63. 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 + 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠

"Ah can't seem to find it ... I swore I put it back in my pocket," Taehyung mumbled to himself, relentlessly digging through the pockets of every jacket, sweater, hoodie, and pair of pants he owned in hopes to find the very thing he lost.

It's not like it was a big deal anyways since the item was relatively small and easily replaceable, but regardless of that fact, Taehyung still found himself oddly attached to it and just wished it would turn up somewhere. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found and perhaps he'd end up finding it later on in the future.

After all, it was just some silly little clip, one that you could find at a nearby store that sold hair accessories.

That's what Taehyung told himself at least after a few minutes of giving up his search, accepting the harsh truth that this excessive search party was extremely unnecessary and just tedious at this point, especially for something as small and measly as that.

Still, it was one of Taehyung's favorite accessories to pair with any outfit — never failing to add that extra finishing touch that secured the look with a cute and dainty feel; making him simply feel pretty.

Because just like others, Taehyung did take some pride into his physical appearance, though others opinions didn't matter to him as much, he tended to spend more time picking out outfits for his own sake and confidence. It did make sense after all, since fashion and every topic under that vast category clearly stole his heart. And right alongside baking, it was something he was skilled at as well, stealing that first place in his list of talents and gifts graciously given to him since birth.

Some may call it a hobby or speciality, but Taehyung called it a lifestyle.

So obviously, when you lose something that was significant in that part of your life, it's like losing a part of yourself too — no matter how small it is.

Sighing wearily, Taehyung plopped himself onto the edge of his bed hopelessly, resting his chin in the palms of both his hands. Perhaps he was overreacting or being a tad bit dramatic, and maybe he should use this precious free time of his to do something worthwhile like baking sweets for his prospering business or emailing companies for advertisements for it.

But one day, a day in which the future clutched in its very palms, all those maybes would come down to nothing — so with that ideology set in mind, you might as well do what your heart tells you to do, right? Instead of fretting about all the possibilities or future regrets you may have when deciding to go against the practical route of the situation, the desire your heart holds is what will make you truly happy in the end. Because if it didn't have that fate, then you wouldn't be wishing for it in the first place.

However, Taehyung shoved that thought aside — rendering it silly.

It was silly, he repeated to himself over and over again, hoisting himself up from his bed to slide on his winter coat and drive to Jimin's house just like they planned to do earlier on.

But no matter how many times he tried to convince himself that desperately looking for something as tiny and seemingly useless as a hair clip was silly, that tingling sensation in his heart told him otherwise. Told him that something was wrong, and though he had no idea what it was and couldn't even gather any clues as to figuring out that mystery, it still didn't excuse for the fact that it was a bad feeling bursting inside of him.

Yet, he still shook it off, still discarded it and left the matter trailing behind him — with a conscience left to follow.


With a hair clip weaved in between strands of his thick, blond hair and oven mitts covering his fingertips all the way to where his elbow hit, Hoseok slowly crouched down onto his knees to reach for the cookie tray and lift it on top of the stove to cool.

Like many other days, Hoseok and Yoongi once again settled on baking chocolate chip cookies before they called it a night as a way of celebrating the end of the week, as it was a Friday.

By now, the recipe was practically engraved into Hoseok's memory and he barely even had to check the instruction sheet anymore which was always laid out in front of him on the counter. Usually him and Yoongi would split the work in half, with one person initiating the mixing and stirring of ingredients to form the dough, and the other gathering and measuring out said ingredients — before both worked on rolling out the dough into small little balls.

Thankfully, after making the same exact cookie recipe over and over, the process became quicker over time and eventually pinned it down to under an hour of preparations and baking included.

Which was always a good thing, even though both boys considered themselves moderately patient people, they were always eager to just get to the last and final step where they could sink their teeth into the freshly baked cookies and reminisce in the sugary sensation that it offered.

Which is where they were at now — or at least pretty soon since the cookies still had some cooling to do, but it was practically in their hands reach by now.

"Smells delicious," Yoongi observed pleasantly, taking in a long, slow whiff of the sweet aroma that filled the kitchen around them; Hoseok following along in suit as he as well bent down towards the cookies to sniff them, not being able to resist the addicting smell.

"Mhm," Hoseok hummed in satisfaction, a thin smile curling onto his lips before once again standing himself upright, now facing Yoongi directly whose eyes seemed to be concentrated on his little hair clip once again — something that hadn't gone unnoticed by Hoseok now, and also in the past few days ever since he randomly discovered it laying around.

Noticing this, Hoseok spoke up about it curiously, "Is something wrong Yoongi? You seem ... troubled," he giggled, cupping his gloved hands (which still had the cooking mitts on them) to his mouth.

Yoongi blushed, not even realizing how he had been staring — which seemed rather ironic, but in a way it did make sense since he had just grown so accustomed to gazing in Hoseok's general direction that it never even fazed him anymore when it did happen.

"N-no nothing's wrong! Sorry I just — I guess I just get spaced out sometimes," he fibbed quickly, desperately scourging up any convincingly enough excuse he could find — thankful to have found one almost right away since it seemed that his mouth just blurted out the very first thing that came to mind. Though perhaps it wasn't entirely a lie, since Yoongi was notorious for being a rather spacey person, but even with that well known fact looming the air it still wasn't the main reason as to why his gaze constantly followed Hoseok's figure.

Everyone could see that.

Tilting his head to the side, Hoseok took in the information and nodded before skipping up to Yoongi and back hugging him tightly without putting much thought into it — nor having any clue as to how flustered Yoongi grew while wrapped up in his warm hold, "Oh okay! I was just making sure, also, you got some chocolate chip stain on your lips and I just thought I should tell you."

The rosy crimson already settled on Yoongi's cheeks amplified — morphing into a bright cherry red at Hoseok's remark. Yoongi quickly wiped it off, not wanting to find any more reasons to grow flustered than he already had in just the span of three minutes.

A record, by far.

Smiling giddily, Hoseok hastily adjusted himself so now that he was face to face with Yoongi's flushed one — not caring to put any thought or deeply theorize as to why Yoongi was even blushing in the first place. Because all Hoseok saw was an adorable person, and that was enough to send him head over heels as if he wasn't already.

"Thanks for telling me, um," Yoongi stammered awkwardly, immediately averting his attention down towards the tiled floor once Hoseok made eye contact with him, "do you wanna check if the cookies are cooled off by now?"

Hoseok nodded, separating himself from the hug before strolling up to the pan and carefully peeling off two of the cookies and offering one of them to Yoongi — who graciously took it without a slither of hesitation to follow.

The two of them ate their cookies in peace, not really minding the silence since they had been non stop conversing, chattering, and laughing all evening at everything and anything — so perhaps it gave them both the chance to catch their breath and cool down steadily, which was convenient since it was nearing the time they'd usually head up to bed anyways.

But even throughout all the silence, with no other noises but the subtle sounds of them nibbling on their cookies cutting through the night air, Yoongi still found his gaze trained onto Hoseok. Not intentionally, but it was true; because there was just something so incredibly domestic about watching Hoseok eat a cookie with a small apron tied around his waist and a tiny pink clip tucked away in his golden locks — practically an exact replica of the Disney Princess Cinderella.

And Yoongi couldn't help but feel like a cloud floating away into a dreamland full of fantasies and fairylands — drifting through the sky as splashes of colors sprinkled it like a painted canvas. Because that's what he felt like every time he spared a glance towards Hoseok; simply euphoric, like he had been transferred into a fever dream or some faraway land in which it was untouchable by a mortal's reach. Whatever illusion he had created for himself, it was one worthwhile all the hours he spent constructing it in his sleep — making it seem and feel so incredibly real that he nearly believed it was.

It was just too bad Hoseok didn't have access to his dreams — making it scientifically impossible to see what kind of spell he had casted Yoongi under.


