. You both walked around as if it was a foreign area to you guys. Shigaraki stayed in the main room, while you walked over to the rooms. You went into yours first, seeing the mangled state of the room.

There were little things you needed, only grabbing a few small objects and stuffing them into a bookbag you had. Various bracelets from Toga, and a hidden knife from Spinner.You grabbed a few polaroid-like pictures from your desk and a notebook before walking out and closing the door. You decided to go to the other rooms, starting with Dabi's room and working your way down.

You ended up grabbing only a few things from everyone's room. You grabbed a few clothes from each person's room, and some sentimental-looking items. Toga's knives, Dabi's staples, Twice's extra mask, and compress's pocket watch he often held with him.

Spinner and Magne's rooms got crushed when the ceiling fell in. You slowly made your way into Shigaraki's room, pushing the door open. You chuckled at how wrong it felt to be in there. A lot of stuff was broken and knocked around, but a few things did stick out.

Shigaraki's phone and a picture frame next to his bed on the floor. You crouched down to get a closer look, dusting both objects off. As expected, the phone was dead, but the picture frame was now in sight.

You examined it a little closer, realizing it was you in the picture. You scrunched your face, not remembering when he could have taken this. You went back to the night you fell asleep in his room and realized it was probably while you were asleep.

You were lost in thought and didn't notice the door open and a hand on your shoulder. You got up and turned around quickly, now inches away from Shigaraki. "ah, uh-" You tried to speak but no full words came out of your mouth.

"uh.. here." You smiled handing him his phone and the picture, turning around and covering your face in embarrassment. There was tension in the room, but it wasn't really awkward.

"Shigaraki," You called looking out of the window

"Let's burn this place."

A/N !

My sincerest apologies for not uploading, school had taken over for a while. But on a sidenote, Would you guys be open to a Discord server? So you can give your input to new books, get sneak peaks at upcoming chapters, and find more people to talk to. Let me know!
