18 .

The heroes didn't waste time trying to get down, destructively slamming down the ground. It was a 4 on 4, with Compress and Twice on the building nearby.

The league was now out in the open, no way of escaping the heroes chasing them. With one movement, Toga and Dabi grouped, as did you and Tomura. Twice and Mr. Compress were also there on the sidelines. Though of view of the heroes, on top of the building behind you.

It was still for a moment before Endeavor spoke. "Surrender villains. The show is now over. Now turn yourselves in." He seemed almost proud that he managed to 'corner' the League of Villains.

"This is far from over."

As soon as your sentence closed, you snapped your fingers, and Compress threw his marbles above the heroes. His marbles suddenly turned into various bricks, rocks, and other heavy large objects. The heroes scattered, and the three groups moved into place.

You and Shigaraki were in the middle, Dabi and Toga were to your left, and Compress and Twice were to the right. You quickly examined the heroes surrounding you. There was Endeavor, Ectoplasm, Edgeshot, and Snipe.

"How disappointing..." you mumbled. Though there were not many heroes, one did stick out and seemed to be a problem. Snipe. He had long-range weapons, and easily accessible at that.

With one swift motion, you quickly shot an Anemo arrow at Snipe. You ended up piercing his ribcage straight through, making him collapse. Edgeshot was now charging at you, while Ectoplasm created multiples of himself surrounding you all.

Twice countered Ectoplasm with his multiples, keeping them at a distance from the real fight. While you were too occupied with watching out for multiples, you averted your attention back to the battle, now seeing Toga and Tomura Charge into the heroes.

You watched for a moment about to charge but stunned when you watched Edgeshot cut them both, making them collapse to the ground. Your body filled with rage as you and Dabi simultaneously sprinted to their sides.

You created a swirl of air surrounding you, Dabi, and the unconscious companions from your group. Dabi then used his quirk to turn the air vortex flaming. You and Dabi were standing in a tornado of blue flame. The heroes watched in disbelief at the sudden action, stepping back as caution.

You bent down on one knee to check on Shigaraki and Toga. 'They're bleeding out...' You thought. Your mind went back to the hero that did this to them and your mind blurred with anger. Dabi picked up on the sudden tense air around him and became concerned.

You no longer had control over your body as your eyes started to emitting a dark red, your hands creating large flames and sparks of electricity. Dabi had never seen this side of you and stepped back. "Y/N!" He yelled, trying to bring you back. He was worried that you were going to hurt yourself. Without time for the heroes to react, you sprinted, straight through the tornado surrounding you toward Edgeshot.

You plunged your hand into Edgeshot's jaw, knocking him out and burning him all at once. The heroes were now running towards you with their quirks activated. You didn't have time to think of any other way to get out of this situation.

"COMPRESS! DABI! GET DOWN!" you screamed before pummeling your foot hard on the ground toward the heroes. You had created a large current of electricity and shook the ground beneath them, making them fall and get shocked all at once.

After you just watched them fall, you shot air projectiles down at their legs, making them immobile. You leaned over Endeavour, loving how they had to watch a villain stand over them.

"Endeavour, oh how the tables have turned, haven't they?" He snarled and tried to use his quirk to hurt you. You quickly created a sword from Geo and pointed it directly at his throat. "I do believe this is now over."

"You're crazy." He spit with venom in his tone.

"Crazy people will destroy the world for the people they care for. I suppose I am crazy, aren't I? The thing about us, is we only need to win once to ruin you."
