
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- 『ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ』-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
❝ He probably just wants to refer you to a mental asylum ❞

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

I have been going to Forks High for about 2 weeks now. I have grown really close with Lili and Riley. I have even started getting closer with Edward Cullen. I swear that kid is going to be my best fucking friend. It is so going to happen. Lily and Riley are amazed that I close with a Cullen. I honestly feel bad for them. Maybe they have trouble communicating with people. Or they are like me and just hate people in general. I talk with Adam almost everyday to keep up with what's going on in my hometown. I miss California and surfing, but Forks is sort of growing on me a little bit. By little I mean the most acute amount. 

"Let's go Henley we'll be late for school if we don't leave now!" Mako shouted from downstairs. 

Finishing up my makeup I threw my books into my bag and rushed down the stairs. We made it to school just in time for me to step into the photography classroom a minute before the bell rang. 

"Alright class today we are going outside to take some photos for your portfolios." Mrs. O'Connor announced.

 Following everyone outside I looped my arm with Lili's. Taking pictures of the forest got boring, so Lili and I started having our own little photo shoot. After we started having fun the class went by pretty quickly. 

English was always one of my better classes, so I didn't mind sitting through it. It was even better that Edward was in this class with me as well. I didn't notice him in the class until about a couple of days into the school year because he sat towards the back.

 "Come on Eddie just admit you have this undying love for me. We can all see it." I whispered to him while we're supposed to be reading some play. 

He didn't say anything, just shook his head instead. 

"Dude you're ruining this epic friendship." I whined trying to get some sort of response. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you're crazy." Edward finally spoke. 

"Yup." I smiled unfazed by his question. The rest of the class went on like that. Me annoying Eddie and him questioning my sanity. 

U.S. Government was boring as usually, so I just doodled in my notebook for most of the class period. That was until I felt like someone was staring at me. Come on I thought people got past this. Looking up from my drawing I scanned the room for the stalker and found the pixie looking Cullen. Her name is Alice, use it. I scolded myself. She didn't even act like she was embarrassed to be caught. Look away bitch. 

Before I could do anything she snapped back around in her seat and began sketching something real fast. It was like she was possessed or something. In no time the bell rang and I was left in shock. Walking from U.S Government feeling creeped out more than ever, trying to process what I just witnessed put me in a trance. Before I could sink in further to my thoughts my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. 


I sighed in annoyance and answered it. 

"Hey Liv can't talk long. What's up?" I asked confused on why she called. 

"Hey Sweetie. Zak forgot his briefcase and I wondering if you could drop it off to him after school?" 

"Yea no problem. I'll see you later." I rushed and hung up.

Way to be a bitch Hen. I really couldn't help it, Olivia has been riding my ass about everything. Asking how my day is, telling me it's okay to break down, and shit like that. I get that she means well, but you being in my face all the time when I'm home isn't helping. Shaking off the conversation I made my way to the cafeteria to find Lili and Riley.

 "Hey guys." I said once I reached the table they were sitting at. 

"So how's your friendship plan working?" Riley teased me.

 "Just you watch Riley. I am going to befriend the Cullen's and leave you in the dust." I taunted not really meaning a word I said. My personality isn't for everyone and I get that.

"Okay I take it back." Riley started to speak. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"You might actually be getting somewhere. Edward and Alice Cullen are staring your way." He explained. 

"See I got under his skin. Now he wants to know about me. Not that I blame him I'm fucking awesome." I bragged. 

"He probably just wants to refer you to a mental asylum." Lili joined in on the conversation. 

"NOT NICE!" I shouted hitting her on the back of the head. 

"Okay it's getting kind of creepy. Get them to stop." Riley said while Lili whined about her head. I turned in the direction of their lunch table to see that they were talking with their siblings.

"They aren't staring now." I stated turning back to face my friends. 

"Whatever they're just weird." He grumbled. 

"And you're not?" I questioned him not really liking that people talk about others behind their back. 

"It's just strange how they stick to themselves. Don't they want friends?" Lili wondered. 

"Not when everyone stares and criticizes you." I told them. 

I slumped back in my seat trying to ignore them, but they kept staring at me in surprise. 

"See you're staring. Whatever I'm just gonna head to class."I said grabbing my things. I threw out my trash and headed to the doors. 

"Hey Henley wait up?" someone called out to me. Confused  I turned around to see Edward walking my way. 

"Whats up?" I asked him. 

"You left this in English." He said handing me a notebook. Grabbing it I noticed it was my journal. 

"Oh thanks. I didn't even notice that it was missing." I spoke in surprise. 

"Well I'll see you in Biology." He said making his way back to his siblings. 

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📷⋅.} ────── ⊰

I was in a daze for the rest of the afternoon. Scared that Edward might have opened my journal and seen all my rants or little stories. My whole life is pretty much documented in my journals as well as my song lyrics. There weren't many songs that were written in there, just some lyrics that don't really have much of a story to them. It was something I did when I was in a funk. I don't know why this bothered me so much. It's not like I haven't lost my journals before. I can be forgetful sometimes and have left them lying around before. I tried to shake this weird feeling off before I walked into Biology. 

I was determined to question Edward about my journal when I got to class, but once I entered the classroom I found it ridiculous and just focused on Mr. Molina's lesson. The class was sort of interesting talking about where our genes come from which was sort of a review from the biology class I took in California.  Not one word was discussed between Edward and I cause I didn't feel like freaking him out any further today with my odd behavior. That might have not been the right approach because when the bell rang Edward stopped me before I left.

 "You okay you don't seem yourself since lunch?" He asked. 

"Ummm, yeah I'm just in a little funk I guess. It happens." I told him not really sure on what else to say. 

"Well I prefer the crazy antics Henley over the suffer in silence Henley." He confessed and left me standing there. 

The drive home was filled with Mako complaining about the chores Olivia wanted him to do. Which made me remember the call from her earlier. 

"Hey can you go into the house and grab your dad's briefcase and bring it to me? Your mom wants me to take it to him." I explained to him once I pulled into the driveway.

 Despite being in Forks for a couple weeks now I still have yet to explore. The only places I knew how to get to was school, the hospital, the coffee shop and the grocery store. It was pretty sad, but it's not like I can do much here without having to drive into Port Angeles. Plus it rains almost twenty-four seven, so I can't really surf like in California. Reminiscing about my life before my parents died was how I spent the car ride to the hospital. 

I walked into the huge building confused on what I should do next. This is why you don't hang up on people Henley. 

"Alright I guess I can ask the front desk." I whispered to myself. Someone was asking the receptionist questions so I had to wait a few minutes before I could talk to her. 

"Hi, I'm Henley Athens and I'm here to see my brother Dr. Izaak Athens. He forgot his briefcase." I explained to the lady. 

"Alright, sweetie let me page him for you." She said grabbing the phone. I sat in the lobby for about 5 minutes before I saw Izaak get off the elevator. 

"Hey Kid, thanks for bringing my briefcase." He told me pulling me into a hug. 

"No problem, I guess I should get back to the house." I spoke not really sure leaving Mako home alone was the best option. 

"Actually I have a little time right now and I was hoping we could talk." He explained like he was on the verge of giving me a lecture. 

Great just what I want. I just nodded hoping it would be short and sweet. I guess this was a serious conversation because he led me to his office. It was pretty plan, but Zak tried to decorate with pictures of Olivia, Mako and some of our parents and I. I smiled at a very old picture when I was about five. It was of my dad and I, he was of the first time he taught me to surf. 

"I miss them." I whispered so low that I'm surprised Izaak heard me. 

"Me too, we all do. Henley I understand your hurting, but you aren't the only one who lost them." He told me. 

"No you don't understand. You never called, or came to visit. You moved to miserable town and never looked back." I snapped trying to contain my tears. 

"Hey that's not far. I started my own family and I did the best I could." He tried to defend himself. 

"Well you wanna know the last conversation we had. It was about missing you, wishing that you were around." I threw in his face trying to make him feel like I did. 

"I'm not that one that had to be picked up,so don't put this on me!" He shouted. 

"How can you say that to me?" I cried.

"Wait..that's not..I didn't mean." He stuttered. 

"I think I should go home now." I mumbled and rushed out the door. 

"NO HENLEY, WAIT!" Izaak shouted after me. 

I was in such a hurry to get away from my brother that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and ending up on the floor from bumping into a wall. Well, what I thought was a wall. Rubbing my forehead I looked up to figure out what I hit. My mouth dropped open in shock that I actually ran into a person. 

"Fuck that hurt." I groaned trying to stand up. 

"Are you okay?" They asked not seeming to actually be worried. I then noticed it was actually the Cullen that looked like he was on steroids, Emmett. 

"Totally fine." I stated oozing with sarcasm. 

"Henley, gosh are you okay?" Izaak's voice came from behind me. 

"Stay away from me." I snapped turning to glare at him. 

"I'm so sorry kid. I didn't mean to say that." He tried to apologize.

 "But you still said it. And it came from the one person that I thought would always have my back, but I guess I was wrong." I proclaimed in frustration.

 "Hey I think you have done enough." Emmett spoke up, surprising me. 

"This doesn't concern you." Izaak snapped at him. 

"Yea well I know who shouldn't treat women like that and she is clearly upset." Emmett stated getting in my brother's face. 

"Is everything alright over here?" a new voice asked coming over to assess the situation. 

"Yea Carlisle just a misunderstanding." Izaak spoke to whom I am guessing is another Doctor here. Not wanting to lash out again I just walked away from them. 

Pulling out my phone from my pocket I dialed the one person I knew who would never disappoint me. 

"Munchkin!" Adam's voice yelled through the phone. 

"I hate it here!" I cried. 

A/N: So Henley is struggling to keep it together in this chapter. There will definitely be more of those moments to come, but Emmett and Henley finally interacted!!! Before anything moves forward for them I do want to focus on her friendship with Edward, so stay tuned for more funny antics between them. And what did Alice see when she got her vision in class??? Let me know what you think! 

𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱: 𝟰/𝟮𝟳/𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭
