
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- 『ᴛᴡᴏ』-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
❝What's so special about them?❞

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

Waking up the next morning was difficult. At first I didn't know where I was and started to panic. Once I was awake enough I was able to calm down and remember I was in my bedroom in Forks, Washington. Okay Hen, you're fine. Everything is fine. When I had a steady heartbeat i climbed out of bed. It was only 6:30 am so I plenty of time to get ready. Looking outside, of course it was raining. The rain completely ruined my outfit I had out, so I put that away and dressed accordingly. Walking downstairs with my book bag and car keys I passed Olivia.

"The rain sucks." I grunted. She chuckled and shook her head at me. I guess last night was forgotten.

"Mako is waiting for you in the kitchen." She told me and continued on her way.

"Hungry?" Mako asked once I reached the kitchen.

"I could eat." I spoke as my stomach growled.

"Mom gave me some money we could stop for something on the way." He suggested.

"Sounds good. Let's go." I said him before turning around and shouting 

"WE'RE LEAVING, HAVE A GOOD DAY!" Mako shook his head and started for the door.

Plugging in my phone to the aux cord I hit shuffle on my music library. The song started and I smiled real big. It was Island In The Sun by Weezer. It reminded me of home and surfing with Adam.  After sending a video on snapchat to Adam I pulled out of the driveway. Trusting Mako I followed his directions towards his friend Anthony's house.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Both boys and myself were tired, so we didn't talk much. We stopped at the local cafe for breakfast. I was really surprised that I had enough time, but than again school didn't start until 8:30. I was fine the whole car ride until I pulled into the parking lot of Forks High School. That's when the nerves started to kick in. My car was very loud and brought attention to myself. It definitely stood out from the other cars except for maybe the lifted Jeep, but it didn't compare to my dad's Camaro. Wow way to sound like a snobby rich kid there Hen.

"You going to be okay Aunt Hen?" Mako asked. I smiled knowing he cared.

"Yea, I just don't like being stared at like an animal from the zoo." I stated rolling my eyes.

"We don't get a lot of new people in town." Anthony explained.

"Still doesn't give people the right to stalk me with their eyes." I grumbled.

"Don't worry soon enough people won't even care." Mako said trying to make me feel better.

"Alright get your butts to class." I told them while ruffling Mako's hair.

"See ya later, Hen." Mako said before jumping out of the car.

I took a deep breath before exiting the car with my book bag. Not caring to make friends just yet I put in my headphones with the volume on my phone turned up all the way. Humming along to Misery Business by Paramore I made my way to the Office. Making my way there I was already wanting  to book it back to my car and flee. Take a fucking picture it lasts longer people! The receptionist didn't make feel any better. She was way too interested in my life for my taste. Well I guess the best Neurosurgeon at Forks Hospitals little sister coming to town is a big deal.

Following the map the she devil gave me I headed to my first class which Thank the Lord was photography. At least I'll start the day with something I like. Maybe this was a sign that my day would turn out okay. Of course with my luck I just jinxed myself. I found the room without getting too lost. Not many students were here yet, so I was able to get a decent seat. I chose one by the window towards the middle hoping to hide myself.

Grabbing my camera and notebook out of my bag I started playing around with the lyrics I had writing on the page. Soon the bell rang and I noticed not a lot of people chose to take this class. Great so much for not sticking out. The teacher was about to start talking when the door was pushed open and I pretty blonde girl with pale skin tripped into the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late." She said with red cheeks which was probably from running to class.

"Okay so Welcome to Photography. Today I am going to go over what we will do over the school year and then you will pick your partner for the year." the teacher spoke.

Her name was Mrs. O'Connor according to the board. It didn't take long for her to get through the syllabus. She explained that our first project would be done with our partner. The project was going to consist of a family tree collage. Thankfully we were able to pick the partner. Surprisingly it didn't take me to long to find one because the pale blonde girl that was late came right up to me.

"Hey I'm Lili and you seem chill. Wanna be my partner?" She asked without breathing in between words. Was she nervous to talk to me or something?

"Nice to meet you. I'm Henley and sounds good partner." I smiled at her hoping she would stop bouncing up and down.

Lili turned out to be really sweet. She told me the ins and outs of the school. You know who to talk to and who to avoid. I was even invited to sit with her and her boyfriend at lunch. Thank God I wouldn't look like a loner. Unfortunately I didn't have anymore classes with her so I was on my own until lunch. My next class was AP English, yea I guess I'm kind of smart.

The teacher just went over the syllabus which I was happy about because I wasn't in the right state of mind to retain copious amounts of information. My lunch came after US Government which I have with this fairy looking chick. She had short brown hair and was only 2 inches taller than I was. Which wasn't very tall since I am only 5 feet tall.  I swear all she did was stare at me the whole period. What was wrong with the people here.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

Making my way to the cafeteria I made sure to keep my head down and have the volume for my music all the way up. If I didn't keep my head down I probably would have started a fight or made someone cry from staring at me. Am I that interesting? I really don't think so. Opening the doors to the cafeteria was a mistake. Since I hate being the center of attention everyone looking at me was making me self-conscious. I was about to just sit in my car for lunch when a hand waving at me caught my attention. Lili was standing up from her seat waving over to her table. I nodded at her and made a bee line straight towards her.

"Is it always like this?" I asked her once I got close enough.

"Well, not many people move here. You're just the shiny new toy hun. Don't worry they will get over it soon." She said making me feel a little bit better.

Lili and I were chatting in the lunch line when a boy with longish brown hair came up to her.

"Hey babe did you see the camaro in the parking lot. It must be the new girl's. It's absolutely insane. I wonder what's under the hood?" the boy rambled. We giggled at his excitement.

"Well maybe you could ask her." Lili suggested raising her eyebrows at me.

"Yea when I magically meet her." He pouted.

"Umm you can look under the  hood after to school." I offered with my hand out for him to shake.

"Babe, meet Henley Athens. Henley this is my childish boyfriend Riley Matthews." Lili introduced us. Shaking my hand he gave Lili a glare.

"A little heads up next time babe." he grumbled.

I shook my head at his childish behavior. We were getting to know each other better when the doors of the cafeteria opening grabbed their attention. I turned to see what the fuss was about and was met with the most beautiful people I have seen in my life.

There was six of them. All of them were deathly pale that made it look like they were made from porcelain.  Which was my nice way of saying they looked fake.

"The Cullens." Riley spoke telling me who the family was.

"They're Dr. Cullen's kids. I guess Mrs. Cullen can't have kids or something." Lili explained further.

"They look sick." I stated honestly. When I was about to say something else they both started laughing at me.

"What?? They do. Have you ever seen someone that pale?" I questioned trying to defend myself.

"Wow I like you Athens. Lili, we're keeping her. She is like the only girl that hasn't drooled over them and made a fool of herself." Riley said smiling at me.

"She isn't an object to be kept babe." Lili chided him.

"Don't worry Lili, my best friend Adam back home is the same way. I'm use to it." I said not even  phased by their behavior.

The rest of lunch was spent talking about how many kids struck out trying to be friend the mysterious Cullens.

"What's so special about them?" I asked trying to make sense of people's obsessions.

"It kind of helps that they are god like. Have you looked at them. I don't see a single flaw." Lili sighed.

"They are just human beings. Damn they must feel like a animal at the zoo more than I do." I grumbled out feeling bad.

"Well I got to head to class. Got to learn my way around, I guess." I said waving them goodbye. Looking down at my schedule I saw that I had Gym next. Please don't make me play basketball. One of the good things of first days of school teachers aren't that strict. All we did in class was get the dumb uniform and we were allowed to do what we wanted.

It was getting down to the last periods of the day I was so happy to be able to go home soon. My last two classes of the day were Pre-calculus and biology. Of course out of all my teachers it had to be my math teacher that actually started teaching. Math was my least favorite subject and I sucked at it. I always had to have Adam explain the problems to me. It was literally gibberish to me. Every time the teacher would stop and ask "Does everyone understand this?" I would literally scream in my head because I didn't, but didn't want to be the one to say I was confused.

I was so irritated by the time biology came around that I made some kid fall on his ass cause I was pushing through the hallway. The poor kid dropped hard and I was surprised I didn't hear a crack.

"Geez, someone isn't having a good day." Riley teased once I sat down in the Biology lab.

"I hate math." I snapped in frustration.

"Don't worry squirt you are in the presence of awesome, so be grateful." He stated with all seriousness. I laughed straight in his face.

"Y--you have got to be kidding me." I stuttered.

"My job here is finished." He spoke with a smirk.

"Thanks I needed that." I replied getting myself together.

"Don't worry Lili and I got your back now. You are official stuck with us." Riley said honestly.

"Great, I'm friends with Ken and Barbie." I joked jealous of their insane flawlessness. I just met them today and I could already tell that we would be friends for a while.

Our conversation halted when the teacher walked in. The teacher was male and looked like he was of Hispanic descent.

"Good Afternoon, I'm Mr. Molina for those who don't know me. You all look like you are ready to learn that's good. " He started off saying.

By the way he was talking and the tone of his voice made me feel like he was going to fuck up my day even more.

"I can see you all look very familiar with the person next to you, but I want to open your minds to many possibilities. With that being said I am going to assign you partners for the first half of the year." Mr. Molina confessed.

"Fuck me." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm sure a lot of the male species would." Riley commented. I Gibbs slapped him on the back of the head once the teacher turned his back.

"Dude, that hurt." He whined rubbing the spot I hit.

"When I call your name please sit at the table I assign you." the teacher instructed.

The bad thing about my name is that I'm usually called on first because my last name starts with the letter A.

"Ms. Athens and Mr. Cullen the front table by the window please." Mr. Molina called out.

"Good luck." Riley whispered in my ear as I got up from the seat beside him.

The Cullen I was stuck with was Edward I think. There was 6 of them and with what Lili and Riley told me I couldn't keep all the names straight even if my life depended on it. He was already sitting at our table once I reached it. Alright Hen he is just a person. You can do this. Yea right he is fucking flawless. Get a grip Hen. I was just about to try and introduce myself when he spoke.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen. You must be the new girl Henley." I just about fainted.

He voice was smooth as honey.

"Uh, yea hi. Sorry. I just umm. Words would be helpful." I stammered out smacking myself. He just chuckled at the mess I was.

"That's a wonderful vocabulary you have there Ms. Athens." He teased. I laughed at myself and stuck my tongue out at him.

I don't understand what everyone gossips about, Edward was a pretty cool dude. People are stupid. For the rest of the class Mr. Molina talked about the things we would be learning. During this time I doodled in my notebook thinking about anything and everything. The thing I agree on with people's gossip was he was pretty strange. He literally started chuckling out of nowhere. It's like he was having his own little conversation with himself. Don't get me wrong I do that sometimes too but seeing other people do it makes me understand why Adam questioned my sanity. Finally the bell rang and I was able to escape this prison.

"Let's go short stack. I'm dying to look under the hood." Riley shouted.

"UMM gross." I whined at how that sounded.

"Dude not like that." he whined.

"I'm telling Lili." I threatened and ran out the door.

"HENLEY, NO COME BACK!!!" Riley shouted after me.

Running out of the building I found Lili chilling by the entrance to the school.

"LILI YOUR BOYFRIEND IS A PERVERT!!!" I shouted not caring that everyone heard me.

She looked startled at my outburst then just shook her head. It was like she was use to this sort of thing.

"Whatever Henley says is a lie." Riley huffed out once he stood in front of us.

"At least you're pretty." Lili said patting his head like a dog. He pouted as we made our way towards my car. Mako and Anthony were waiting there for me.

"Lili and Riley meet my nephew Mako and his friend Anthony. Twerps meet my new friends Lili and Riley." I introduced them to each other.

They all awkwardly waved to one another. Riley spent a good 20 minutes looking under the hood of my car before Lili dragged him away. The drive home was the best part of my day. Mako, Anthony and I jammed out to my playlist. We were having a blast and it made me smile so much that my mouth hurt. It made be believe that maybe my time spent here might not be as terrible as I first believed. Boy was I wrong.

A/N: 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱-𝟰/𝟮𝟳/𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭
