
-ˋˏ ༻ ✿ ༺ ˎˊ- 『ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ』 -ˋˏ ༻ ✿ ༺ ˎˊ-
❝So if I'm barbie does that make you ken? ❞

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

The days leading up to my birthday were filled with laughter, jokes, and trips down memory lane. Having Adam around was exactly what I needed to get into the spirit. He nearly flipped out when he figured out I didn't plan my costume for halloween / my birthday.

"Come on, the Henley I know would have roped her whole family into matching costumes." Adam spoke flabbergasted.

"Cut me some slack. I wasn't in the halloween spirit." I whined not wanting anything to ruin my mood.

I was able to convince both Alice and Liv not to throw me a party. I know I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of environment. The only thing I wanted to do was watch scary movies with Adam, Emmett and Edward. Alice wasn't happy, but she settled with being able to buy me a present.

"You go all out every year Lee. No I will not cut you slack. Halloween is the best day of the year." Adam argued not willing to drop the subject.

"Duh, I was born. It instantly makes your life 100 times better." I bragged.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

"What about this one?" Alice asked holding up the 50th costume option.

It was literally two days before my birthday and we were trying to find me a costume. I doubt I was going to find one, but Alice was persistent.

"Oooo what about something from a different decade. Like in the vampire diaries with their decade dances." Adam suggests.

"I knew I was friends with you for a reason." I teased actually liking that idea.

"Hahaha, very funny." Adam spoke sarcastically.

"So sexy hippy or flapper?" I asked not sure which one.

"I say hippy." Adam decided just wanting to get out of the store.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior and went back to Alice who was looking through all the costumes. Jasper was whispering in her ear and I could see Alice chuckling at what he was saying. It was sweet their relationship. They complimented each other well even though they creeped me out at times.

I was about to ask Alice her opinion on whether I should be a hippy or flapper, but she beat me to the punch.

"You would have broken hearts in the twenties." She teased.

"You're visions would have been helpful 3 hours and 4 stores ago." I complained.

Alice and Jasper have been quite odd for the last couple days. Well the Cullen's has a whole have been on edge since Adam showed up. I would have been fine if Emmett and Edward were here. Alice and Jasper just intimidate me a little bit. Their extra abilities make me slightly uneasy as well. Not that Edward's didn't. Jasper can manipulate and feel people's emotions. I never know exactly when he uses it on me. It takes me a few minutes to figure out.

Having them around more also means that everything isn't fine and dandy. Jasper and Alice were there to protect me incase Adam went off the rails. I know Adam would never intentionally hurt me, but being a vampire was complicated. Adam was more capable of killing me. Not that he couldn't have killed me when he was human, but not the point.

All the Cullen's besides Rose were watching Adam and I carefully. Emmett was the most protective. Besides right now he is usually never to far from my sight. Unlike Alice and Jasper, Emmett's presence doesn't set me on edge as much. As funny as it seems I was less afraid of Emmett. Yes, he was tall and had god like muscles, but with me he was a big old teddy bear. I felt safe with Emmett. It also helps that Emmett can't feel, see or hear what I'm feeling or thinking. I have to willingly offer up what I'm feeling or thinking. It comes easier with Emmett.

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"Find anything?" Emmett's voice boomed out of nowhere.

"What is with you Cullen's and sneaking up behind me?" I whined irritated that they could easily give me a mini heart attack.

Turning around I bursted out laughing. I was met with Emmett wearing a clown wig and fake red nose.

"Want to get out of here?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Take the ridiculous get up off and I would consider leaving with you." I told him

"Oh come on, I am much better company than Alice trying to play barbie dress up." Emmett argued trying to convince me to ditch them.

"So if I'm Barbie does that make you Ken?" I joked.

"Ken's an ass. I'm totally a GI Joe for sure." Emmett commented with a straight face, serious about his answer.

"Whatever you say, GI Joe." I relented not wanting to bicker about something mundane.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

Without telling the others I let Emmett convince me to ditch shopping. Emmett lead me out to his Jeep and I didn't hesitate to jump into it. I know Alice will eventually notice my absence or get a vision about me leaving. Honestly Emmett could have told her he was stealing me, either way it didn't matter I was anxious to know why he showed up. I felt did however feel bad for ditching Adam, so I texted him to let him know what was going on.

"Where are we going?" I asked Emmett after we started to leave the parking lot.

"That would defeat the purpose of surprise." Emmett replied not willing to give up any details.

"This is where you take me out into the middle of nowhere and kill me isn't it?" I asked trying to get some kind of reaction from him.

"You're lucky you're cute." He told me.

The drive took us through the woods which was a very bumpy ride. It's a good thing he has this jeep or the car would not have made it. I'm also glad he didn't want to hike this because I would have passed out after 5 minutes. He would have been carrying my ass. Not that it would faze him at all.

We eventually made it to a huge clearing. It was void of everything, but a blanket sprawled out in the distance.

"What's this?" I asked my heart starting to beat faster in my chest.

Before he could answer my question he was already opening my door unbuckling my seatbelt. I let him lift me from the car and lead me closer to the blanket. The closer we got I noticed that a picnic basket and a few other things were laid on top of it. I was going to seat down, but Emmett turned me to face him.

"I know we aren't going to get a lot of time together on your birthday by ourselves, but I wanted to do something special." He spoke rubbing circles on the tops of my hands.

"And that.."

"Let me finish before I pussyout." Emmett stopped me from speaking.

"I haven't been this nervous about a girl since I was human. You are this literal angel and I didn't believe Edward or Alice when they told me about you. I shouldn't even be looking at you or talking to you because of what I am. I could tant you with this curse, but I'm too selfish to let you go. Henley, I'm tired of pretending that we're just friends." Emmett spoke with such sincerity that it shocked me.

His speech was something out of the fanfiction I read when I'm bored. I honestly didn't know what I could say to ever top that. He was this big goofball and here he was pouring his heart out for me.

"Will you go steady with me?" He asked before I could even try to begin to talk.

It was so surprising yet not at the same time because I knew what he meant. We were something more than just friends, but neither of us knew if the other felt the same. I was glad to finally know what was going on inside his head.

"I would love to go steady with you."I whispered not really trusting my voice.

Emmett let out a holler and spun me around in circles. In the moment I was the happiest I have been since my parents died and it felt amazing.

Once he set me down we sat on the blanket. He pulled out my favorite snacks from the basket which made my mouth water. I didn't realise how hungry I was. It was nice to know he wouldn't forget that I'm human and eat food because I know vampires don't. I wonder what food tastes like to them.

"So did Alice or Edward help you with this?" I teased not caring if they did or not.

"I'm highly offended at that question." He whined.

I was just going to leave it alone because I didn't want him to think I wasn't grateful for his surprise. It didn't matter what he wanted to do or how he did it.

"It was actually Rose's idea, but I scaled it down." Emmett admitted.

"I thought she hated me?" I asked confused.

"Rose is complicated. She was the one to find me dying from a bear attack. She carried me to Carlisle and convinced him to change me." He explained trying to get me to see Rosalie in a different light.

"So she's just protective." I guessed not wanting to make him say anything more if he wasn't comfortable.

"Like Edward said, she'll come around." He left it at that.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

We laid there in silence staring up at the clouds passing by. It wasn't awkward or weird. The silence didn't bother me, it was nice to have a peaceful moment together. Occasionally, we would point out shapes we thought the clouds looked liked, but other than that we just enjoyed each others company.

Unfortunately, we had to leave after a while because it was getting late. It was a school night and I didn't want a lecture from Zak about staying out too late. I also only told him I was going shopping with Alice, so I didn't want him to be mad I was with a boy late at night.

Emmett held my hand on the drive back to my house. It would take some getting use to because his skin was cold, but I didn't mind. I was excited to see where this would lead to. I never really had an official boyfriend, I just went on some dates here and there. And now I have a vampire boyfriend, not many people can say that.

Pulling up to my house, Emmett opened my door once he put the car in park. It seemed that this was going to be an ongoing thing. It was sweet of him to open doors for me. You could tell in the little things that he wasn't born in this decade. Not that many people would notice because he blends in well.

"I had a great time Emmett, thank you." I said not sure how to put how I was feeling into words.

He didn't say anything for a minute. He just stared into my eyes. It was like he was looking for something or trying to make a decision.

"Fuck it." He muttered.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine. The kiss was short, but left me breathless. I could tell he was struggling with being this close to me when he quickly let me go.

"Leave your window open." He whispered giving me one last kiss to my forehead.

I watched him get in his jeep and drive off before heading inside. I couldn't stop smiling. Lili was going to flip when I tell her. Walking in such a daze I didn't hear or smell Liv and Zak cooking dinner.

"What's got you all smiley?" Liv teased.

If I could look at myself I would probably find it comical at how big my eyes got. I was caught so off guard that I couldn't think of a response.

"Which boyfriend is it?" Mako joked.

"Boyfriend, what boyfriend?" Zak asked looking like he was ready to murder someone.

"Edward isn't my boyfriend." I blurted out not thinking of what I was saying.

"So, Emmettt is?" Mako asked realising what I said.

"Uhhhhhh I got homework!" I shouted running up the stairs to my room.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

Zak and Mako kept pestering me about Emmett through out dinner that I had to fess up. I was such a horrible liar that I knew they wouldn't of believed me if I kept saying he wasn't my boyfriend. Liv was super excited to talk about him and Zak just wanted to be the over protective big brother. I'm glad Emmett is indestructible to humans.

I was up later than usually doing homework and waiting to see if Emmett showed up. He asked me to leave my window open, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure he was coming.

"What are you still doing up?"

I turned to see Emmett climbing through my window. His eyes were a bright golden color telling me he went hunting after dropping me off.

"Homework, plus my brother is annoying." I answered his question.

"What he do?" Emmett wondered laying down on my bed.

"I may have had to admit that I have a boyfriend and he wants to meet you, so he can threaten you." I whined not wanting them to meet just yet.

"That's all." He joked.

"You're lucky you're bulletproof." I stated gathering up all my school supplies and putting them back in my bookbag.

I quickly joined Emmett on my bed and got under the covers. He pulled me in closer, so I was tucked into the side of his body.

"You should get some sleep." He said combing his hand through my hair.

"Night Emmett." I whispered

"G'night Angel." was the last thing I heard before sleep took me.
